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Harris Geraldine: more books (47) | ||
61. ThinkQuest : Library : Believing In The Unknown GODS MEN MONSTERS. New York Schoken Books,1977. 4. harris,geraldine . GODS PHARAOHS New York Eurobook Limited, 1981. 5. McCaughrean, geraldine. http://library.thinkquest.org/J002944/cits.html | |
62. Caerleon Directory 1970 - Haddock - Hyne ARTHUR STREET harris, Elizabeth M., Larkfield, LODGE ROAD harris, Evan D., BelmontLodge, CHRISTCHURCH harris, geraldine C., 22, CAESAR CRESCENT harris, Henry A http://www.caerleon.net/history/1970/surnames/h.htm | |
63. Caerleon Directory 1970 - Caesar Crescent Ellen, 20 McDermott, Edward B., 21 McDermott, Lorna, 21 harris, Albert A., 22 harris,Lily, 22 harris, Paul MJ, 22 harris, geraldine C., 22 Prideaux, Royston http://www.caerleon.net/history/1970/roads/caesar.htm | |
64. Volume 4 1941 - 1945 Index H harris, Ens. William, USN. harris, Eugenia M. harris, geraldine Roberta. harris,Jack, M/M. harris, Phil/Alice (FAYE). harris, Robert L. harris, Rose B. http://www.rootsweb.com/~casfvgs/v4h.html | |
65. Lincoln County Obituaries, Brookhaven, MS harris, Garfield, 76, Natchez, MS, 10/18/1995, Daily Leader, 10/20/1995, 3.harris, geraldine McKee, 88, Brookhaven, MS, 1/17/1995, Daily Leader, 1/18/1995,3. http://www.llf.lib.ms.us/winnebago/LLF/Obits/Obituaries_Index_103.HTML |
66. Www.santaroga.uklinux.net/ShowAuthor.php3?selected_author=Harris%2CGeraldine geraldineharris in LeufBookListsLeufBookLists Search Random page. geraldine harris. geraldine harris.Seven Citadels. http://www.santaroga.uklinux.net/ShowAuthor.php3?selected_author=Harris,Geraldin |
67. Odyssey Online: Egypt Resources harris, geraldine. Ancient Egypt. Facts on File, 1990. harris, geraldine.Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology. Peter Bedrick Books, 1993. http://carlos.emory.edu/ODYSSEY/EGYPT/egyptWeb_Books.html | |
68. Metromix.com: 5 Films That Are '70s Time Capsules speeches. With Keith Carradine, Lily Tomlin, Ronee Blakley, Barbara harris,geraldine Chaplin, Henry Gibson, Michael Murphy. (DVD/video). http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/movies/mmx-18892_lgcy,0,3248869.story?coll=mm |
69. NBCSandiego.com - Consumer Connection - Unclaimed IRS Funds harris, DANIEL C MICHEL R, OCEANSIDE,CA, 92054. harris, geraldine H, OCEANSIDE,CA,92054. harris, HARRY R, OCEANSIDE,CA, 92054. harris, JERMAINE I, OCEANSIDE,CA, 92054. http://nbcsandiego.com/consumerconnection/2614583/detail.html | |
70. BookHq: Gods And Pharaohs From Egyptian Mythology By Geraldine Harris David O' Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology by geraldine harris David O Connor (Illustrator)John Sibbick (Illustrator) EditionREPRI Pages132 Book Format http://www.bookhq.com/compare/0872269086.html | |
71. SCIENCE FICTION HARDCOVER BOOKS 6.50 HC20 harris, geraldine PRINCE OF THE GODBORN (Unwin 1983) Seven citadel 1as new in wraps 2.50 HB27 harris, John RIGHT OF REPLY (Coward McMann 1968 http://www.oldsfbooks.com/hcgl.html | |
72. 95-2480: GERALDINE HARRIS And DEPARTMENT OF THE N... . In the Matter of geraldine harris and DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY,. NORFOLKNAVAL SHIPYARD, Norfolk, Va. Docket No. 952480; Submitted on the Record;. http://www.dol.gov/ecab/cases/1998/Jan/95-2480.htm | |
73. Forflex Hansson, Gunnar D. Hansson, Ola Hansson, Pär Harding, Gunnar Hardy, Frank Hardy,Thomas Hariharan, Githa Harning, Anderz harris, geraldine harris, Joanne http://www.forflex.se/facelift/writer.asp?Letter=H |
74. News Articles For Geraldine, Alabama win top honors for 2003 harris, a 53 setter, was the driving force behind a GeraldineHigh School squad that was clearly DeKalb Countys best in 2003. http://www.us-news-watch.com/Alabama/Geraldine.html | |
75. Mythology Philip, Neil, Odin s Family, Orchard, 1996, 293 P. harris, geraldine,Gods Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology, P. Bedrick, 1993, 299 H. Hofmeyr http://www.washburn.edu/mabee/crc/myth.html | |
76. Religion harris, geraldine. Reprinted several times. geraldine harris writes well, and herversions of the ancient stories stay very close to the original sources. http://www.rom.on.ca/egypt/biblio/religion.html | |
77. Secrets Of Ancient Tombs Teacher's / Parent's Guide #2 harris, geraldine. Ancient Egypt. New York, NY Facts on File, 1990. New York LorenzBooks, c1997. harris, geraldine. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient. http://www.digonsite.com/grownups/TGTombs2.html | |
78. Mythology, Folk Tales, And Fables harris, geraldine. Gods Pharaohs from Egyptian mythology / text by geraldine harris; colour illustrations by David O Connor ; line drawings by John Sibbick. http://oak.oak.edu/childlit/myth.htm | |
79. Genealogy Data Page 229 (Family Pages) Burke, geraldine b. Not Shown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gender Female FamilyMarriageNot Shown Colorado Spouse harris, Eric Allen b. Not Shown http://www.ged4web.com/derik/f_e4.htm | |
80. Romane Versand Pegasos Translate this page harris, geraldine Die SIEBEN ZITADELLEN 1 Der Prinz der Götter Verlag Goldmann,Band 23/852, Taschenbuch 1. Auflage 1984 (Zustand 0 neuwertig erhalten http://www.pegasos.de/sffh.html | |
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