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41. Heracleitus -- Encyclopædia Britannica also spelled heraclitus Greek philosopher remembered for his cosmology, in which fire forms the basic material principle of an orderly universe. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=40944&tocid=0 |
42. PHIL 2510: Heraclitus & Parmenides heraclitus Parmenides. the search for the common; balance, harmony, ratios. heraclitus of Ephesus fragments with commentary online; his reputation the riddler; http://www.webster.edu/~evansja/guides/HeraclParm.html | |
43. Heraclitus, Sri Aurobindo heraclitus. What precisely is the keynote of heraclitus thinking, where has he found his starting-point, or what are the grand lines of his philosophy? http://www.mirapuri-enterprises.com/Mirapuri-Verlag/English/Heraclitus.htm | |
44. Heraclitus heraclitus (ca.500 BCE) Arthur Fairbanks, trans. and ed., The First Philosophers of Greece (Scribner, 1898) Electronic Text by Flask http://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/221hera.html | |
45. "Heraclitus' Theory Of The Psyche" By Christopher D. Green heraclitus Theory of the Psyche. christo@yorku.ca. heraclitus was the most important philosopher between Pythagoras and Parmenides. http://www.yorku.ca/christo/papers/heraclit.htm | |
46. Greek Philosophy And Heraclitus heraclitus The Complete Fragments of the PreSocratic Philosopher, with English trans. and Commentary. heraclitus. The http://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/Philosophy/Heraclitus.html | |
47. Philosophy - Presocratics: Heraclitus heraclitus (535475 BC). heraclitus was a Presocratic Greek philosopher of Ephesus, who lived about 535-475 BC. The date of heraclitus http://www.archaeonia.com/philosophy/presocratics/heraclitus.htm | |
48. Glossary Of People: He Chairman of abortive Geneva disarmament conference 193235; given Nobel Peace Prize, 1934. heraclitus (c. 544-483BC). Materialist http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/h/e.htm | |
49. Montaigne's Essays Montaigne s Essays. CHAPTER L. OF DEMOCRITUS AND heraclitus. Send comments and corrections to the Publisher. CHAPTER L. OF DEMOCRITUS AND heraclitus. http://www.uoregon.edu/~rbear/montaigne/1l.htm | |
50. Heraclitus, Greece, Ancient History heraclitus (6th century BC). Born in Ephesus (today s Turkey), heraclitus is also called the Weeping Philosopher because he used http://www.in2greece.com/english/historymyth/history/ancient/heraclitus.htm | |
51. Heraclitus heraclitus. heraclitus of Ephesus (Greek Herakleitos) (about 535 475 BC), was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher. For heraclitus everything is in flux. . http://www.fact-index.com/h/he/heraclitus.html | |
52. Www.biography.com/search/article.jsp?aid=9335927 EpistemeLinks.com Philosopher Results Websites. Site Title, Details. heraclitus page, Source Presocratics fragments! heraclitus, Author Anthony Beavers. heraclitus, Author http://www.biography.com/search/article.jsp?aid=9335927 |
53. Heraclitus heraclitus seems to have written only one work (On Nature?), which apparently consisted of series of epigrammatic remarks. Little is know of heraclitus s life. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/heraclit.htm | |
54. Heraclitus heraclitus. heraclitus in this stamp, serious and dark like his philosophy. Ta panta rhei (Everything changes) heraclitus. LINKS. heraclitus. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Heraclit.htm | |
55. OF DEMOCRITUS AND HERACLITUS. OF DEMOCRITUS AND heraclitus. THE judgment is an utensil proper for all subjects, and will have an oar in everything which is the http://www.equilibrium.org/montaigne/essay06.html | |
56. STEFAN STENUDD - Heraclitus. Cosmos Of The Ancients ----------- heraclitus. COSMOS OF THE ANCIENTS The Greek Philosophers on Myth and Cosmology by Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author and Historian of Ideas. heraclitus. http://www.stenudd.com/myth/greek/heraclitus.htm | |
57. Heraclitus - Encyclopedia Article About Heraclitus. Free Access, No Registration encyclopedia article about heraclitus. heraclitus in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides heraclitus. Word http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Heraclitus | |
58. HERACLITUS heraclitus (HpucXaror; c. 540475 Bc), Greek philosopher, ~aas born at Ephesus of distinguished parentage. Of his early life an.d education we know n. heraclitus. http://54.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HERACLITUS.htm | |
59. Heraclitus Links heraclitus, Image Source http//www.forthnet.gr/presocratics/heracln.htm. Some heraclitus Links. You HTM. Search the Web for heraclitus. http://elvers.stjoe.udayton.edu/history/people/Heraclitus.html | |
60. [minstrels] Heraclitus -- William Johnson Cory 380 heraclitus. Title heraclitus. Poet William Johnson Cory. Date 25 Mar 2000. Your comments on this poem to attach to the end microfaq. heraclitus. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/380.html | |
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