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Harper Frances E W: more books (35) | ||||
41. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Quotations No race can afford to neglect the enlightenment of its mothers. EnlightenedMotherhood by frances EW harper. More Quotations Indexed by Name. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/qu/blquharp.htm | |
42. Frances E. W. Harper - Biography Frances E. W. Harper Learn more about frances EW harper and the Biography frances EW harper.Find allinformation on frances EW harper and the Biography frances EW harper at http://www.africanaonline.com/harper_lines.htm | |
43. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters G,H BB). frances EW harper. (18251911) African American Poet, Essayist,and Novelist The Slave Mother (JL); Songs for the People (JL); http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/poem-gh.html | |
44. Poets' Corner - Frances E. W. Harper - President Lincoln's Proclamation Of Freed the glorious dawn of freedom Break refulgent on the sight. francesEW harper. Index to poems in the collection by frances EW harper. http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/2001/harper0103.html | |
45. Amazon.co.uk: Search Results Books: Frances E W Harper All Results for frances EW harper. Search our shops All 8 results forfrances EW harper Sort by Bestselling. http://textual.net/link.to/amazon/uk/Frances.E.W.Harper | |
46. Readings Wharton. Wk 5 HP Spofford, RH Davis. Wk 11 Willa Cather. Wk 6 francesEW harper. Wk 12 Nella Larsen. Week 6 frances EW.harper. Lydia http://s04.middlebury.edu/AMLT0260A/Readings/Readings_Harper.htm | |
47. Frances E. W. Harper frances EW harper (Special thanks to Judy Boss.). Selections fromSketches of Southern Life (1891) by frances EW harper. I Thirst http://www.lehigh.edu/~dek7/SSAWW/writHarper.htm | |
48. Frances E. W. Harper frances EW harper. WANDERER S RETURN. My home is so glad, my heart isso light, My wandering boy has returned top;night. He is blighted http://www.lehigh.edu/~dek7/SSAWW/writHarperWander.htm | |
49. My Hero : Library Complete Poems of frances EW harper by Maryemma Graham (Editor), frances EllenWatkins harper Publisher Oxford University Press ISBN 0195052447 MY HERO http://myhero.com/readingroom/retrieve.asp?id=280 |
50. The My Hero Project - Frances Ellen Watkins Day A frances Ellen Watkins harper Reader by frances Smith Foster (Editor), francesEllen Watkins harper, Complete Poems of frances EW harper by Maryemma http://myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=franceswat |
51. Frances E.W. Harper And Iola Leroy; Or, Shadows Uplifted frances E. Watkins harper (18251911) and Iola Leroy; or ShadowsUplifted (1892). Links (submitted by Michelle Vessel). http://www.uah.edu/womensstudies/aaww/harper.htm | |
52. SSSL: Bibliography: Writers: Frances E. W. Harper Writers frances EW harper. Reconstructing Literary Genealogies frances EWharper s and William Dean Howell s Race Novels , M. Giulia Fabi (1999); http://www.missq.msstate.edu/sssl/view.php?wid=44 |
53. Frances E. W. Harper Enlightened Motherhood An Address Before The Brooklyn Literary Societyby Mrs. frances EW harper Women s Rights Pioneer. November 15, 1892. http://gos.sbc.edu/h/harperf.html | |
54. Frances E.W. Harper, Phillis Wheatley, And Alice Dunbar-Nelson The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of frances EW harper, PhllisWheatley, and Alice DunbarNelson. frances EW harper. Biography. http://www.gwu.edu/~e73afram/cc-sc-sh.html | |
55. OUP: Collected Poems Of Frances E. W. Harper: Harper Collected Poems of frances EW harper. Edited by Maryemma Graham, Universityof Mississippi Price £40.00 (Hardback) 019-505244-7 http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-505244-7 | |
56. Frances E. W. Harper Literary Society - Newark Public Library frances EW harper Literary Society of The Newark Public Library Thefrances EW harper Literary Society will meet in the James Brown http://www.npl.org/Pages/ProgramsExhibits/fewh.html | |
57. Complete Poems Of Frances E. W. Harper - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate BizRate has the lowest prices and best customer reviews for CompletePoems of frances EW harper. Complete Poems of frances EW harper. http://bizrate.com/marketplace/search/search__cat_id--8039,keyword--W,prod_id--7 | |
58. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: H Minnie s Sacrifice; Poems; Sowing and Reaping A Temperance Story; Trial andTriumph. harper, frances EW. Iola Leroy Shadows Uplifted. Harrington, James. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/IA_H | |
59. Tanya Bickley Enterprises: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Performance Page Speaker Actress, playwright, and jazz pianist Marjorie Eliot feels a powerfulkinship with and emotional closeness to frances EW harper. http://www.bickley.com/harper.html | |
60. Tanya Bickley Enterprises, Inc. Speakers Lecture Bureau Entertainment Agency. Reader by frances S. Foster (Editor) Minnie s Sacrifice, Sowing and Reaping, Trialand Triumph Three Rediscovered Novels by frances EW harper by frances http://www.bickley.com/bookstore.html | |
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