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101. CrimeLibrary.com/Serial Killers/Sexual Predators/Henry Louis Wallace: A Calamity Crime Library article on the serial rapist and killer who claimed 9 lives in a 2year period. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/predators/wallace/preface_1.html | |
102. Sir Henry Raeburn Artist's painting in the Joslyn Art Museum. http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/raeburn.html | |
103. The Galileo Project Basic biographical information from the Galileo Project. http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/more.html | |
104. Thomas Henry Huxley [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Brief article from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Huxley and his thought. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/h/huxley.htm | |
105. Able Group -- HENRY MILLER [English] His history http://www.ablegroup.com/henry/henry1.html#HENRY | |
106. ThinkQuest : Library : Stamp On Black History Stamp on Black History Home Page Menu. http://library.thinkquest.org/10320/Tanner.htm | |
107. The Classical Free-Reed, Inc. Taxonomy Of Musical Instruments Chart based on a 1914 scheme by Sachs and von Hornbostel classifies orchestral, folk, and electronic instruments into families. A second chart maps the freereed family, which includes harmonicas and concertinas, supported by a scholarly history of free-reeds. http://trfn.clpgh.org/free-reed/description/taxonomy.html | |
108. The Classical Free-Reed, Inc. Index Page Classical performer, educator and conductor henry Doktorski offers hundreds of illustrated pages on the concertina, accordion, harmonica, bandoneon, sheng and harmonium (reed organ) including a directory of performers organized by country and instrument. http://trfn.clpgh.org/free-reed/ | |
109. Henry Brant Biography and list of works. http://utopia.knoware.nl/~jsmeets/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=brant |
110. Sara Ayers: Henry Darger Page Profile, links, and examples of his work. http://www.saraayers.com/darger.htm | |
111. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Caspar Henry Borgess Third Bishop of Detroit, Michigan. (18241890) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02684c.htm | |
112. Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) Webpages at luminarium.org dedicated to Vaughan and his works, including online texts, biographical and historical information, and links to further resources. http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/vaughan/ | |
113. 1888 Biography Of Henry George - 1839-1897 Provides brief biography. http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist9/hgeorge2.html | |
114. About Henry James Timeline and chapterindexed e-texts of many of the author's works. http://www.underthesun.cc/Classics/James/ | |
115. Henry Steel Olcott And The Sinhalese Buddhist Revival Introduction to the book by Stephen Prothero and a long article looking at Olcott's interpretation of Buddhism. http://aryasangha.org/olcott-prothero.htm | |
116. The Venerable John Henry Newman Association A notfor-profit membership organization dedicated to research on John henry Newman, and support of his beatification. http://www.saintjoe.edu/~newman/ | |
117. Gravity And Henry Indie rock band from the Portland, Oregon area. Site contains show dates and audio samples. http://www.gravityandhenry.com/ | |
118. William Sydney Porter (1862-1910) William S. Porter O. henry (18621910). O. henry wrote with realistic detailbased on his first hand experiences both in Texas and in New York City. http://www.lsjunction.com/people/porter.htm | |
119. BBC - Films - Review - Henry V Film review, and cast and crew links. http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2002/02/19/henry_v_1944_review.shtml | |
120. "Overland Park And Kansas City REALTOR® Team Specializing In New Home Construct Overland Park and Kansas City team specializing in new home construction and buyer representation. http://www.diannedavis.com/ | |
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