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81. Authors: H - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, http//www.petehamill.com size 1k. 3. hawes, louise Features reviews anda profile. http//www.hometown.aol.com/writelou - modified 18 May 2002. http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/H | |
82. Just For Kids - Young Adult - Fiction - Titles Starting With W 304 pages. BUY, 0688100775, Wait For Me, Watch For Me, Eula, Beatty, Patricia,Paper, 5.65. BUY, 0763613711, Waiting for Christopher, hawes, louise, Hard,15.19. http://www.just-for-kids.com/YAGEW.HTM | |
83. 353 EN Morpurgo, Michael. 5.0. 7.0. 63856 EN. Willem de Kooning The Life of an Artist.hawes, louise. 5.0. 1.0. 398 EN. Winter Room, The. Paulsen, Gary. 5.0. 3.0. 54110EN. http://www.chbs.org/staffsites/accel_reader/quiz_info_gr5.htm | |
84. ALA | 2002 Popular Paperbacks For Young Adults Draper, Sharon M. Forged by Fire. Ewing, Lynne Party Girl. hawes, louise Roseyin the Present Tense. Hobbs, Will The Maze. Jenkins, AM Breaking Boxes. http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/booklistsawards/popularpaperback/2002popularpaperba | |
85. Top People In UK Industry [H] Hague, Rob Sales Manager Stainless Wire Tie Co Haigh, louise Managing Director JoSales and Marketing Director Semple Cochrane plc hawes, Ken Technical http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/construction-h.htm | |
86. Surnames E-K Eddie Hartley, Simon Hartley, Andrew Haseldine, Jane Haslam, Lawrence Hassall,David Hassell, Lyndon and Dianne Hatfield, John hawes, louise Hawker, Trisha http://www.ringing.info/emailsE-K.html | |
87. Alberta Human Rights & Citizenship Commission - Bibliography - Safety colorful, funfilled picture books with empowering messages to instill confidence,self-esteem and respect in young children. P E hawes, louise Waiting for http://www.albertahumanrights.ab.ca/publications/Bibliography/bib_safety.asp | |
88. Plant A Seed Oryx Press, 1999, (157356-126-6). hawes, louise. Rosey in the Present Tense.Walker and Company, 1999. (0-8027-8685-5). Herman, John. Deep Waters. http://video.dpi.state.nc.us/media/Books6-12S2000.html | |
89. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg The Life of an Artist by Rozines Roy, Jennifer/ Roy, Gregory/ Roy, Jennifer Rozines,Willem De Kooning The Life of an Artist by hawes, louise, Laura Bush http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-2295.html | |
90. Triangle.com | Sunday Reader Sideshow By louise hawes The News Observer Lander had to beg his older brotherfor three days straight. louise hawes was born in Boulder, Colo. http://www.triangle.com/books/reader/story/950640p-6832593c.html | |
91. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 10.0. 20313 EN, Dark Frigate, The, hawes, Charles Boardman, 6.7, 12.0.35194 EN, Rosey in the Present Tense, hawes, louise, 4.7, 5.0. 12786 http://www.acps.k12.va.us/washington/ar/authorsh-j.html | |
92. Nightfall This site is constructed and maintained by AR (Tony) Surmahawes, Anne-LouiseSurma-hawes and NightStories. The Astronomy Education Conference link. http://members.optushome.com.au/firstlight/ | |
93. Fairbanks And Keester Children were Joseph Henry hawes, Wilton Lyon hawes, Susan Humphrey hawes, RachelLouise hawes, Kartharine Jeanette hawes , Helen Whitney hawes, Harold Albion http://www.familyorigins.com/users/k/e/e/Louis-J-Keester/FAMO1-0001/d220.htm | |
94. ISFDB Author Directory (H) A. Havdal, Vaclav Havel, Larry S. Haverkos. Robin Hawdon, James hawes, Louisehawes. Douglas D. Hawk, GK Hawk, Pat Hawk. Phillip A. Hawke, Simon Hawke, JohnHawkes. http://www.isfdb.org/DIR_H.html | |
95. Hawes Staff Lori Franklin. PARCCA. Jaimee Thompson. Education Specialists. Fran CarlsonLouise Haner. Jumpstart Reading Instructior. Maria Sweeney. Computer Lab Asst. http://www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us/www/hawes/staff.html | |
96. This Website Has MOVED This website has MOVED. Please change your bookmark tohttp//www.louisehawes.com. Click and visit us now! http://hometown.aol.com/writelou/ | |
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