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41. MaryH.Tomko.obit May 12, 2004. hays mary H. Tomko, 83, died Tuesday, May 11,2004, at the St. John s of hays Nursing Home. She was born June http://wire.dailynews.net/hays/HDnews/obit/MaryH.html |
42. John Hays/Mary Marvin Husband John hays Born ABT 1589 at Married 19 Apr 1610 at Died at FatherMother Other Spouses Wife mary Marvin Born ABT 1591 at , Essex, Eng. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/morgan/fam/fam02678.htm | |
43. Hays Family Jane McKee, born 27 July 1815 in Sugar Creek, Armstrong Co., Pa; died 10 March 1883in Butler Co., PA; married Robert hays 9 February mary Ann MCKEE, born Abt. http://home.planet.nl/~lynnvr/Hays01.htm | |
44. Biographies - Haaglund To Hazrat hays, mary Ludwig (17541832) Revolutionary heroine. Born October 13,1750 in Trenton, New Jersey, she earned the name, Molly Pitcher http://www.philately.com/philately/biohaha.htm | |
45. Jiskha Homework Help - Social Studies: People: Mary Ludwig Hays Diary Entry mary Ludwig hays Diary Entry by Elizabeth Mycaster. June 27, 1778. Well, that wasmy terrifying but fabulous day! Sincerely, mary Ludwig hays Molly Pitcher . http://www.jiskha.com/social_studies/people/m_hays.html | |
46. McCauley, Mary Ludwig Hays. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English La McCauley, mary Ludwig hays. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. McCauley, mary Ludwig hays. SYLLABICATION Mc·Cau·ley. http://www.bartleby.com/61/7/M0170700.html | |
47. Articles By Authors The Final Exam. Hawkins, Phyllis Stations on the Emmitsburg Railroad. hays, Samuel Hoke,mary mary Hoke Remembers Emmitsburg. Horne, Sister mary Jean Horne http://www.emmitsburg.net/archive_list/_private/authors_list.htm | |
48. Mary Mollie Hayes Or Hays mary Mollie Hayes or hays Posted by Gail Myers Nelson (ID *****6223)Date March 01, 2004 at 151049 of 12548. I am looking for http://genforum.genealogy.com/la/messages/12302.html | |
49. Catalogue De La Bibliothèque Du Château D'Oron hays,mary. Titre La Victime du préjugé. Impr. à Londres en 1799 et trad. http://dbserv1-bcu.unil.ch/oron/detailaut.php?&Num=6288 |
50. Romanticism On The Net 25 (February 2002) Sewing in the Next World mary hays as Dissenting Autodidact in the 1780s.Gina Luria Walker. Abstract. New York St. Martin s, 1995. hays, mary. http://www.erudit.org/revue/ron/2002/v/n25/006013ar.html | |
51. Simonsays.com > SimonSays > Mary Hays Weik GO, Advanced Search, Email This Page Print This Page. SimonSays mary hays Weik,About this author. Post a Comment, mary hays Weik. mary hays Weik Titles. 1 matches. http://www.simonsays.com/content/content.cfm?sid=33&pid=350846 |
52. Genealogy Data Genealogy Data. Back to Main Page. hays, mary Parents Father hays, Moses MotherRiddle, Sarah. Family Spouse Walker, Harry. Family Spouse Steers, Harry. http://jerry.vigo.lib.in.us/washington/html/dat8.htm | |
53. Genealogy Data hays, William hays, Rhoda hays, mary hays, David hays, Andrew hays, Joseph hays,Elizabeth hays, Wiley Johnson hays, Lorenzo D. hays, Sarah Jane hays, Ingle http://jerry.vigo.lib.in.us/washington/html/dat90.htm | |
54. Charles HAYS/Mary Blair WALKER Name mary Walker hays Born 3 JAN 1839 at Macomb, Illinois MarriedABT 3 MAY 1863 at Died at Spouses Joseph Graff WATERS http://www.penjaccphoto.com/Walkerged/fam01259.htm | |
55. Randomhouse.com | AUTHOR CATALOG mary hays. Enlarge Photo. Photo © John Douglas/Flying Squirrel Graphics. cover,Learning to Drive Written by mary hays Trade Paperback, 320 pages October 2004 http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=43325 |
56. Crown | Catalog mary hays. Books by mary hays. Learning to Drive. Written by maryhays. Hardcover Shaye Areheart Books Fiction Literary 1 http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=43325 |
57. A Fragment By Mary Hays From Letters and Essays, Moral and Miscellaneous, by mary hays 1793No. XVII. A FRAGMENT. In the Manner of the old Romances. THE http://www.english.upenn.edu/Projects/Gothic/hays.html | |
58. Hays Genealogy Page 2 1838 in Danville, Vermilion Co, IL, d. 1920 Garland, Dallas Co, TX m. KINDRED, BettieElizabeth, 1863 in Wilson Co, TN hays, mary Mb 1840 IN, d. 1909 Limestone http://www.geocities.com/kfcemt/KatsHaysPage2.html | |
59. My Family He was married to JEAN M. RICHARDSON in SARATOGA, NY. Children wereBARRY hays, KENT hays. He was married to mary E Carr in TROY, NY. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/4447/mahady/d6.htm | |
60. Mary Hays Storyteller Let mary light up the imagination of your group members with a storytelling presentation. maryalso trains individuals and small groups in the Speech Arts. http://www.airenet.com/storyteller/ | |
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