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61. Marilyn Hacker: A Reading One of America s leading contemporary poets , marilyn hacker s publications andawards include the following Photograph of marilyn hacker by Sara Barrett. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~lhc/archive/sponsored/hacker.html | |
62. W. W. Norton & Company: College Books : Women's Studies hacker, marilyn Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons Poems 0393-31225-9/ paper / 1995. hacker, marilyn Winter Numbers Poems http://www.wwnorton.com/college/wstud/womens_gls.htm | |
63. 75th Anniversary marilyn hacker, Squares and Courtyards, WW Norton reviewed by Esther Cameron marilynhacker s ninth collection is written under the aspect of transiency. http://www.unl.edu/schooner/html/cameron.html | |
64. Stories, Listed By Author hacker, marilyn (1942 ) (books) (chron.) * Editorial (with Samuel R. Delany),(ed) Quark 1, ed. Samuel R. Delany marilyn hacker, Paperback Library 1970; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/s112.htm | |
65. Books, Listed By Author (Contents). hacker, marilyn, ed. (1942 ) (stories) (chron.) *_Quark/1 (with Samuel R. Delany) See entry under Samuel R. Delany; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/b15.htm | |
66. Perihelion Verbatim Marilyn Hacker Kevin Tsai. Translation and Writing A Conversation With marilyn hacker Formarilyn hacker on the web, please see marilyn hacker And Desesperanto. http://www.webdelsol.com/Perihelion/p-verbatim11.htm | |
67. Marilyn Hacker And C.D. Wright Readings in Contemporary Poetry January 19, 1996 548 West 22nd Street,NYC, 730pm Biography. poem INVOCATION. Biography. poem ONENESS. http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/95_96/hackwrig.html | |
68. Marilyn Hacker Biography marilyn hacker is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Selected Poems19651990 (WW Norton, 1994) and Winter Numbers (WW Norton, 1994), which http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/95_96/hackerbio.html | |
69. Stories, Listed By Author hacker, marilyn (1942 ) (books) Editorial (with Samuel R. Delany), (ed)Quark 1, ed. Samuel R. Delany marilyn hacker, Paperback Library, 1970; http://contento.best.vwh.net/s102.html | |
70. Books, Listed By Author (Contents). hacker, marilyn, ed. (1942 ) (stories) _Quark/1 (withSamuel R. Delany) See entry under Samuel R. Delany; _Quark/2 (with http://contento.best.vwh.net/b13.html | |
71. World History: Margaret Singer Thru Marguerite Yourcenar marilyn, marilyn Bell. marilyn Bowering, marilyn Chambers. marilyn hacker, marilynHorne. marilyn Manson, marilyn Monroe. marilyn Musgrave, marilyn vos Savant. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/M_Mm041.htm | |
72. Libertas - The Hang-glider's Daughter By Marilyn Hacker User lists. Create your own list of favourites find out how. Catalogue Poetry The Hang-glider s Daughter by marilyn hacker. Review this item. Onlywomen Press. http://www.libertas.co.uk/product_detail.asp?ID=1167&CID=50 |
73. Libertas - The Hang-glider's Daughter By Marilyn Hacker Queer Stuff. User lists. Create your own list of favourites find out how. TheHang-glider s Daughter by marilyn hacker. Review this item. Onlywomen Press. £7.99. http://www.libertas.co.uk/product_detail.asp?ID=1167 |
74. Marilyn Hacker: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price marilyn hacker Compare new and used books prices among 98 book stores ina click. Find the lowest price. Searched in books for marilyn hacker. http://www.fetchbook.info/search_Marilyn_Hacker/searchBy_Author.html | |
75. Nextbook: Reading Lists RECOMMENDED BOOKS BY marilyn hacker, marilyn hacker Winter NumbersPoems WW Norton, $12.95 A formally elegant poet, hacker delights http://www.nextbook.org/books/book_author.html?bookid=566 |
76. Search Results (Author/Title) Title 4600, $5. hacker, marilyn. Poetry. 13th Moon A Feminist LiteraryMagazine. Title -4596, $50. hacker, marilyn. Poetry. Presentation Piece. http://www.harpersbooks.com/searchresults.asp?AUTHOR=H |
77. BerniE-zine: Index Of Book Reviews -- Poetry Collections other poems). hacker, marilyn, Selected Poems 19651990. Hawken, Wendell,Mother Tongue. Herbert, Zbigniew, Selected Poems. Howe, Marie http://rantsravesreviews.homestead.com/poetry.html | |
78. Titanic Operas: Marilyn Hacker THE REAL HIDDEN SCANDAL OF EMILY DICKINSON S LIFE by marilyn hacker.Page 8. And I d like to close with one longish, not too long http://www.iath.virginia.edu/dickinson/titanic/hacker8.html | |
79. Highway Sandwiches By Thomas M Disch, Marilyn Hacker And Charles Platt Highway Sandwiches (1970). A collection of stories by Thomas M Disch, MarilynHacker and Charles Platt. (Year of publication not known) Unknown, Top. http://books.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c1/c6608.htm?authorid=789 |
80. Quark 3 By Samuel R Delany And Marilyn Hacker Fantastic Fiction, Quark 3 (1971). An anthology of stories edited by SamuelR Delany and marilyn hacker. £3.95 from Fantastic Literature 1st printing. http://books.fantasticfiction.co.uk/t0/t2113.htm?authorid=736 |
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