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82. NorgesLexi - Norsk Politisk Dokumentasjon På Internett! hamsun, knut (Knud Pedersen) (1859 1952), norsk nobelpristaker i litteratur fra 1920, godseieren til Nørholm ved Grimstad, sjokkerte i okkupasjonens http://lotus.uib.no/norgeslexi/krigslex/h/h2.html | |
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89. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: H the Rod. hamsun, knut. Growth of the Soil; Hunger; Look Back on Happiness; Pan; Shallow Soil; Wanderers. Hancock, H. Irving. Dave Darrin s http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/IA_H | |
90. Knut Hamson And The Cause Of Europe National Vanguard Magazine Number 116 (AugustSeptember 1996). knut hamsun and the Cause of Europe. by Mark Deavin. After fifty http://www.natall.com/national-vanguard/116/hamson.html | |
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94. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag: Auf überwachsenen Pfaden Translate this page Zum Vergrößern bitte Klicken! Bestellen hamsun, knut Auf überwachsenen Pfaden ISBN 3-423-12942-X Euro 8,50 D 8,80 A sFr 15,20 L http://www.dtv.de/_google/titel/titel12942.htm | |
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97. Knut Hamsun Remembers America: Essays And Stories, 1885-1949 knut hamsun Remembers America. Essays and Stories, 18851949. Translated and edited by Richard Nelson Current. When Americans remember http://www.umsystem.edu/upress/spring2003/current.htm | |
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