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61. Exploring Lafcadio Hearn This site was moved to http//www.lafcadiohearn.jp/. http://www.imasy.or.jp/~daichi/Lafcadio/ | |
62. The Brick Row Book Shop: HEARN, LAFCADIO Home Find a Book Catalogues News History Shop Hours Contact Us Site Map. 2 matches found for hearn, lafcadio. http://www.brickrow.com/cgi-bin/br455.cgi/scan/mp=keywords/se=HEARN, LAFCADIO/st | |
63. Hearn, Lafcadio., Stray Leaves From Strange Literature. Stories Reconstructed Fr Michael R. Thompson Bookseller. hearn, lafcadio. First edition of lafcadio hearn s first book, first issue, with JR.O. . CO at the foot of the spine. $US750. http://www.polybiblio.com/mrtbksla/11624.html | |
64. HEARN, Lafcadio;, Kokoro, Hints And Echoes Of Japanese Inner Life. Librairie Veyssière. hearn, lafcadio; Kokoro, hints and echoes of Japanese Inner Life. London Jonathan Cape Ltd. 1931. Small in8, 256 pages. Glazed calico. http://www.polybiblio.com/veyssiere/15077.html | |
65. Japan An Attempt At Interpretation (Writings On Japan By Lafcadio Hearn) Lafcadi Japan an Attempt at Interpretation (Writings on Japan by lafcadio hearn) lafcadio hearn. Japan hearn. Author or Artist lafcadio hearn. http://www.forbes-palmer.co.uk/Lafcadio-Hearn-Japan-an-Attempt-at-Int-804-960-19 | |
66. A Japanese Miscellany: Strange Stories Folklore Gleanings Studies Here And There A Japanese Miscellany Strange Stories Folklore Gleanings Studies Here and There (Writings on Japan by lafcadio hearn) lafcadio hearn. http://www.forbes-palmer.co.uk/Lafcadio-Hearn-A-Japanese-Miscellany-St-804-967-1 | |
67. Locus Solus Rare Books: SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. By Hearn, Lafcadio. SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. by hearn, lafcadio. Publisher Information Robert Brothers Boston 1887. 8vo, patterned endpapers, original red http://www.locussolusrarebooks.com/cgi-bin/locus/201453.html | |
68. Locus Solus Rare Books: SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. By Hearn, Lafcadio. SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. by hearn, lafcadio. Publisher Information Roberts Brothers Boston 1887. 8vo, original red cloth, patterned endpapers. http://www.locussolusrarebooks.com/cgi-bin/locus/201068.html | |
69. Lafcadio Hearn And Japanese Buddhism (Rexroth) BUREA U O F PUBLI C SECRETS. lafcadio hearn and Japanese Buddhism. So lafcadio hearn wrote to Harpers Magazine in 1889 just prior to leaving for Japan. http://www.bopsecrets.org/rexroth/hearn.htm | |
70. Lafcadio Hearn's Japan: An Anthology Of His Writings On The Country And Its Peop lafcadio hearn s Japan An Anthology of His Writings on the Country and Its People lafcadio hearn. Author or Artist lafcadio hearn. http://www.latete.co.uk/Lafcadio-Hearn-Lafcadio-Hearns-Japan-A-979-903-874-2.htm | |
71. Harapan's Bookshelf: Lafcadio Hearn's World lafcadio hearn s world. lafcadio hearn is wellknown in his Japanese name, Koizumi Yakumo. Actually Link. Webliography of lafcadio hearn. It http://www.harapan.co.jp/english/e_books/E_B_Hearn.htm | |
72. Kythera-Family.net - For The World-wide Kytherian Community Chita A Memory of Last Island by hearn, lafcadio Released Nov 1996 Glimpses of an Unfamiliar Japan _ First Series _ First Series by hearn, lafcadio Released http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=117-118&cid=190&did=1874&pageflip=2 |
73. By The Way Books: JAPANESE FAIRY TALES. By Hearn, Lafcadio And Others. This site is powered by booksellersolutions.com. JAPANESE FAIRY TALES. by hearn, lafcadio and others. Publisher Liveright. Place Published New York. http://www.bythewaybooks.com/cgi-bin/btw455/6262.html | |
74. Catalogue 15. hearn, lafcadio. Creole Sketches. Edited by CW.Hutson. With Illustrations by the Author. 16. hearn, lafcadio. Gibbeted. Execution of a Youthful Murderer. http://www.bowwindows.com/japan.htm | |
75. Miscellania hearn, lafcadio Izumo. Blicke in das unbekannte Japan. http://www.quastl.de/Lesestoff/Miscellania.htm | |
76. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Hearn, Lafcadio INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author. hearn, lafcadio, 18501904 H Index Main Index Chita A Memory of Last Island; Kwaidan. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_hearn_lafcadio_.html |
77. Lafcadio Hearn Links last update 3/14/2002. lafcadio hearn. Natsume Souseki and lafcadio hearn as a teacher here. (Library of Wasada University) 6/26/1998. http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/~kameoka/H-link.html | |
78. Lafcadio Hearn Links 14; lafcadio hearn18501904 (Steve Trussel); The Koizumi Yakumo lafcadio hearn Page (Scotte Brown); http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/~kameoka/H_link.html | |
79. Error Aktuelle Bücher In einem japanischen Garten., hearn, lafcadio Translate this page Aktuelle Bücher In einem japanischen Garten., hearn, lafcadio - online bestellen! Bestseller, Leserrezension, Abbildung Manesse-Verlag. hearn, lafcadio. http://www.lafcadiohearn.com/ | |
80. Lafcadio Hearn Search our Site more search options . December 1998. lafcadio hearn. hearn Returns to Cincinnati. lafcadio hearn came to Cincinnati from Europe. http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org/info/main/hearn.asp | |
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