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Highsmith Patricia: more books (98) | ||||||||||||||
21. Der Bücherfreund * Krimirezensionen * Patricia Highsmith * The Cry Of The Owl * Buchbesprechung von Ludger Menke. http://www.der-buecherfreund.de/krimi/highsmith3.html | |
22. Der Bücherfreund * Krimirezensionen * Patricia Highsmith * Strangers On A Train Buchbesprechung von Ludger Menke. http://www.der-buecherfreund.de/krimi/highsmith2.html | |
23. Gerald Peary - Interviews - Patricia Highsmith Gerald Peary's cinema articles have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, and The Boston Globe, and in film periodicals around the world, including Film Comment, Cineaste, and http://www.geraldpeary.com/interviews/ghi/highsmith.html | |
24. Der Bücherfreund * Autorenportrait * Patricia Highsmith Portr¤t der amerikanischen Autorin von Ludger Menke. http://www.der-buecherfreund.de/autor/biohighsmith.html | |
25. Der Bücherfreund * Krimirezensionen * Patricia Highsmith * The Tremor Of Forger Buchbesprechung von Ludger Menke. http://www.der-buecherfreund.de/krimi/highsmith4.html | |
26. Patricia Highsmith At W. W. Norton Click to enter site, Click to enter site, http://www.wwnorton.com/catalog/featured/highsmith/welcome.htm |
27. Allreaders.com Patricia Highsmith Club A detailed analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of her greatest novels. Sign up as a patricia highsmith scholar on the site today. http://www.allreaders.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=248 |
28. Patricia Highsmith Home Page For eliciting the menace that lurks in familiar surroundings, there s no one like patricia highsmith. Time. In a cruel twist http://www.wwnorton.com/catalog/featured/highsmith/home.htm | |
29. Glbtq >> Literature >> Highsmith, Patricia Acclaimed mystery writer patricia highsmith is the author of one explicitly lesbian novel, as well as the popular series featuring the amoral bisexual Tom http://www.glbtq.com/literature/highsmith_p.html | |
30. Patricia Highsmith's Well Of Loneliness Books and Literature;Biographical Information;Writing and Writers A Life of patricia highsmith. By Andrew Wilson. 1999 film adaptation of her novel ''The Talented Mr. Ripley '' patricia highsmith has been gaining posthumous celebrity http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/31/books/review/31HARRIST.html?ex=1377662400& |
31. Patricia Highsmith HOME. Author highsmith, patricia, en español Versión en español. patricia highsmith was born in Fort Worth, Texas, and grew up in New York. http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/highsmith.htm | |
32. Highsmith, Patricia Loslibros.com para su búsqueda por título o tema para highsmith, patricia. Hemos encontrado 60 títulos con coincidencias EL TALENTO DE MR RIPLEY highsmith, patricia. 288 P. 19X12 CM (RUSTICA http://www.loslibros.com/cgi-local/libros.cgi?afiliado=es25117&keywords=High |
33. Patricia Highsmith. Biografía Y Libros En Español Translate this page INICIO. Autor highsmith, patricia, English version English version. Fecha madura. (Ver reseña). Otras obras de patricia highsmith http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/highsmith_es.htm | |
34. LESELUST: Patricia Highsmith - Zwei Fremde Im Zug *** Krimis - Rezensionen - Les Rezension von Daniela Ecker in der Leselust des ersten Romans von patricia highsmith. http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/highsmith_patricia_zug.htm | |
35. Patricia Highsmith patricia highsmithpatricia highsmith Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. patricia highsmith. patricia highsmith . http://www.imdb.com/Name?Highsmith, Patricia |
36. Patricia Highsmith Translate this page Home_Page patricia highsmith (1921-1995), Escritora nacida en Fort Worth, Texas, trasladándose luego a Nueva York. Sus padres, que http://www.epdlp.com/highsmith.html | |
37. Patricia Highsmith http://polars.ouvaton.org/highsmith-bio.htm |
38. Autorin Patricia Highsmith Translate this page Täter, die ihre spätere Arbeit sehr beeinflussen sollte).Als sie drei Jahre alt war, heiratete die Mutter Stenley highsmith (patricia hieß eigentlich http://www.buecher4um.de/AutorPH.htm | |
39. Fnac.com - Livres - Policiers - Les Auteurs - Les Classiques - Highsm patricia highsmith Lgf ; poche ; roman ; 02/1991 Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours, 5,23 Ajouter au panier, Carol les http://www.fnac.com/-1/rcwwwts2/1562155/Livres-Policiers-Les-auteurs-Les-classiq | |
40. Highsmith, Patricia -- Encyclopædia Britannica To cite this page MLA style highsmith, patricia. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. APA style highsmith, patricia. Encyclopædia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=122399 |
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