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21. Dashiell Hammett Ausf¼hrliche Vorstellung eines der geistigen V¤ter des Hardboiled . http://www.krimi-couch.de/krimis/dashiell-hammett.html | |
22. Dashiell Hammett ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. dashiell hammett (18941961) - wrote his first fiction under the pseudonym Peter Collinson. American novelist who also http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/dhammett.htm | |
23. Sous Le Signe Du Mensonge, Note Sur La Clé De Verre (The Glass Key) De Dashiell Analyse du roman Sous le signe du mensonge . http://lartdaimer.free.fr/num/1/hammett.htm | |
24. Dashiell Hammett, Mystery And Suspense Writer Novels. hammett, dashiell, Red Harvest, 1929. Collections of Short Fiction. hammett, dashiell, The Continental Op, Random House, New York, 1930. http://www.hycyber.com/MYST/hammett_dashiell.html | |
25. HAMMETT, DASHIELL International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/hammett_dashiell.htm | |
26. Dashiell Hammett From the Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection site, this is a long single page containing a detailed analysis and typology of many stories. http://members.aol.com/mg4273/hammett.htm | |
27. The Continental Detective Agency - Biography dashiell hammett BIOGRAPHY In his 66 years hammett lived enough for two lives the years as a Pinkerton Detective, the heroic struggle with TB, the http://www.transki.freeserve.co.uk/biog.htm | |
28. Lillian Hellman American playwright and memoirist who had lifelong relationship with mystery writer dashiell hammett. She attacked injustice, exploitation, and selfishness in her plays. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/lhellman.htm | |
29. Hammett, Dashiell Forlaget Fremads biografi og links til b¸ger. http://www.fremad.dk/datterforlag/fremad/fremad.nsf/alle_forfattere/8F01C2EE45B8 |
30. Arts And Entertainment Directory: Hammett, Dashiell Arts and Entertainment Directory hammett, dashiell, including ArtsandEntertainment.us. hammett, dashiell. HomesTop Arts Literature Genres on 'The Maltese Falcon', movie and book. dashiell hammett http//members.aol.com/mg4273/hammett. htm http://artsandentertainment.us/directory/Top/Arts/Literature/Genres/Mystery/Auth | |
31. The3rdegree.com (formerly Judas) Quarterly publication dedicated to contemporary hardboiled crime fiction in the tradition of dashiell hammett and Raymond Chandler. http://www.adau.net/judas_ezine/ | |
32. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:HAMMETT, DASHIELL hammett, dashiell. dashiell hammett Der Malteser Falke Sam Spade gehört zu den zynischen Hörspiels nach dem Roman von dashiell hammett. One Plus One Rezension D http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/ob559d.htm | |
33. Roman Populaire Et Roman Policier L'analyse des romans populaires et policiers de Georges Simenon, Agatha Christie ou dashiell hammett. http://iquebec.ifrance.com/roman-populaire/ | |
34. Checklist Of Dashiell Hammett Fiction Single page listing stories, usefully crosslinked, as many were published under different names or in slightly different forms. http://spotlightongames.com/mysteries/hammett.html | |
35. The Maltese Falcon FAQ Version 3 According to William F. Nolan (dashiell hammett A Life at the Edge, Arthur Barker Ltd London audience, the story treatment (from dashiell hammett's novel) and the Cortez smile http://www.ejmd.cwc.net/-1.htm | |
36. CNN.com - Books - New Collections Capture Early Genius Of Dashiell Hammett - Apr CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/news/04/17/salon.hammett/index.html | |
37. Dashiell Hammett dashiell hammettdashiell hammett Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. dashiell hammett. dashiell hammett . http://www.imdb.com/Name?Hammett, Dashiell |
38. Dashiell Hammett Der Malteser Falke Sam Spade geh¶rt zu den zynischen, desillusionierten Privatdektiven aus der schwarzen Serie der 30er Jahre. http://www.egotrip.de/hoeren/MALTESER.HTM |
39. Dashiell Hammett dashiell hammett, in J. Vogt (Hg.) Der Kriminalroman. Poetik, Theorie, Geschichte, München 1998. http://www.uni-essen.de/literaturwissenschaft-aktiv/Vorlesungen/epik/hammett.htm | |
40. The Continental Detective Agency - Lillian Hellman A Hellman biography from this dashiell hammett focused website. http://www.transki.freeserve.co.uk/hellman.htm | |
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