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         Goethe Johann Wolfgang Von:     more books (100)
  1. Iphigenia in Tauris by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2010-07-12
  2. Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, 1961
  3. Egmont by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2009-10-04
  4. Selected Poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Penguin Classics) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2005-12-27
  5. Selected Poems (Goethe: The Collected Works, Vol. 1) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1994-07-05
  6. The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2010-08-29
  7. Faust a Tragedy Translated from the German of Goethe by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2010-08-17
  8. The Sorrows of Young Werther and Selected Writings (Signet Classics) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2005-07-05
  9. Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust, Egmont, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship & more (mobi) by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, 2008-08-14
  10. The Sorrows of Young Werther (mobi) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2008-08-14
  11. Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2009-10-04
  12. Italian Journey: 1786-1788 (Penguin Classics) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1992-12-01
  13. Rowohlt Bildmonographien: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von (German Edition) by Peter Boerner, 1999-05-01
  14. Conversations of German Refugees, Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years: Or, the Renunciants (Goethe: The Collected Works, Vol. 10) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1995-10-16

1. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 March 22, 1832) was a German writer, scientist, and philosopher.
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe August 28 March 22 ) was a German writer scientist , and philosopher . As a writer, Goethe was one of the paramount figures of German literature and European Romanticism during and around the eighteenth and nineteenth century . Goethe was the author of Faust ISBN 0385031149 ) and Theory of Colors ISBN 0262570211 ) and inspired Darwin with his independent discovery of the human premaxilla jaw bones. Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main Germany . His father was a man of means and position, and he personally supervised the early education of his son. The young Goethe studied at the universities of Leipzig and Strasbourg , and in entered upon the practice of law at Wetzlar . At the invitation of Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar , he went in to live in Weimar , where he held a succession of political offices, becoming the Duke's chief adviser. From to he traveled in Italy , and directed the ducal theater at Weimar. He took part in the wars against

2. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - Kalliope
Kalliope Digtere Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (17491832). Top-10 over mest læste Johann Wolfgang von Goethe digte i Kalliope.

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (17491832). 1. Básne 2. Život 3.Prekladatelé. O nás.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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4. WIEM: Goethe Johann Wolfgang Von
goethe johann wolfgang von (17491832), najwybitniejszy niemiecki poeta i jeden z najbardziej znaczacych w skali swiatowej, dramaturg, prozaik
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Niemcy
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Informacje ogólne Goethe Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832), najwybitniejszy niemiecki poeta i jeden z najbardziej znacz±cych w skali ¶wiatowej, dramaturg, prozaik, uczony, polityk. Zwi±zany z  romantyzmem , nie zerwa³ nigdy wiêzów ³±cz±cych go z  klasycyzmem . By³ równie¿ my¶licielem i uczonym, znawc± wielu dziedzin wiedzy oraz sztuki. Studia prawnicze w Lipsku i Strasburgu. 1775 osiad³ w Weimarze, gdzie pozosta³ do koñca ¿ycia. Pe³ni³ ró¿ne funkcje na dworze ksiêcia sasko-weimarskiego, dochodz±c do rangi prezydenta Izby Finansów. 1782 nobilitowany. 1791-1817 kierowa³ teatrem oraz wszystkimi instytucjami o¶wiatowo-kulturalnymi ksiêstwa. 1786 wyjecha³ na dwa lata do W³och, co wywar³o du¿y wp³yw na jego twórczo¶æ. Najbli¿sza przyja¼ñ ³±czy³a go z wielkim poet± romantycznym F. Schillerem

5. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, författare, vetenskapsman, poet, filosof, statsman? (sök Internet Book List, Libris, Adlibris, Bokus
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
författare vetenskapsman poet filosof , statsman (sök Internet Book List Libris Adlibris Bokus ... Projekt Runeberg Johann Wolfgang von Goethe studerade juridik i Leipzig och jobbade under en period hos hovet i Weimar . Han är mest känd för sina verk Den unge Werthers lidanden och Faust . Själv ansåg han att hans viktigaste gärningar var hans vetenskapliga studier som kulminerade i hans teorier om färger Citat: "Den som inte kan redogöra för de senaste 3000 åren lever bara ur hand i mun" Talesättet "Goethe var en stor poet" är en uttalsvits där båda substantiven uttalas lika. "Mehr licht" har tolkats som mycket djupsinnigt men sannolikt ville Goethe att man skulle lätta lite på gardinerna. Det var hur som helst hans sista ord. Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB På engelska ( Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ) sök i A D G W ...

6. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 March 22, 1832) was a German writer, scientist, and philosopher.
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe August 28 March 22 ) was a German writer scientist , and philosopher . Goethe was the author of Faust (ISBN 0385031149) and Theory of Colors (ISBN 0262570211), etc. He inspired Darwin with his independent discovery of the human premaxilla jaw bones. Goethe was born at Frankfurt am Main Germany . His father was a man of means and position, and he personally supervised the early education of his son. The young Goethe studied at the universities of Leipzig and Strasbourg , and in entered upon the practice of law at Wetzlar . At the invitation of Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, he went in to live in Weimar , where he held a succession of political offices, becoming the Duke's chief adviser. From to he traveled in Italy , and directed the ducal theater at Weimar. He took part in the wars against France , and in the following began a friendship with Friedrich Schiller , which lasted till the latter's death in . In he married Christiane Vulpius. From about 1794 he devoted himself chiefly to literature, and after a life of extraordinary productiveness died at Weimar The most important of Goethe's works produced before he went to Weimar were his tragedy ), which first brought him fame, and

7. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes - The Quotations Page
Quotations by Author. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 1832) German dramatist, novelist, poet, scientist more author details. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

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A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- More quotations on: Criticism
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Beware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Everything in the world may be endured except continued prosperity.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking, always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to.

8. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Tools and Options. Search Advanced. Search for Member Login Register. User Name Password. Titles in Drama category Faust Part 1.
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About the Author
German poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature. Throughout his life Goethe was interested in a variety of studies and pursuits. He made important discoveries in connection with plant and animal life, and evolved a non-Newtonian theory of the character of light, which was viewed with suspicion by scientists. In literature he gained fame early with The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774), but his most famous work was the poetic drama in two parts, Faust Noble be man,
Helpful and good!
For that alone
Sets him apart
From every other creature
On earth.

(from The Divine Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main, the first child of a lawyer Johann Caspar Goethe, and Katherine Elisabeth Textor, the daughter of the mayor of Frankfurt. Goethe had a comfortable childhood and he was greatly influenced by his mother, who encouraged his literary aspirations. After troubles at school, he received at home an exceptionally wide education. At the age of 16, Goethe began to study law at Leipzig University (1765-68), and he also studied drawing with Adam Oeser. An unhappy love affair inspired Goethe's first play, The Lover's Caprice (1767). After a period of illness, resumed his studies in Strasbourg (1770-71). Some biographers have speculated that Goethe had contracted syphilis - at least his relationships with women were years apart. Goethe practised law in Frankfurt (1771-72) and Wetzlar (1772). He contributed to

9. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 17491832. German poet, dramatist and philosopher, Goethe was born August
MASONIC BIOGRAPHIES FAMOUS FREEMASONS Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German poet, dramatist and philosopher, Goethe was born August 28, 1749 at Frankfort-on-Maine and died at Weimer on March 22, 1832 Not only is he remembered as author of and Faust but he had an accomplished career as Minister of State for Weimer. Goethe's writings contain many favorable allusions to Freemasonry, most notably, the Masonic Shield and The Hidden Meaning In his dying moments, his last words were, "More Light!" Initiated: June 3, 1780 [June 23 ?]
Passed: June 23, 1781
Raised: March 3, 1782
Lodge Amelia, Weimer
Grand Lodge
Updated: March 19, 2001
biography /goethe_j/goethe_j.html

10. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Translate this page johann wolfgang von goethe. goethe wurde am 28.8.1749 in Frankfurt(Main) geboren. Er begann sein Studium der Jura 1768 in Leipzig

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11. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)
Biography of German playwright johann wolfgang von goethe, plus links to all of his works currently in print.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe THE boy, Goethe, was a precocious youngster. At the early age of eight he had already acquired some knowledge of Greek, Latin, French and Italian. He had likewise acquired from his mother the knack of story telling; and from a toy puppet show in his nursery his first interest in the stage. Goethe's early education was somewhat irregular and informal, and already he was marked by that apparent feeling of superiority that stayed by him throughout his life. When he was about 16 he was sent to Leipzig, ostensibly to study law. He apparently studied more life than law and put in his time expressing his reactions through some form of writing. On at least two occasions, this form was dramatic. Finally, in 1770 Goethe went to Strassburg, this time really intent on passing his preliminary examinations in law, and with the somewhat more frivolous ambition of learning to dance. Along with his study of law, he studied art, music, anatomy and chemistry. A strong friendship with the writer, Herder, was likewise no part of Goethe's experience at this time, a contact which was of considerable importance in these formative years. In 1771 Goethe returned to Frankfurt, nominally to practice law, but he was soon deep in work on what was to be his first dramatic success

12. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
johann wolfgang von goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main, the first child of a lawyer johann Caspar goethe, and Katherine Elisabeth Textor, the daughter of the
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature. Throughout his life Goethe was interested in a variety of studies and pursuits. He made important discoveries in connection with plant and animal life, and evolved a non-Newtonian theory of the character of light, which was viewed with suspicion by scientists. In literature he gained fame early with The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774), but his most famous work was the poetic drama in two parts, FAUST. Noble be man,
Helpful and good!
For that alone
Sets him apart
From every other creature
On earth.

(from The Divine Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main, the first child of a lawyer Johann Caspar Goethe, and Katherine Elisabeth Textor, the daughter of the mayor of Frankfurt. Goethe had a comfortable childhood and he was greatly influenced by his mother, who encouraged his literary aspirations. After troubles at school, he received at home an exceptionally wide education. At the age of 16, Goethe began to study law at Leipzig University (1765-68), and he also studied drawing with Adam Oeser. An unhappy love affair inspired Goethe's first play, The Lover's Caprice (1767). After a period of illness, resumed his studies in Strasbourg (1770-71). Some biographers have speculated that Goethe had contracted syphilis - at least his relationships with women were years apart. Goethe practised law in Frankfurt (1771-72) and Wetzlar (1772). He contributed to

13. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
2001. goethe, johann wolfgang von. ( y´hän vôlf´gäng fn gö´t Many women passed through goethes life, with Charlotte von Stein probably the most intellectual of them
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia See also: Goethe Collection Goethe Quotations PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

14. Comédie-Française - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Biographie par la Com©die Fran§aise.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Né à Francfort-sur-le-Main le 28 août 1749, Goethe est l'héritier d'une double tradition germanique, celle des artisans du nord par son père, lui-même jurisconsulte et conseiller honoraire, celle des juristes du sud par sa mère, dont le père a été bourgmestre de Francfort. Elevé librement dans un milieu protestant aisé, cultivé, il s'imprègne tout autant des classiques anciens et modernes, que de la Bible, de la mythologie antique et des légendes populaires allemandes. De 1765 à 1768, il fait à Leipzig ses études de droit et publie ses premiers recueils de poésie ( Annette, Mélodies et Lieder dédiés à Mlle Frédérique Oeser, Nouveaux Lieder et Mélodies, le Caprice de l'amant De retour à Francfort, il compose sa première comédie, les Complices , qui évoque ses souvenirs de Leipzig. En 1770, il poursuit ses études de droit à Strasbourg, où il découvre Shakespeare, Homère, la profonde harmonie qui existe entre la nature et la création artistique, et la présence de Dieu dans l'évolution de l'Univers. L'influence de Jean-Jacques Rousseau est sensible dans les Poésies qu'il dédie à Frédérique Brion, un amour platonique. Très impressionné par le gothique de la cathédrale de Strasbourg, il écrit

Donations. johann wolfgang von goethe. ( August 28, 1749 March 22, 1832 Brown, University of Washington. johann wolfgang von goethe; oil painting by Heinrich Kolbe, ca
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(August 28, 1749 - March 22, 1832) by Jane K. Brown, University of Washington
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe;
oil painting by Heinrich Kolbe, ca. 1822-1826 (Goethe-Mesum Duesseldorf)

Most of the available information about Goethes's earliest years comes from his autobiography, Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit (From my life: Poetry and Truth, 1811-1813; translated as Memoirs of Goethe: Written by Himself, Dichtung und Wahrheit describes the development of this concern for the real und natural as the most important advance Goethe made in Leipzig. His earliest surviving works date from this period: two collections of unpretentious social poems with mythological imagery in the style of the Greek poet Anacreon -the *Buch Annette* (Book for Annette), a manuscript discovered in 1895, and the Neue Lieder (New Songs, 1770), both inspired by Anna Katharina Schoenkopf, daughter of the lanlord in the inn where Goethe dined- and two short plays in alexandrines. The first play, Die Laune des Verliebten (The Wayward Lover, 1806) is a pastoral comedy in which a jealous lover is cured when he learns that he, too, can be unfaithful; its naturalness resides in its simplicity. The second

16. Biographie Des Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Translate this page Biographie des. johann wolfgang von goethe. und seine Zeit in Weimar. Die Biographie. goethes Zeit in Weimar. Die Entstehung des Faust.
Biographie des Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und seine Zeit in Weimar Die Biographie Goethes Zeit in Weimar Die Entstehung des Faust Created by Corinna Kübler, Kerstin Müller, Philipp Becker, Christoph Schill und Dennis Seitzer

International forfatterbibliografi.
A B C D ... Z
født den 28. august 1749 i Frankfurt A.M. og døde den 22. marts 1832 i Weimar, Tyskland "Egmont : tragedie i 5 akter"
Dansk Folkebogsamling, 16 : ? "Wilhelm Meisters læreaar" ("Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre", 1794) (Wilhelm Meister, nr 1)
Overs. K.L. Rahbek, 4 bind : 1801-02
* "Mignon"
Hagerup : 1943 "Valgslægtskaberne : en roman" ("Die Wahlverwandtschaften", 1809)
Overs. K.L. Rahbek, 2 bind : 1810-11
Gyldendal : 1999
Gyldendals Bogklubber : 1999 "Den unge Werther’s lidelser" ("Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers", 1774)
Overs. H.L. Bernhoft : 1820
Dansk Folkebibliothek, 13 : 1887
Martin : 1909 Woel : 1927 Hertz Forlag : 1949 Skrifola (Sesam Bibliotek, 3), ny udg. : 1963 Hernov; Nyt Dansk Litteraturselskab, ny udg. : 1972 Dansklærerforeningen;Gyldendal, ny udg. : 1974 Lademann (Store fortællere), ny udg. : 1974 Gyldendals Bogklub : 1982 * "Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers" Gyldendal, 1. udg. : 1989 * "Den unge Werther’s lidelser" Hernov, i.e.2.udg. : 1991 Søren Gyldendals Klassikere, fotografisk optryk : 1995 Dansklærerforeningen : 2000 Søren Gyldendal klassikere, 2. udg. : 2001

18. Biblioteca Virtual - Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von (1749-1832)
La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., de libre acceso. Incluye trabajos de De Guillermo Meister / goethe, johann wolfgang von. Sobre educación

19. Angelika Kauffmann, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, 1787/88
Beschreibung der Entstehungsgeschichte des Bildes mit Zitaten von Zeitgenossen.
bibl int .de
Angelika Kauffmann, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 1787/88
Kommentar Goethe-Galerie Voriges Bild
Neuigkeiten ... English
1787/88. Leinwand, 64 * 52 cm. Weimar, Goethe-Nationalmuseum unglaubliches Talent Iphigenie vor, und sie half ihm beim Zeichnen. Angelica malte auch das Bildnis Johann Wolfgang von Goethe In der Komposition ist die ihr eingeborene Grazie der Charakter ihrer Menschen und

20. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - Deutschlands Größter Dichter
Kurzdarstellung von Leben und Werk von Hans Misdorf; mit einigen weiterf¼hrenden Links
Über den "Weg" Bestellen Kontakt Impressum
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Geschichte Bildungswesen
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Sturm- und Drangzeit
"Die Leiden des
jungen Werthers" Die jetzt folgenden Jahre bezeichnet man als "Sturm- und Drangzeit", in der man mehr das Gefühl betonte als den Verstand, wie in der vorhergegangenen Aufklärung. Goethe schrieb jetzt sein erstes Schauspiel, den leidenschaftlichen "Götz von Berlichingen", "Egmont". "Die Leiden des jungen Werther", "Der Erlkönig" und "Der Fischer".
Mit Goethes Reise nach Italien (1786-88) begann seine "klassische" Periode. Die Dramen dieser Jahre wie "Iphigenie" und "Torquato Tasso"
Goethehaus in Weimar "West-Östliche Diwan". "Dichtung und Wahrheit".

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