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Hagedorn Jessica: more books (45) | ||||||||||||||
81. Stories, Listed By Author hagedorn, jessica (1949 ) (books) * F, (ss) Fetish, Four Walls Eight Windows 1998. * Film Noir, (ss) Charlie Chan Is Dead, ed. jessica http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s71.htm | |
82. Contents Lists Charlie Chan Is Dead An Anthology of Contemporary AsianAmerican Fiction ed. jessica hagedorn (Viking Penguin 0140231110, Dec 93, $16.95, 640pp, tp http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/t23.htm | |
83. Jessica Hagedorn Drama Books jessica hagedorn Drama Books. Author jessica hagedorn. APackRat.com © 2004 APackRat.com Copyright (c) 2004, All Rights Reserved. http://www.apackrat.com/books/drama/search/jessica hagedorn/ | |
84. Library Books Philippine Village. ps3558.a3228d57, hagedorn, jessica, Danger and BEauty. ps3558.a3228d64 1990, hagedorn, jessica, Dogeaters. PS647.A75C48 http://www.aasp.cornell.edu/library_books.html | |
85. The National Book Foundation jessica hagedorn Claremont Neighborhood Center Morrisiana, New York April 12th,14th,19th and 21st, 1993 The Dogeaters, 1990 National Book Award Finalist http://www.nationalbook.org/sh1993jhagedorn.html | |
86. Jessica Hagadorn - La Jolla Playhouse jessica hagedorn (Book Writer/Lyricist) was born and raised in the Philippines. She is a poet, novelist, playwright, screenwriter http://www.lajollaplayhouse.com/artistic/jhagadorn.html | |
87. Hagedorn PALH BOOK REVIEWS. DOGEATERS by jessica hagedorn published by Penguin, ISBN 014014904X, softcover, reissued July 1991, Review by Publishers Weekly, Feb. http://www.palhbooks.com/hagedorn.htm | |
88. English At UCLA: Asian American Reading List hagedorn, jessica. Dogeaters. New York Random House, 1990. *Hongo, Garrett. hagedorn, jessica. Dangerous Music The Poetry and Prose of jessica hagedorn. http://englishwww.humnet.ucla.edu/graduate/reading_list/asian_american.html | |
89. Dogeaters - Jessica Hagedorn Dogeaters jessica hagedorn LITERATURE 1991 PAPER 251 PAGES A novel of Filipino identity in chaotic Manila during the http://www.longitudebooks.com/find/p/11189/mcms.html | |
90. Shared Voices: Modern Gay Literature hagedorn, jessica, ed. Charlie Chan Is Dead an Anthology of Contemporary Asian American Fiction, with and introduction by Elaine Kim New YorkL Penguin Books http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/gay.htm | |
91. Audible Jessica Hagedorn Reads (Audio Download) media service info. jessica hagedorn Reads. Prose and Poetry from Dogeaters, Danger and Beauty. data. ISBN/ASIN B0000544MO audible.com Audio Download. order. http://www.book-info.com/asin/B0000544MO.htm | |
92. Pew Fellowships In The Arts Return. jessica hagedorn was born and raised in the Philippines and moved to the United States in her teens. She is the author http://www.pewarts.org/1994panel.html | |
93. Filipino And Filipino-American Fiction hagedorn, jessica T. Dogeaters (Contemporary American Fiction) by jessica hagedorn. The Gangster of Love by jessica hagedorn. Danger http://members.tripod.com/~FilAmRead/fiction.html | |
94. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent 5293. , hagedorn, jessica (1990) Dogeaters. New York Pantheon. , hagedorn, jessica (1996) The Gangster of Love. Boston Houghton Mifflin. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1467-971X.2004.00343.x/enha | |
95. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle jessica hagedorn, Suggest a Link. jessica hagedorn (Cary Nelson, Modern American Poetry, U Illinois, UrbanaChampaign) Includes poems, book jackets. http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=1509 |
96. Find All Book By Author, Starting With H Kelkoo ! Search all of kelkoo Search within Books . Bookmark this page. Departments. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_azh_author_14.html | |
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