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41. HERBERT EDWARD HASLER Updated herbert edward HASLER Updated April 02, 2002. COMPUTING SKILLS. Languages/developmenttools experience. C ( TCP/IP sockets, embedded SQL, multithreaded). http://www.geocities.com/hhasler/Resume.html | |
42. Chapter Herbert Edward Palmer. Of Collected English Verse By Collections herbert edward Palmer. b.1880. 947 Ishmael. And God was with the lad; and hegrew, and dwelt in the wilderness and became an archer.GENESIS XXi. 20. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/2/277/133/20652/1.html | |
43. Browse Top Level > Texts > Million Book Project > Authors > H > Herbert Edward R The Canon Of The Old Testament, 1892. There is no description availablefor this text. Author herbert edward Rlye,BD Keywords Religion. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=millionbooks&cat |
44. A Blackmore Family - Turner herbert edward Turner (male). Ellen Procter (female). Family of HerbertEdward Turner Ellen Procter. Girl, 25 May 1914, Living. http://www.blackmore.ukf.net/_turner.htm | |
45. Family Database - Person Page 255 Person Page 255 Previous Page Next Page herbert edward Simmons 1 (M)b. 1865, d. 1963 herbert edward Simmons Malcolm Ward s genealogy http://alvyray.com/Family/dag/all-p/p255.htm | |
46. Personal Page 248 herbert edward COOK. Created 19 Aug 1999 213207 by Lawrence Jefferyherbert edward COOK. Birth Date 8 Jun 1902 Birth http://webhome.idirect.com/~ljeffery/I248.html | |
47. Herbert Edward Morrill And Louise Hedwig Grossenheider Index Husband, herbert edward Morrill. Born, 20 AUG 1882. Died, Father, Edward HerbertMorrill. Mother, Jane Elizabeth Moores. Additional information available.1 http://www.morrillonline.com/html/MorrillHerbertEdward-1882-x.html | |
48. READ, Sir Herbert Edward, Autographs, Letters, Documents READ, Sir herbert edward (18931968). Critic and poet. Series of 2Autograph Letters Signed, 4 Typewritten Letters Signed, and 2 http://manuscripts.co.uk/stock/4440.HTM | |
49. Herbert Edward Young/Marie Eawing Your Family Genealogy. Husband herbert edward Young Born 12 DEC 1948at Ironton, Iron Co, MO Married at Louisiana Died at Father http://genealogytymes.com/mcclard/fam/fam06718.html |
50. I546: Jason AUCHINVALE (____ - ____) INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 04/02/2004 081733PM GMT Standard Time. herbert edward EDWARDS. 16 Feb 1860 - . http://www.ecmaitland124.fsnet.co.uk/d0000/g0000012.html | |
51. Manuscripts Department Library Of The University Of North Carolina Manuscripts Department Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillSOUTHERN HISTORICAL COLLECTION 4078z herbert edward O KEEF PAPERS Inventory http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/o/O'Keef,Herbert_Edward |
52. Herbert Edward Herbie WOOLERY/Laura Idella WHITTLE Page built by Gedpage Version 2.05 UNREGISTERED ©1997. Husband HerbertEdward Herbie WOOLERY Born 9 NOV 1878 at Camden, Missouri http://junior.apk.net/~moondog/html/fam00590.htm | |
53. Rulifson Genealogy: 5. When Mary was age 34 and herbert edward Smith was age 36 they became theparents of Leo William Smith 25 September 1922 in Owatonna, Steele Co, MN. http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0004133.htm | |
54. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Read, Herbert Edward 1893 - 1968 Read, herbert edward 1893 1968 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. HAUKOVÁ,Jirina, Záblesky ivota, X 5660. © Mestská knihovna v Praze http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/r/20601.htm | |
55. Herbert Edward Youngkin & Lillie May Garr Edward Youngkin (1853 1931), Cecilia D. Nicholas (1858 - ~1937), m. 28 Jun 1902herbert edward Youngkin, Lillie May Garr. b. 4 Mar 1879, Easton, Northampton, PA. http://www.familytrail.com/junghen/peteryoungkin/wc06/wc06_229.html | |
56. Mary Toppings, B: 1872 - Adulphustown Township herbert edward Toppings Born 2 JUN 1898 Kipling, Saskatchewan Marr - Died16 OCT 1973 - Toronto, Ontario Other Spouses Jeane May Henderson Born 1902 http://www.houlefamily.org/ToppingsGedcom/gp15.htm | |
57. Edward Herbert - Encyclopedia Article About Edward Herbert. Free Access, No Regi encyclopedia article about Edward Herbert. Edward Herbert in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Edward Herbert. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Edward Herbert | |
58. KOHA: INTRANET: Members Log In to Koha. herbert edward. MEMBERSHIP RECORD. Mr herbert edward(herbert edward, HE) Card Number V00131392 Postal Address http://hlt.katipo.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/moremember.pl?bornum=18117 |
59. The Marcombe Family & Other Relatives herbert edward ST. PIERRE was born on 24 Jul 1927 in Yeppoon, Queensland. Parentsherbert edward ST. PIERRE and Valma GLAZEBROOK. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~marcombe/d32.htm | |
60. I12727: Wilfred BIZIER (____ - ____) INDEX. HOME. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95(Sep 26 1998) on 05/26/2003 054203 . herbert edward HALL. Private - . http://www.purfeerst.com/gedcom/d0029/g0000093.html | |
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