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Herbert Frank: more books (101) | ||||||||||
21. Frank Herbert He left behind extensive notes about Dune and in 1999 appeared a prequel to the series, DUNE House Atreides, written by Brian herbert, frank herbert s son, in http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/fherbert.htm | |
22. The Official Dune Website Official DUNE website. Details about the new prequel trilogy by Brian herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, rerelease of original DUNE series. Artwork, photos, new stories, frank herbert quotes. Complex, brilliant and prophetic, frank herbert's awardwinning Dune chronicles captured the imaginations of millions By his death in 1986, frank herbert had completed six novels in http://www.dunenovels.com/ | |
23. SCIFI.COM | Frank Herbert's Children Of Dune The official site of the sixhour miniseries frank herbert's Dune. http://www.scifi.com/dune | |
24. Frank Herbert Presented By Science Fiction And Fantasy World Science Fiction and Fantasy World presents a biography on the author, book reviews and news. http://www.sffworld.com/authors/h/herbert_frank/ | |
25. Usul's Homepage The following sets of pages are dedicated to a series of books written by frank herbert. These books are Dune, Dune Messiah, Children http://www.usul.net/ | |
26. Duna - Stránky Vìnované Dunì Franka Herberta PÅepisy sc©n¡Åů k filmům, encyklopedie, interview, Äl¡nky. http://www.dune.cz/ | |
27. Frank Herbert, Science Fiction Writer frank herbert. 1920 1986. Novels. herbert, frank, The Dragon in the Sea, 1955. (aka Under Pressure) The God Makers, 1960. http://www.hycyber.com/SF/herbert_frank.html | |
28. HERBERT, FRANK International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/herbert_frank.htm | |
29. Frank Herbert frank herbert. El mundo http://www.epdlp.com/fherbert.html | |
30. Frank Herbert's Dune Official site features duringdevelopment featurette, screenshots, downloads, and a history. French and English http://dune.cryogame.com/ |
31. Redirect.fremen.org Dune / frank herbert FanlistingIf you see this your browser does not support iframes, http://redirect.fremen.org/ | |
32. NOSTROMO; Autores De Ciencia Ficcion; Frank Herbert Breve rese±a biogr¡fica y bibliogr¡fica del autor de Dune. http://personal4.iddeo.es/medinaj/cf/autores/fherbert.html | |
33. Frank Herbert - Biographie et pr©sentation de la saga Dune, citations extraites des diff©rents livres. http://perso.club-internet.fr/ridenow/bio_herbert.htm |
34. MegaGo.com - ONE CLICK SEARCH ! Alibris frank herbertUsed, new outof-print books by author frank herbert. 10. The Jesus Incident more books like this by herbert, frank buy used from $2.95! 11. http://frankherbert.webjump.com/ | |
35. Alibris Dune - Herbert 1. Cover may not depict edition offered for sale, Dune Messiah more books like this by herbert, frank. price $2.95. Ready to Ship, add to wishlist. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qtit/Dune/qauth/Herbert |
36. SCIFI.COM | Frank Herbert's Children Of Dune Profile of the costume supervisor offered in the crew call. http://www.scifi.com/dune/about/crew_tpistek.html | |
37. Frank Herbert's Biography Artwork, photos, new stories, frank herbert quotes. BIOGRAPHIES. frank herbert. Dreamer of Dune Excerpt By Brian herbert. See Other Works Listed on. http://www.dunenovels.com/bios/frank.html | |
38. Dune: Foldspace! A consentbased, free-form game based on the Chronicles of Dune by frank herbert. The game play is free and open. http://futureprometheus.com/fold/ | |
39. WebRing: Hub Listing of web sites of frank herbert's Dune, specifically those with MUD web sites. http://q.webring.com/hub?ring=ibad |
40. Sf.www.lysator.liu.se/sf_archive/sf-texts/authors/H/Herbert,Frank.mbox http://sf.www.lysator.liu.se/sf_archive/sf-texts/authors/H/Herbert,Frank.mbox |
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