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         Hammett Dashiell:     more books (99)
  1. Der Roman Noir Und Die Populare Unterwelt Moderner Literatur: Dashiell Hammett, William Faulkner Und Graham Greene (Europaische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 14, Angelsachsische Sp) by Markus Koch, 2004-01
  2. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon: A Documentary Volume by Richard Layman, 2003-08-15
  3. The Marble Orchard: A Novel Featuring the Black Mask Boys : Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Erle Stanley Gardner by William F. Nolan, 1996-01
  4. Sharks Never Sleep: A Novel Featuring the Black Mask Boys : Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Erle Stanley Gardner (Black Mask Mystery Series/William F. Nolan) by William F. Nolan, 1998-11
  5. Dashiell Hammett (Recognitions) by Dennis Dooley, 1985-12
  6. The New Wild West: The Urban Mysteries of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler (Boise State University Western Writers Series ; No. 54) by Paul Skenazy, 1982-07
  7. Private Investigations: The Novels of Dashiell Hammett by Professor Sinda Gregory Ph.D., 1984-11-01
  8. The Dashiell Hammett Tour: A Guidebook by Don Herron, 1991-11
  9. The Black Mask Murders: A Novel Featuring the Black Mask Boys, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Erle Stanley Gardner by William F. Nolan, 1994-07
  10. The Big Knockover and Other Stories by Dashiell Hammett, 1999-06
  11. Spade & Archer: The Prequel to Dashiell Hammett's 'the Maltese Falcon' (Center Point Platinum Mystery (Large Print)) by Joe Gores, 2009-04
  12. The adventures of Sam Spade and other stories by Dashiell Hammett, 1945
  13. Thin Man, a Nick Charles Mystery by Dashiell Hammett, 1944-01-01
  14. Discovering The Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade: The Evolution of Dashiell Hammett's Masterpiece, Including John Huston's Movie with Humphrey Bogart (The Ace Performer Collection series)

81. They Can Only Hang You Once - Hammett, Dashiell
They Can Only Hang You Once hammett, dashiell Mercury Mystery Mystery Detective. Author Name hammett, dashiell Title They Can Only Hang You Once.
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Author Name: Hammett, Dashiell Title: They Can Only Hang You Once
Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: (Good) Edition: First Edition Size: 5-1/4'' x 7-1/4'' Publisher: New York Mercury Mystery Illustrator: George Salter (cover) Seller ID: 000001 Price = 32.47 USD Add to Shopping Cart < Prev Next >> Skip 100 >> ... Store Policies Questions, comments, or suggestions Please write to

82. Nightmare Town - Hammett, Dashiell
Author Name hammett, dashiell Title Nightmare Town. Binding Soft Cover. Book Condition (Good). Edition First Edition. Size 51/2 x 7-1/2 .
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Author Name: Hammett, Dashiell Title: Nightmare Town
Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: (Good) Edition: First Edition Size: 5-1/2'' x 7-1/2'' Publisher: New York Mercury Mystery 1948 Illustrator: George Salter (cover) Seller ID: 000002 Price = 73.47 USD Add to Shopping Cart < Prev Next >> Skip 100 >> ... Store Policies Questions, comments, or suggestions Please write to

83. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Hammes" To "Hamton"
hammett, dashiell, 18941961. American comics writer. - hammett, dashiell.
Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Hammes" to "Hamton" Back to the H index screen
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- Hammes, Manfred. Ost-West-Dialog. Band 2 : Ein Deutsches Comic! / Peter Engl, Manfred Hammes, Thomas Lunz, Karin Meiner, Stefan Schmarsow. Thurn : Kunst der Comics, 1989. 64 p. : ill. ; 84 x 15 cm. Call no.: mapcase PN6748 .O75 1989 -
Hammett, Dashiell, 1894-1961
American comics writer
Hampson, Frank, 1918-1985
British comics artist
Hampton, Bo, 1954-
American comics artist
Hampton, John Wade
American comics artist
Hampton, Randy
American comics artist
Hampton, Scott
American comics artist
Hamster Press
American comics publisher (of reprints) and publisher of works about comics
See also Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters
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This segment last edited December 1, 2002

84. Moviecity - Nederlands Grootste Aktuele Filmdatabase.
Miller s Crossing. No Good Deed. Crewinformatie - hammett, dashiell. Nog geen omschrijving aanwezig. MyMovieCity. Niet ingelogd Aanmelden Login,

85. Booklist--Adult
How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine. hammett, dashiell. Selected Letters of dashiell hammett, 1921–1960. Ed. by Richard Layman and Julie M. Rivett.
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Psychology Religion Social Sciences ... ALA Home Page How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine Hammett, Dashiell. Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett, 1921–1960. Ed. by Richard Layman and Julie M. Rivett. May 2001. 624p. index. Counterpoint, $35 (1-58243-081-0). 813. Dashiell Hammett, who gave the world five groundbreaking mysteries ( Red Harvest, The Dain Curse, The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key, and The Thin Man ) in five years, also gave his family, lovers, and colleagues robust and revealing letters, chronicling his personal and writing life, from the end of World War I to just weeks before his death. The floodgates of Hammett’s correspondence were opened in 1996, when Hammett’s daughter (who writes a wonderful introduction of personal reminiscences about her enigmatic father) gave permission for more than 1,000 of Hammett’s letters to be reprinted in full. Many of these are newly discovered (one treasure trove of love letters to Hammett’s wife was found in a garage in Southern California). The letters are organized, with insightful introductions, into sections spanning roughly 10 years, ranging from Hammett’s work as a Pinkerton detective to his boozy Hollywood heyday and his collapse. His voice emerges as funny, truthful, jaunty in the midst of troubles. Reading his letter submitting The Maltese Falcon for approval—“Herewith, an action-detective novel for your consideration”—raises goosebumps, as does his last letter to playwright Lillian Hellmann, Thanksgiving, 1960, in which he celebrates their 30-year relationship: “The love that started on that day was greater than all love anywhere, anytime, and all poetry cannot include it.”

86. DVD Hammett, Dashiell 1 DVD Kaufen
hammett, dashiell Seite 1. Live Suche. Lassen Sie sich von den Suchbegriffen,_Dashiell/585804/1/

87. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
1. Works of dashiell hammett Guide To Further Study Monarch Notes; January 1, 1963; hammett, dashiell Falcon, written by ex private eye dashiell hammett.

88. Llibres I Discos Ona, S.A.: Llistat De Titols D'autor: Hammett, Dashiell
Translate this page Llistat de títols de hammett, dashiell. comanda. No hi ha cap llibre a la comanda., Dashiell.htm
Títol Autor ISBN EAN Qui som Cataleg Novetats Més venuts ... Cercador
Llistat de títols de Hammett, Dashiell comanda No hi ha cap llibre a la comanda. 106.OOO DOLARS DINER DE SANG -SCP 61-
Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 15/06/1999
Edicions 62

ISBN 84-297-2476-1
Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 03/03/1999
Edicions 62

ISBN 84-297-1701-3
Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 14/06/1999
Edicions 62
ISBN 84-297-2035-9 mes... DONA A LA FOSCOR, UNA Hammett, Dashiell Columna Edicions, S.A. ISBN 84-7809-082-7 mes... FALCO MALTES -BTX 1- Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 28/07/1998 Edicions 62 ISBN 84-297-4394-4 mes... FALCO MALTES, EL -CANGUR 28- Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 03/02/1999 Edicions 62 ISBN 84-297-1237-2 mes... HOME FLAC, L' -SCP 51- Hammett, Dashiell Publicat 14/12/1998 Edicions 62 ISBN 84-297-2336-6 mes...

89. The Dashiell Hammett Tour - Hosted By Don Herron
places where a twenty will buy you more than the weekend s groceries. . — THE WALL STREET JOURNAL—. The dashiell hammett Tour.
"Since 1977, Don Herron has slipped on his trenchcoat and snap-brim hat to lead groups on a four-hour, three-mile investigation of Hammett sites..." — NEW YORK TIMES— "Theatrical and thoroughly immersed in Hammett arcana." — LOS ANGELES TIMES— "Hammett and the San Francisco of the 1920s come to life again." — SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE— "The group moved like a drunken cat through the streets and back alleys of the Tenderloin. It passed Southeast Asian diners, tawdry hotels, bars without windows, and places where a twenty will buy you more than the weekend's groceries." — THE WALL STREET JOURNAL— The Dashiell Hammett Tour Travel with Don Herron over the fog-shrouded hills stalked by Sam Spade, the Continental Op, and other legendary characters created by San Francisco's most renowned mystery and noir writer. During this walk you'll see the buildings where Hammett wrote his most famous stories and the majority of locales from his classic novel, The Maltese Falcon.

90. 'The Maltese Falcon - Hammett, Dashiell
The Maltese Falcon, A quiz on the original 1930 novel by dashiell hammett that is a cornerstone of the hardboiled crime novel.

91. Virtual Marginalia: Review Of Hammett, Dashiell
Virtual Marginalia Book title The Maltese Falcon 0 Author dashiell hammett Posted April 23, 2002 Originally published in serial
Virtual Marginalia
Book title: The Maltese Falcon
Author: Dashiell Hammett
Posted April 23, 2002
Originally published in serial form in 1929, Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon is probably the best known of his works, due to the success of the 1941 film adaptation staring Mary Astor and Humphrey Bogart. After discussing film noir and detective novels with my husband one night at dinner, I decided to delve into his collection of classic detective fiction. I started with The Maltese Falcon highly unlikely to happen]. I did enjoy the book it was a fun (if familiar and sometimes troubling) ride. Some related links: A synopsis of the 1941 movie . Contains quotes, some background information, and one tiny spoiler for book-movie comparisons. Checklist of Dashiell Hammett Fiction with useful cross-references, since many stories were published under different names. The Continental Detective Agency is a Hammett fan site with a fascinating biography of Hammett Maltese Falcon FAQ, version 3 includes character overviews, some history of the Falcon, possible sources, and so on, and so on, and so on. Great stuff. Comments
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92. Virtual Marginalia: Review Of Hammett, Dashiell
Virtual Marginalia Book title Red Harvest + Author dashiell hammett Posted August 01, 2002 This was hammett s first novel, and it shows.
Virtual Marginalia
Book title: Red Harvest
Author: Dashiell Hammett
Posted August 01, 2002
This was Hammett's first novel, and it shows. The first part of the book originated as a short story and focuses on the murder of the editor of Personville, California's newspaper. The editor had just hired the Continental Detective agency to look into a few irregularities in Personville (or Poisonville, as the locals call it). Unfortunately, the editor is shot before he meets the Continental operative (whom I will call "The Op" Hammet never named this detective that appears in several short stories and novels). The newspaper's publisher (who is also the editor's father) hires the Continental Op to find the editor's murder. The Op finds the murderer and wraps everything up only the book doesn't end. In the second part of the book, The Op cleans up Poisonville, after tricking the publisher into financing the rest of his investigation. Pay close attention to the reasons The Op gives for continuing his investigation it is the crucial link between the two halves of the story, and the best insight into The Op's character in this book. The second part of the book is more interesting than the first The Op proves to be expert in the various arts of manipulation, and the web he weaves is as fascinating as it is complicated. I do wish that I had made a "cheat sheet" at the beginning of the book (something I frequently do with mysteries) as the various characters and their relationships became quite confusing toward the end. Although the prose is definitely Hammett-esque, it is obvious that this is an early work. There are more explanations and connections in this novel than in The Maltese Falcon Hammett doesn't make the reader work quite so hard (which is a pity, really). Hammett's vivid analogies and descriptions are all here though, which makes it a fun read.

93. Hammett, Dashiell Bücher, Filme, Spiele & Software - - Die Internet B�, Dashiell

94. Authors And Creators: Dashiell Hammett
Authors and Creators dashiell hammett Also wrote as Peter Collinson, Daghull hammett, Samuel dashiell, Mary Jane hammett (18941961).
Authors and Creators
Dashiell Hammett
Also wrote as Peter Collinson, Daghull Hammett, Samuel Dashiell, Mary Jane Hammett
"Hammett gave murder back to the kind of people that commit it for reasons."
Raymond Chandler Dashiell Hammett was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland, on May 27th, 1894, and died January 10, 1961, in New York, New York. In between, he was one of the seminal creators in detective fiction. As if creating Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon wasn't enough, he was also responsible for The Continental Op and The Thin Man , the novel that introduced husband and wife sleuths Nick and Nora Charles to the world, and became the basis for a string of popular movies. His name appeared in the credits to Brad Runyon, The Fat Man , and other radio shows featuring his characters, and alongside Alex Raymond's, for the private eye/spy daily comic strip Secret Agent X-9 He grew up on the streets of Philadelphia and Baltimore. He became a detective in 1915 when he joined the Baltimore branch of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, housed in the Continental Building. You see, Hammett not only talked the talk, but he also walked the walk. He actually was a private detective. He learned the detective racket from James Wright, a short, squat, tough-talking operative, whom Hammett came to idolize (and who would later supposedly serve as the inspiration for The Continental Op ). And detecting was no easy racket. Years later, Lillian Hellman, Hammett's friend and lover, wrote of "the bad cuts on his legs and the indentations in his head from being scrappy with criminals."

95. Auchandirect Librairie
dashiell , hammett - Allia, Prix éditeur 25.00 € Notre prix 23.75 € Soit 155.79 Frs,
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97. Dashiell HAMMETT, Maltese Falcon 2tps
MALTESE FALCON hammett, dashiell MALTESE FALCON - hammett, dashiell MALTESE FALCON dashiell hammett, Maltese Falcon 2tps The MALTESE FALCON Maltese Falcon

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