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Heaney Seamus: more books (100) | |||||||||||||||
21. Nätet F¶r somliga f¶rfattare har Nobelpriset varit en katastrof och f¥tt dem att tystna. seamus heaney har snarast blivit mer produktiv sedan han 1995 fick priset. Men hans poesi har dramatiskt ¤ndrat riktning , skriver Ola Larsmo. http://www.olalarsmo.com/Heaney.htm | |
22. Seamus Heaney Winner Of The 1995 Nobel Prize In Literature seamus heaney, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. seamus heaney. Selected poems by heaney; seamus heaney information. http://almaz.com/nobel/literature/1995a.html |
23. Internet Poetry Archive Sponsored by the University of North Carolina Press and the North Carolina Arts Council, the archive features poetry and recordings of the readings of six wellknown poets, including seamus heaney, Robert Pinsky, and Czeslaw Milosz. http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa | |
24. Internet Poetry Archive Collection of poems by six contemporary poets Czeslaw Milosz, seamus heaney, Philip Levine, Robert Pinsky, Margaret Walker and Yusef Komunyakaa. http://metalab.unc.edu/dykki/poetry/ | |
25. Heaney, Seamus heaney, seamus,. seamus heaney, 1995. ed. (1994); and Michael R. Molino, Questioning Tradition, Language, and Myth The Poetry of seamus heaney (1994). http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/263_59.html |
26. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:HEANEY, SEAMUS heaney, seamus. Literaturnobelpreis geht an den Iren seamus heaney Die Welt online vom 06.10.1995. Orden für seamus heaney - Kurzer Artikel in mainz-online.de vom 12.06.1998. S. heaney Ausgewählte http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/o4244d.htm | |
27. Seamus Heaney -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia heaney, seamus Britannica Student Encyclopedia. The Irish poet seamus heaney was considered one of the greatest poets writing in English in the 20th century. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=335723&query=belfast&ct=ebi |
28. Beowulf A verse translation by seamus heaney of the AngloSaxon epic. Bilingual Edition. http://www.beowulf2000.com/ |
29. Seamus Heaney In Conversation With Karl Miller seamus heaney in conversation with Karl Miller published August 2000 by Between The Lines, Interviews with Poets series. Between The Lines Logo http://www.interviews-with-poets.com/seamus-heaney/ | |
31. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Heaney, Seamus seamus heaney (1939). Criticism Helen Vendler s seamus heaney explores his linguistic excellence as well as his political engagement. On this site. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,96545,00.html | |
32. Guardian Unlimited Books | Links | Heaney, Seamus Go to Guardian Unlimited home. http://books.guardian.co.uk/links/sites_on_writers/f-k/links/0,6135,97422,00.htm | |
33. Seamus Heaney Artikel der RheinZeitung ¼ber die Auszeichnung durch den franz¶sischen Kulturminister kostenpflichtiges Archiv. http://rhein-zeitung.de/on/96/03/24/topnews/heaney.html | |
34. Seamus Heaney Translate this page Home_Page seamus heaney (1939), Poeta y crítico literario irlandés, galardonado con el premio Nobel. Nació en el condado de Derry http://www.epdlp.com/heaney.html | |
35. Seamus Heaney Translate this page Literaturnobelpreis 1995 (Nobel Prize Literature 1995) seamus heaney, irischer Lyriker, geb. 13. Apr. 1939. http://www.zuta.de/nplit/heaney.htm | |
36. HANSER - Suche Nach: 3-446-19297-2 >>> Treffer Insgesamt: 1 <<< Gedichte. Englisch Deutsch. seamus Heaneys Gedichtband Die Wasserwaage wurde von der englischen Literaturkritik zum Buch des Jahres erkl¤rt http://www.hanser.de/buch/1998/3-446-19297-2.htm | |
37. Seamus Heaney: Nobel Lecture (in Swedish) underlined copyright notice must be applied. The Nobel Lecture in English seamus heaney. Nobelföreläsning. 1995. TACK TILL POESIN. http://www.svenskaakademien.se/nobelpris/1995/heaney_sv.html | |
38. Seamus Heaney Poet seamus heaney three extracts from a conversation with Karl Miller. http://www.interviews-with-poets.com/seamus-heaney/heaney-extracts.html | |
39. Heaney, Seamus encyclopediaEncyclopedia heaney, seamus, shA mus hE nE Pronunciation Key. heaney, seamus , 1939, Irish poet, b. Londonderry (now Derry), Northern Ireland. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0823109.html | |
40. MSN Encarta - Heaney, Seamus Translate this page Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). heaney, seamus. Plus de résultats pour heaney, seamus, http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_741526687/Heaney_Seamus.html | |
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