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         Highsmith Patricia:     more books (98)
  1. Talking To ... by Peter Burton, Quentin Crisp, et all 1991-07
  2. Ripley entre deux eaux by Patricia Highsmith, 1993-05-01
  3. Ripley En Peligro (Spanish Edition) by Patricia Highsmith, 1992-04
  4. El Hechizo de Elsie (Spanish Edition) by Patricia Highsmith, 1997-05
  5. Der Ferienkrimi. Ein mörderischer Sommer. by Agatha Christie, Ruth Rendell, et all 2002-04-01
  6. Ese Dulce Mal (Spanish Edition) by Patricia Highsmith, 2003-07
  7. Catastrophes by Patricia Highsmith, 1992-12-01
  8. Ellery Queen's Eyes of Mystery by Hal Ellson, Patricia Highsmith, et all 1981-10
  9. Ces gens qui frappent à la porte by Patricia Highsmith, 1992-05-01
  10. Strangers on a train by Patricia Highsmith, 1968
  11. L'amateur d'escargots by Patricia Highsmith, 1991-10-02
  12. Das Zittern des Fälschers. by Patricia Highsmith, 2003-06-01
  13. On ne peut compter sur personne by Patricia Highsmith, 1997-10-15
  14. Drei Katzengeschichten. by Patricia Highsmith, 1995-10-01

81. The Animal-Lover's Book Of Beastly Murder - By Highsmith, Patricia
The AnimalLover s Book of Beastly Murder. Mystery Detective Book Review. AUTHOR highsmith, patricia ISBN 0393323668 Compare price for this book.
The Animal-Lover's Book of Beastly Murder
AUTHOR: Highsmith, Patricia
ISBN: 0393323668
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The Animal-Lover's Book of Beastly Murder
- Book Review, by Highsmith, Patricia
From the Publisher

Patricia Highsmith
is the author of Strangers on a Train and The Talented Mr. Ripley. She died in 1995 in Locarno, Switzerland.
From The Critics
Joan Smith - Los Angeles Times

[Highsmith] is no more a practitioner of the murder mystery genre than are Dostoevsky,Faulkner and Camus.
Publisher's Weekly Grisly and atmospheric, these are perfectly nasty little tales told by an acknowledged mistress of the form ( Little Tales of Mysogyny. Whether it's Eddie, the Capuchin monkey, annoyed at the petty thief who employs him, or Djemal, the camel, getting back at a cruel driver, Highsmith's creatures are intelligent, vengeful and bloodthirsty. Even the aged Baron, a pampered and sophisticated city dog with worn-down teeth, finds a way of settling the score with the human he dislikes. Tales are told of a truffle-hunting pig, a ferret, a goat who gives rides in an amusement park, a sleek Siamese cat, chickens raised on an automated farm and an extended family of hamstersall sympathetically, but never sentimentally, portrayed. The stories feature small worlds of animal amorality in which the sweet taste of revenge leaves no aftertaste of guilt. It's a rich offering, best sampled in small bites. (November 5) Compare prices for this book

82. Books By Patricia Highsmith
highsmith, patricia Buchautor Information - Translate this page Buch -Autoren Z. andere. Buchautor Ansicht. Buchautor highsmith, patricia. Name highsmith. Vorname patricia. Quelle Unsere Partner. Universitäten.
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Books and Related Products Plotting And Writing Suspense Fiction by ISBN: Talented Mr. Ripley by ISBN: Talented Mr. Ripley/Ripley Under Ground/Ripleys Game by ISBN: Talented Mr. Ripley by ISBN: Ripley Under Ground by ISBN: Boy Who Followed Ripley by ISBN: Ripleys Game by ISBN: Ripley Under Water by ISBN: Two Faces Of January by ISBN: Game For The Living by ISBN: Tremor Of Forgery by ISBN: Those Who Walk Away by ISBN: Cry Of The Owl by ISBN: Ediths Diary by ISBN: Found In The Street by ISBN: Eleven by ISBN: Tales Of Natural And Unnatural Catastrophes by ISBN: Price Of Salt by ISBN: Ripley Under Water by ISBN: Der Talentierte Mister Ripley by ISBN: The Cry Of The Owl by ISBN: Strangers On A Train by ISBN: Ripley Under Ground by ISBN: Ripleys Game by ISBN: The Talented MR Ripley by ISBN: Mysterious MR. Ripley

83. Murder, She Wrote
n the page, patricia highsmith could inspire a lawabiding citizen to become a willing accomplice to murder, at least within the realm of the imagination.

highsmith, patricia. Descripción «Born in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1921, patricia highsmith spent much of her adult life in Switzerland and France.

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Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: «Born in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1921, Patricia Highsmith spent much of her adult life in Switzerland and France. She was educated at Barnard College, where she studied English Latin, and Greek. Her first novel, Strangers on a Train, published initially in 1950, proved to be a major commercial success and was filmed by Alfred Hitchcock. Despite this early recognition, Highsmith was unappreciated in the United States for the entire length of her career.»
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85. HIGHSMITH-PATRICIA-(1921-1995)
Translate this page highsmith, patricia (1921-1995). Enlace http// Fecha Alta 15/05/2004. Descripción El poder de la palabra.

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Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: El poder de la palabra.
«Patricia Highsmith fue una exploradora del sentimiento de culpabilidad y de los efectos psicológicos del crimen sobre los personajes asesinos de sus obras.» Portal Universia S.A. Contacte con nosotros

86. LESELUST: Alle Buchbesprechungen Alphabetisch - HHH
Translate this page *** Heym, Stefan - Der König David Bericht highsmith, patricia - Elsie´s Lebenslust highsmith, patricia ** highsmith, patricia - Die stille Mitte der Welt.
LESELUST - Bücher von A - Z
= neu (2.11.)
H Haas, Wolf - Auferstehung der Toten
Haas, Wolf - Der Knochenmann

Haas, Wolf - Komm, süßer Tod

Haas, Wolf - Silentium!
Haas, Wolf - Wie die Tiere. Ein Brenner-Krimi

Jetzt ist schon wieder etwas passiert. Diesmal sind es Hunde, die im Wiener Augarten plötzlich gefährlich leben - zumindest anfangs. Denn dann sterben auch die Menschen...
Haas, Wolf - Das ewige Leben

Dass Brenner nicht gerade ein fröhlicher Zeitgenosse ist, ist ja bekannt. Aber Selbstmord? Selbstmord passt eigentlich nicht zu ihm. Trotzdem wird er mit einer Kugel im Kopf in die Klinik eingeliefert. Dass er das überlebt, grenzt an ein Wunder - doch scheint es seine Gehirnzellen massiv geschädigt zu haben. Behauptet er doch steif und fest, der Kripochef von Graz hätte ihm die Kugel in den Kopf gejagt...
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Hacker, Doja - Bin ich böse Ein Mann beginnt ein Verhältnis mit einer jungen Frau - und will doch seine Familie nicht verlassen. Eine Beziehung zu dritt schwebt ihm vor - und dann wird doch alles ganz anders, als er glaubt... Hackl, Erich - Auroras Anlaß

87. A Pleno Sol : El Talento De Ripley By Highsmith, Patricia ; Book - Hardback; 843
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A Pleno Sol : El Talento De Ripley
Highsmith, Patricia
Book - Hardback
Panorama De Narrativ
Publisher: ANAGRAMA
ISBN / EAN: 8433930052 / 9788433930057 Check the precise language at Spanish ISBN Agency Delivery is normally made to you in 2-6 weeks. We do not charge you until the goods ship. PRODUCT CODE: 8433930052 USA/Canada: US$ 34.40 Australia/NZ: A$ 60.60 Other Countries: US$ 41.80 convert to your currency Delivery costs included if your total order exceeds US$50. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. Government and corporate Purchase Orders accepted without prior account application. PLACE AN ORDER To prepare to buy this item click "add to cart" above. You can change or abandon your shopping cart at any time before checkout. CHECK ORDER STATUS Check on order progress and dispatch. CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER Please E-mail us within one hour The NetStoreUSA website is operated by Open Communications, Inc an Arizona corporation, which has successfully served

88. As Duas Faces De Janeiro By Highsmith, Patricia ; Book - Paperback; 9721047511
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As Duas Faces De Janeiro
Highsmith, Patricia
Book - Paperback
Publisher: Publicacoes Europa-America
ISBN / EAN: 9721047511 /
Check the precise language at Spanish ISBN Agency Delivery is normally made to you in 2-6 weeks. We do not charge you until the goods ship. PRODUCT CODE: 9721047511 USA/Canada: US$ 27.40 Australia/NZ: A$ 47.90 Other Countries: US$ 33.00 convert to your currency Delivery costs included if your total order exceeds US$50. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. Government and corporate Purchase Orders accepted without prior account application. PLACE AN ORDER To prepare to buy this item click "add to cart" above. You can change or abandon your shopping cart at any time before checkout. CHECK ORDER STATUS Check on order progress and dispatch. CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER Please E-mail us within one hour The NetStoreUSA website is operated by Open Communications, Inc an Arizona corporation, which has successfully served the Internet community since 1994.

89. The Chronicle: 2/20/2004: Reality Catches Up To Highsmith's Hard-Boiled Fiction
By LEONARD CASSUTO When patricia highsmith s final novel, Small g, was rejected in 1994 by Alfred A. Knopf, it left the author without an American publisher

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From the issue dated February 20, 2004
Reality Catches Up to Highsmith's Hard-Boiled Fiction
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When Patricia Highsmith's final novel, Small g, was rejected in 1994 by Alfred A. Knopf, it left the author without an American publisher and culminated years of declining interest in Highsmith in her home country. Today, Patricia Highsmith is hot. Once belittled as a "dime-store Dostoyevsky," she is now being canonized as a major American artist. Nearly a decade after her death, in 1995, her popularity in the United States is at an all-time high. A collection, The Selected Stories of Patricia Highsmith , was published by W.W. Norton in 2001 and Nothing That Meets the Eye: The Uncollected Stories of Patricia Highsmith followed in 2002. Norton also has been steadily reissuing Highsmith's previous books in handsome new trade editions. In a different venue, Matt Damon and John Malkovich have taken their turns playing Highsmith's murderous antihero Tom Ripley in recent movies. Biographers and critics are arriving in increasing numbers. Andrew Wilson, a British journalist, recently gave us the fine, and first full-length, biography

90. BookCrossing Rippley Under Ground By Highsmith, Patricia - Review - BookCrossing
1 journaler for this copy This book is currently in the wild! Journal entry 1 by erika272001(71/73) from Stuttgart, BadenWürttemberg,
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Rippley under Ground
by Highsmith, Patricia category Entertainment booksellers: ...
status (set by traveling 1 journaler for this copy... This book is currently in the wild! Journal entry by (71/73) from Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Monday, January 12, 2004
Tom Ripley bleibt cool, als ein von ihm eingefäfelter Kunstschwindel aufzuflliegen droht: er lässt den toten Maler Derwatt leibhaftig auferstehen. ........
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Journal entry by (71/73) from Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Monday, January 12, 2004
Release planned for Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at Mario's Ampelmännchen in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Germany.
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More results from Slowly, Slowly In the Wind by highsmith, patricia highsmith, patricia Slowly, Slowly In the Wind. Heinemann London 1979. Pic. First edition. An ex-library copy with associated defects., Patricia

92. - Found In The Street By Highsmith, Patricia: Details
highsmith, patricia Found in the Street. Heinemann 1986.. First edition.A hardback book in VG+ condition, browned to edges, in a VG+ dustwrapper.. fiction.
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Highsmith, Patricia: Found in the Street
Heinemann 1986.. First edition.A hardback book in VG+ condition, browned to edges, in a VG+ dustwrapper.. fiction. (Inventory #1028)
  • Publisher : Heinemann 1986.
  • First edition : Yes
    [about 11.62 USD] Buy now Add to cart Shipping rates Offered for Sale By Riverside Books
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  • 93. HIGHSMITH, Patricia., Ripley Under Water.
    Rees O Neill Rare Books. highsmith, patricia. Ripley Under Water. London Limited Editions 1991. One of 150 numbered copies signed
    HIGHSMITH, Patricia. Ripley Under Water. London Limited Editions 1991. One of 150 numbered copies signed by the author., Fine in glassine dustwrapper. First Edition. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by ; click here for further details.

    94. Livraria Virtual Byblos.Arte@Net
    Translate this page Títulos de highsmith, patricia, Achada na Rua. highsmith, patricia. GRADIVA 1-5 dias. Preço Capa 14,50 € Preço Byblos 13,77 € 1-5 dias., Patricia&tipo=l

    95. - Review Of Patricia Highsmith's Strangers On A Train
    has also written as Claire Morgan (kirjasto) ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA patricia highsmith -ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA highsmith, patricia -BOOK SITE The
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    Strangers on a Train
    Author Info: Patricia Highsmith
    [Mary Patricia Plangman]
    Bruno was not the ordinary stranger on a train by any means.
    -Strangers on a Train The world of Patricia Highsmith is one in which the nice young man you ask to help find your son may instead kill him and take his place, where the cop you ask to help find your missing dog may turn out to be just as disturbed as the dognapper, and where the stranger you meet on a train may be a complete sociopath. In this, her first novel, famously made into a movie by Alfred Hitchcock , Guy Haines wants to divorce his estranged wife, Miriam, and has finally been presented with the pretext for doing so, as she's pregnant by another man. This will enable him to marry Ann and enjoy his burgeoning success as an architect. But then he meets a talkative stranger named Bruno, Charles Bruno, on a train. Bruno, the ne'er do well son of wealthy parents, wants to get rid of his father, who refuses to indulge Bruno's lazy but expensive lifestyle. He shares his troubles with Guy who in turn makes the mistake of telling Bruno about Miriam. As fate would have it, Bruno has an idea for the perfect murder, actually a double murder : two strangers could "swap" murders, each killing the person that the other wishes done away with, which would make the crimes seem motiveless, and therefore nearly impossible to solve. Guy is quite naturally put off by the suggestion, though perhaps not as entirely as he should be. No matter how much he hates Miriam, the prospect of the divorce blunts his desire to see her dead. But when she finds out how important his pending commission is, and that his career is poised to take off, she decides not to let him go. Meanwhile, Bruno takes matters into his own hands, quite literally, and suddenly Guy is implicated in a murder whether he wants to be or not.

    96. Highsmith : Kelkoo - Voordeligste Prijzen :
    highsmith,STORIES 193949 V.1, highsmith,STORIES 1939-49 V.1. Soundsamples ava highsmith,patricia CD BOOKREADING. 15,74 Koop patricia highsmith AUF DER PL.
    Uw Winkel Zoekmachine Gezocht op "highsmith": We laten u resultaten zien van totaal (van 2 winkels) Zoeken duurde seconden Home Beperk de resultaten op categorie Boeken (127) Muziek (4)
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    var months = new Array( ) var jsalert1 = "De geselecteerde datum is ongeldig" var jsalert2 = "De ingevoerde datum ligt in het verleden" var jsalert3 = "De vertrekdatum is later dan de aankomstdatum" Patricia Highsmith
    Van var months = new Array( ) var jsalert1 = "De geselecteerde datum is ongeldig" var jsalert2 = "De ingevoerde datum ligt in het verleden" var jsalert3 = "De vertrekdatum is later dan de aankomstdatum" Highsmith Auteur: Marijane Meaker
    Van var months = new Array( ) var jsalert1 = "De geselecteerde datum is ongeldig" var jsalert2 = "De ingevoerde datum ligt in het verleden" var jsalert3 = "De vertrekdatum is later dan de aankomstdatum" HIGHSMITH, P Auteur: CAROL
    Van Donner var months = new Array( ) var jsalert1 = "De geselecteerde datum is ongeldig" var jsalert2 = "De ingevoerde datum ligt in het verleden" var jsalert3 = "De vertrekdatum is later dan de aankomstdatum" BEATIFUL SHADOW : PATRICIA HIGHSMITH Auteur: WILSON, A.

    97. LaCentral - Barcelona

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