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61. I1028: James Reuben BROTHERS (29 May 1947 - ____) Beryl Marie hawes INDEX. HTML createdby GED2HTML 99 103842 . Melissa louise PETTIT. 14 Feb 1968 . http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pettit/HTML/d0000/g0000068.html | |
62. Regulator Bookshop Waiting for Christopher by hawes, louise Format Hardcover (Cloth) Price $15.99Published Candlewick Press (MA), 2002 Inventory Status Usually Ships in 15 http://www.regbook.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=localauthors&page=213321 |
63. Regulator Bookshop Waiting for Christopher. Author hawes, louise. Format Hardcover (Cloth), pages240. Published 04/01/2002. Publisher Candlewick Press (MA). ISBN 0763613711. http://www.regbook.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=showproduct&isbn=0763613711 |
64. Scyabahx Romiette and Julio, Draper, Sharon. Rosey in the Present Tense, hawes, louise. Safeat Second, Johnson, Scott. Speak 1st, Anderson, Laurie Halse. Stardust, Gaiman, Neil. http://www.oconee.k12.sc.us/shslib/content/Print Media/Recommended Reading/RR_sc | |
65. Youth Horror Bib hawes, louise ROSEY IN THE PRESENT TENSE Unable to accept the sudden death of hisJapanese American girlfriend Rosey, Franklin finds that she has come back to http://www.btpl.org/Youth_Services/Youth_Books/youth_fiction_bib/youth_fiction_b | |
66. Coming Full Circle - List By Subject Carter, Dorothy, Y, Bye, Mis Lela. Laird, Elizabeth, A, Secret Friends. hawes, louise,A, Rosey in the Present Tense. Yumoto, Kazumi, O, The Friends. GENERAL INFORMATION. http://www.rochester.lib.ny.us/news/circlesubj.html | |
67. Accelerated Reader - W Wait Till Helen Comes, Hahn, Mary Downing, 4.6, 5.0. Waiting for Christopher,hawes, louise, 5.2, 7.0. Waiting For the Rain, Gordon, Sheila, 5.8, 9.0. http://www.nhcs.k12.nc.us/noble/w.htm | |
68. South Carolina YABA Nominees 2000-2001 Jordan, Sherryl. The Raging Quiet. AR. 13. Draper, Sharon. Romiette and Julio. AR.10. hawes, louise. Rosey in The Present Tense. AR. 7. Johnson, Scott. Safe at Second.AR. 8. http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/liberty.hs/mediacenter/scyaba0102.htm | |
69. Alcohol & Alcoholism_ veteran policeman. FIC HAW. hawes, louise. WAITING FOR CHRISTOPHER A NOVEL. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA Candlewick Press, 2002. Shortly http://www.mtvernon.wednet.edu/library/bibliography/TEENISSUES.htm | |
70. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: H screenwriter (The King of Texas). http//www.stephenharrigan.com. hawes,louise Features reviews and a profile. http//www.louisehawes.com http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/ | |
71. I1029: Ennis (ABT. 1888 - UNKNOWN) _ _Arthur Raymond CRIPPS _ (1910 . m 1934 _ Barbara louise CRIPPS (1939 Elijah hawes. ABT. http://genealogy.bicknell.net/d0000/g0000145.htm | |
72. Teen Book Reviews- Teens @ Burlington Public Library -- Geras, Adele Pictures of the Night. Grimes, Martha Biting the Moon.hawes, louise Rosey in the Present Tense. Heneghan, James Flood. http://www.bpl.on.ca/bplteens/bkreviews/archives/authors2002.htm | |
73. SFBook.com Science Fiction Hautala, Richard Andrew, 13, . Hautman, Pete, 1, -. Hawdon, Robin, 1, -. hawes,James, 1, -. hawes, louise, 2, -. Hawk, Douglas D. 2, -. Hawk, Pat, 1, -. Hawkes,John, 1, -. http://sfbook.com/modules.php?name=Authors&firstletterfilter=H |
74. Folk Music Performer Index - Hart To Haw Hauck, louise Platt Appearance as principal performer Danny Winters, Ozark Folksongs. hawes,Baldwin Butch Side Performer Appearance That s Why We re Marching http://www.ibiblio.org/folkindex/hp04.htm | |
75. Ancestors Of Wendy Louise Wright Wendy Contos, Global Tree Clubs My GenCircles SmartMatching. Ancestors of WendyLouise Wright. Kezia hawes, Kezia hawes, of Armstrong Ukrainec Research. http://www.gencircles.com/users/wendy_contos/1 | |
76. Abuse Booklist January 2004 2002. Y. FIC. Haw. hawes, louise. WAITING FOR CHRISTOPHER A NOVEL. 2002. Y. FIC.Jam. JAMES, Brian. PURE SUNSHINE. 2002. YPB. FIC. Lev. LEVIGNE, Heather. MUSCLEBOUND. http://www.valleylibrary.ca/booklist/Abuse-Jan04.htm | |
77. Welcome To The City Of Mountain View Public Library Greenwald, Sheila, Will the Read Gertrude Hollings Please Stand Up? hawes, louise,Nelson Malone Saves Flight 942. Hermes, Patricia, Kevin Corbett Eats Flies. http://www.ci.mtnview.ca.us/citydepts/lib/bl/cb_5th.htm | |
78. Find All Science Fiction Book By Author, Starting With H Harris, N. Howell, Johnny Tyrone. Harte, Julia K, Hughes, Monica. Hasse, Brenda,Hughes, Ted. hawes, louise, Hutton, Roy. COMPARE DEALS WITH KELKOO SEARCH BELOW http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_azh_author_gs_16272936.html | |
79. SOUTH CAROLINA YOUNG ADULT Draper, Sharon M. Romiette and Julio, 20012002. hawes, louise, Roseyin the Present Tense, 2001-2002. Rottman, SL, Rough Waters, 2000-2001. http://www.fsd1.org/westflorence/YA Book Award nominees.htm | |
80. Popular Paperbacks: Relationships - Friends And Families (YA Fic). hawes, louise. Rosey in the Present Tense. Romantic Franklin refusesto give up on the girl he loves even if she is dead. (YA Fic). Hobbs, Will. http://www.duluth.lib.mn.us/YouthServices/Booklists/PopPBs/Relationships.html | |
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