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61. William Hays 1838-1908 A son born 1020-1865, died 10-21-1865. mary Jane (Jennie) hays, b 9-25-1866 d.8-10-1941 in Tazewell, Virginia. (My Grandmother). Married Joseph Barber. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/wmjhays.htm | |
62. William John Hays Jr. Susannah hays 18451913 m. David Morrow; mary hays b.6/30/1849 d.5/18/1943(born in Ireland died in Red Bank, PA.) m. William Stewart, Jr. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/wmjhays2.htm | |
63. TCH6535's Page m. abt 1811, OH . d. 4 Feb 1869, Fletcher, Miami Co, OH +2maryhays . Co, VA .3-mary hays . http://members.aol.com/tch6535/moses/moses.htm | |
64. Genealogy Data hays, mary Ida Birth 17 NOV 1892 ,Wayne Co.,IA Death 5 AUG 1982 GenderFemale Parents Father Hayes, John Speed Mother Nickell, Eliza Jane. http://nickell.tierranet.com/john/dat267.htm | |
65. The Gathering Storm In Jane Austen's Time - Continuation mary hays (17601843) was a young Dissenter, living in London, when she becamea disciple of mary Wollstonecraft after reading Vindication of the Rights of http://www.ashton-dennis.org/mary4.html | |
66. Dartmouth Bookstore Learning to Drive by hays, mary Format Hardcover (Cloth) Price $23.00 PublishedShaye Areheart Books, 2003 Inventory Status Usually Ships in 15 days A http://www.dartbook.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=storeevents&eventId=251453 |
67. Vegetarian Baby & Child Online Magazine | From Vegbaby To Veganteen...Raising He Anna hays Anna was the winner of the www.rawveganteen.com How I Went Raw mary Jastronmary was very interested in healthy living, but on the urging of her http://www.vegetarianbaby.com/writers.shtml | |
68. The Music Of William Shakespeare Hays (1837-1907) 1866. mary s Waiting at the Window. hays. 129/103; (1867, arr. for guitar by C. Kinkle)131/034; n1201@Duke. mary O More. hays. 129/102. Mistress JinksWife of Capt. http://www.pdmusic.org/hays.html | |
69. Missouri Project - Pafg80 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Perry, mary B. Notes. Agnes McMurtry was born about 1824 in , Mo. She diedbefore 1851. Agnes married Amazon hays on 21 Oct 1841 in , Callaway, Mo. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mo/topic/afro-amer/upperla/pafg80.htm | |
70. Master Marriage Index hays, mary, BROWN, Miles Jr. 12 Jan 1892, Calhoun Co., FL (18621899). hays,mary, hays, Edmond, 12/29/1869, Jackson Co., Florida. hays, mary H. CURL, Kinchen,Dec. http://www.rootsweb.com/~fljackso/mindexes/marriages/marr0243.htm | |
71. John Hays Property Settlement - 1893 E. hays his widow, Sophia Hale intermarried with LJ Hale, William Hayes, intermarriedwith Margaret hays, mary West intermarried Charles West, Margaret J. http://www.carolyar.com/Illinois/Court/Hays.htm | |
72. Genealogy Data Children hays, mary Ann hays, Carrol Maurice hays, Carolyn Sue Birth living Gender Female hays, George Lee. Back to Main Page. http://home.att.net/~kkkeener/gedcom/dat171.html | |
73. Cafe Locale Discussion Forums: Charles E. CHILDRESS & Mary Susan HAYS - Albemarl Looking for any information on Charles E. CHILDRESS b. abt 1816 VA d. abt 1860 VAm. 2 Sep 1851 Albemarle Co, VA mary Susan hays b. abt 1828 VA They were http://www.cafelocale.com/discus/messages/18901/19201.html?1053545857 |
74. Trinity Episcopal School For Ministry - Whis Hays Coming out of the hippie and drug culture of the 1960 s, Whis hays found Christ through Aconvert to the Episcopal Church, Whis and his wife, mary, served at St http://www.tesm.edu/faculty/hays_whis | |
75. Mary Brin Of HMC Receives Leadership By hays Medical Center 05/09/2003 hays, KS mary Brin a Lifeline Program Managerat hays Medical Center received the 2003 Star Award at Lifeline Systems http://www.haysmed.com/portal/page?_pageid=37,64015&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL |
76. The Hays Public Library - Staff Bios generations of hays residents as a master storyteller. One of her current younglisteners in Story Hour has a mom who also enjoyed mary s storytelling skills http://www.hayspublib.org/StaffBios/MaryP.htm | |
77. The Hays Public Library - Staff Bios Melanie Miller, Library Director. mary Ann Thompson has been KansasRoom Librarian for 18 years. She chooses and catalogs all the http://www.hayspublib.org/StaffBios/MaryAnn.htm | |
78. Retz Family Genealogy - Hays Family of hays, John BEALY, mary. Marriage, 29 Nov 1753, Fledborough, Nottinghamshire,England. Boy, 9 Feb 1755, HAYES, John. Family of hays, Thomas HODGSON, mary. http://people.smartchat.net.au/~retz/family/_hays.htm | |
79. Online Catalogue | Results Learning to Drive Written by mary hays Hardcover Shaye Areheart Books Fiction Literary 1-4000-4780-3 September 2003 $35.00. Back to top. http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=43325 |
80. Learning To Drive By Mary Hays Learning to Drive Written by mary hays Fiction Literary Anchor Trade Paperback October 2004 $21.00 1-4000-3190-7, ABOUT http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=1-4000-3190-7 |
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