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         Gibson William:     more books (100)
  1. A Social History of the Domestic Chaplain, 1530-1840 by William Gibson, 1997-01
  2. Alain-Fournier: Le Grand Meaulnes (CRITICAL GUIDES TO FRENCH TEXTS) by William Gibson, 1986-12-31
  3. The miracle worker and Monday after the miracle by William Gibson, 1983
  5. Count Zero. by William. Gibson, 1986
  6. The Problem of Logic [1908 ] by William Ralph Boyce Gibson, 2009-09-22
  7. The Abbé de Lamennais and the liberal Catholic movement in France by William Gibson Ashbourne, 2010-08-18
  8. The Year Of Grace: A History Of The Revival In Ireland, A.D. 1859 by William Gibson, 2007-07-25
  9. Idoru by William Gibson, 1996-01-01
  10. Enlightenment Prelate: Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761 by William Gibson, 2004-03-25
  11. Comte zéro by William Gibson, 2001-04-09
  12. Early Irish Golf: The First Courses, Clubs, and Pioneers by William H. Gibson, 1988-01
  13. Mona Lisa s'éclate by William Gibson, 1999-01-04
  14. Archbishop Cranmer: A Lecture (1869) by William Sidney Gibson, 2010-09-10

101. Untitled
Books. gibson, william, 1948 Count Zero / william gibson. gibson, william, 1948- Burning chrome / by william gibson. New York Arbor House, c1986.
Library of Congress info
You can telnet to the LOCI service to look for these. Surprisingly, the Library of Congress catalog doesn't pick up everything, it is missing the other media and his collaborations.
Gibson, William, 1948- Count Zero / William Gibson. New York : Arbor House, c1986. 278 p. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: PS3557.I2264 C66 1986 SUBJECTS: Science fiction. gsafd ISBN: 087795769X : $15.95 DEWEY DEC.: 813/.54 19 CATALOGING SOURCE: DLC DLC DLC LCCN: 85-28649 r952 Gibson, William, 1948- Burning chrome / by William Gibson. New York : Arbor House, c1986. 200 p. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: PS3557.I2264 B86 1986 CONTENTS: Preface / by Bruce Sterling Johnny Mnemonic The Gernsback continuum Fragments of a hologram rose The belonging kind / by John Shirley and William Gibson Hinterlands Red star, winter orbit / by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson New Rose Hotel The winter market Dogfight / by Michael Swanwick and William Gibson Burning chrome. ISBN: 0877957800 : $15.95 DEWEY DEC.: 813/.54 19 CATALOGING SOURCE: DLC DLC DLC LCCN: 85-30791 r89 Gibson, William, 1948- Mona Lisa overdrive / William Gibson. Toronto ; New York : Bantam Books, 1988. 260 p. ; 24 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: PS3557.I2264 M65 1988 SERIES TITLES (Indexed under SERI option): A Bantam spectra book ISBN: 0553052500 DEWEY DEC.: 813/.54 19 CATALOGING SOURCE: DLC DLC DLC LCCN: 88-14494 r89

102. Gibson, William
gibson, william. Sites about the creator of cyberpunk fiction and other scifi. Dan Josefsson s interview with william gibson From November of 93.
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Gibson, William
Sites about the creator of cyberpunk fiction and other sci-fi.
Recent Up a category Dan Josefsson's interview with William Gibson From November of '93. Good reading. Different Engine Terms Difference Engine Disney Land with the Death Penalty An article on Singapore and other things, by Gibson. Gibson Interviews Two older (1996) but still interesting interviews with the inventor of the term "Cyberspace." One is in Addicted to Noise , the other in Salon Study Guide for Neuromancer Takes the book by chapter, with helpful study materials on and off the site.
more from your guide Technology in Today's... An article comparing Neuromancer]and Frankenstein . Shallow, but fun.

103. La Science-fiction - Gibson, William, 1948-
Gravé sur chrome nouvelles / william gibson ; trad.
Gibson, William, 1948-
Comte Zéro / [par] William Gibson ; trad. de l'américain par Jean Bonnefoy. Paris : J'ai lu, 1988, c1986. 345 p. ; 17 cm. (J'ai lu ; 2483. Science-fiction) ISBN 2-277-22483-9. SDM: 8903776 [A 4] [Titre original: Count Zero. Ed. originale, 1986. Suite de: Neuromancien. Suivi de: Mona Lisa s'éclate.] Un roman futuriste où l'ordinateur joue un rôle totalitaire. [Yvon Allard] Gravé sur chrome : nouvelles / William Gibson ; trad. de l'américain par Jean Bonnefoy. Paris : La Découverte, 1987. 201 p. ; 22 cm. (Fictions) ISBN 2-7071-1701-3. SDM: 8712328 [A 4] [Titre original: Burning chrome. Ed. originale, 1986.] Neuf nouvelles très originales par l'un des meilleurs représentants du mouvement contemporain qu'on nomme "cyberpunk" en science-fiction. [Yvon Allard] Gravé sur chrome : nouvelles / William Gibson ; traduit de l'américain par Jean Bonnefoy. Paris : J'ai lu, 1990, c1987. 246 p. ; 17 cm. (J'ai lu ; 2940. Science-fiction) ISBN 2-277-22940-7. SDM: 9105051 [A 4] [Titre original: Burning chrome. Ed. originale, 1986.] Neuf nouvelles très originales par l'un des meilleurs représentants du mouvement contemporain qu'on nomme "cyberpunk" en science-fiction. [Yvon Allard]

104. Gibson, William
William Gibson
GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX Screenplay Based On Material From Another Medium

The Miracle Worker

William Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson
GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX W.G.A. Award - American Drama

The Miracle Worker

William Gibson OSCAR GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX No Nominations William Gibson OSCAR GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX No Nominations

105. Gibson, William. All Tomorrow's Parties.
How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine. gibson, william. All Tomorrow s Parties. Nov. 1999. 288p. Putnam, $24.95 (0399-14579-6).
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Psychology Religion Social Sciences ... ALA Home Page How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine Gibson, William. All Tomorrow's Parties. Nov. 1999. 288p. Putnam, $24.95 (0-399-14579-6). Colin Laney, the "netrunner" of Gibson's Idoru (1996), is hiding in a hovel in a cardboard city in the heart of Tokyo, with his eyes seemingly permanently attached to eyephones connecting him to the console on which he scans information from around the world. Attuned to subtle alterations in the data flow, he can sense an approaching paradigm shift, one of the "nodal points in history." "Last time we had one like this was 1911," he remarks. In Gibson novels, change happens not in small increments but massively, in a cataclysm, an apocalypse. The approaching change here is somehow linked to Rei Toei, the idoru (a virtual being), who is at large in San Francisco; Berry Rydell, a former security guard at the Lucky Dragon convenience store on Sunset, who first appeared in Gibson's Virtual Light (1993) and is now in Laney's employ; Chevette the bike messenger, also from

106. Famous South Carolinians - Artists & Musicians - William Gibson
gibson, william Most would be surprised to learn that the term cyberspace had roots in the state of South Carolina. Nevertheless
Home Educators Government Officials Medical Researchers ... Athletes Gibson, William
Most would be surprised to learn that the term "cyberspace" had roots in the state of South Carolina. Nevertheless, Conway born author William Gibson wrote many science fiction novels including Neuromancer , in which he depicts a network of computers with "unthinkable complexity" called "cyberspace." He also contributed words to the science fiction vocabulary such as "virtual reality". Much of his work is based on "Orwell style" science fiction that portrays a bleak future for humans, being ruled by technology. His books opened the door to cyberpunk literature, a genre in which large corporations and deteriorating values dominate the world of the future.
Gibson received his start as a contributor to the science fiction magazine Omni . He received recognition for his complex plots and the interesting situations into which he placed his characters. Neuromancer is considered by some to be perhaps the most important science fiction work of the 1980's.

107. Superknjižara D.o.o.
kreni 44. autor gibson, william. Pronašli smo 5 knjige(a), stranica 1 od 1. 33 1 44 1. gibson, william GROF NULA. Cijena KN 80,00. Internet cijena KN 76,00. 2.

108. | Personajes
william gibson. JAVIER CANDEIRA. william gibson.
Buscar en Internet Navegante FTPSearch Foros Estrellas Diario del Navegante Ariadna ... La Imagen
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William Gibson JAVIER CANDEIRA William Gibson
En 1984 un escritor canadiense llamado William Gibson sorprendió a propios y extraños con Neuromante, una novela de ciencia-ficción en la que no había extraterrestres, ni naves espaciales, ni viajes en el tiempo. Sus protagonistas se quedaban en sus casas (los más aventureros visitaban satélites de comunicaciones) y se conectaban al Ciberespacio, "una representación gráfica de los datos abstraídos por bancos de cada ordenador en el sistema humano. Complejidad impensable. Líneas de luz trazadas en el no-espacio de la mente, cúmulos y constelaciones de datos. Como luces en la ciudad, alejándose..." En el mundo inventado por William Gibson todos los personajes tienen dos vidas. Una en el mundo real y otra en el ciberespacio, esa red virtual y ubicua. Es un mundo en el que casi todos los negocios transcurren por los cables, los legítimos y los otros también; un mundo en el que el dinero de papel sólo vale para pagar servicios o productos, digamos, dudosos. Nunca sabremos hasta qué punto Neuromante era un acto de predicción o unos planos para la construcción del futuro inmediato. No está mal para una escritor que compuso su novela en una máquina de escribir portátil Hermes fabricada en 1927.

109. Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N. -- Giebel's Meister Andrea: In Cornell Univer
gibson, william, Commander, USN Giebel s Meister Andrea gibson, william, Commander, USN, Indian Summer. gibson, william, Commander, USN, Persephone.
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Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N. Giebel's Meister Andrea:
Previous Next Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N. Indian Summer Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 73, issue 437 (October 1886). Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N The Linnet's Echo Song Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 64, issue 379 (December 1881). Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N. Persephone Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 49, issue 290 (July 1874). Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N. Sibylla Cumana Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 49, issue 294 (November 1874). Gibson, William, Commodore Life On Board a Man-of-War Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 46, issue 274 (March, 1873). Gibson, William Hamilton Across Lots Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 65, issue 390 (November 1882). Gibson, William Hamilton Among Our Footprints Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 64, issue 379 (December 1881). Gibson, William Hamilton An Autumn Pastoral Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 61, issue 366 (November 1880). Gibson, William Hamilton Back-Yard Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 71, issue 425 (October 1885).

110. Gibbs, A. S. -- Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N.: In Cornell University's Maki
Gibbs, AS gibson, william, Commander, USN gibson, william, Empedocles. Harper s New Monthly Magazine, vol. 54, issue 321 (February 1877).
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Gibbs, A. S. Gibson, William, Commander, U.S.N.:
Previous Next Gibbs, A. S. The Goethe House at Frankfort Scribner's Monthly , vol. 11, issue 1 (November 1875). Gibbs, J. Willard Proceedings of the Mathematical Club The New Englander , vol. 47, issue 208 (July 1887). Gibbs. Teutonic Etymology The New Englander , vol. 18, issue 72 (November 1860). Gibier, Paul, Dr. The Pasteur Treatment The North American Review , vol. 151, issue 405 (August 1890). Gibier, Paul, M.D. Dr. Koch's Discovery The North American Review , vol. 151, issue 409 (December 1890). Gibier, Paul, M.D. The Physician and the Social Question The North American Review , vol. 160, issue 461 (April 1895). Gibson, George R. Great American Industries IV: "A Lampful of Oil" Harper's New Monthly Magazine , vol. 72, issue 428 (January 1886). Gibson. History of the Revival in Ireland The New Englander , vol. 18, issue 72 (November 1860). Gibson, Louis H. Architecture and the People The New England Magazine , vol. 24, issue 1 (March 1898). Gibson, R. E. Lee Colonial The Century , vol. 55, issue 5 (Mar 1898).

111. TarraNova - Gibson, William
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Gibson, William - Óèëüÿì èáñîí
Neuromancer, 1984 (Ïåð. Îëåãà Êîëåñíèêîâà) (14 àâò.ë.) The Gernsback Continuum, 1981 Êîíòèíóóì åðíñáåêà (Ïåð. Îëåãà Êîëåñíèêîâà) - Áðþñ Ñòåðëèíã è Óèëüÿì èáñîí Red Star, Winter Orbit, 1983 Êðàñíàÿ Çâåçäà, Çèìíÿÿ Îðáèòà (Ïåð. Îëåãà Êîëåñíèêîâà)

112. William Gibson Discussion
Pattern Recognition by gibson, william Released 02/2004. Neuromancer by gibson, william Released 01/2003. The Miracle Worker by gibson, william Released 07/2002. gibson.html
gnod web music books ... movies
Pattern Recognition
by Gibson, William
Released 02/2004
by Gibson, William
Released 01/2003
Pattern Recognition
by Gibson, William
Released 02/2003
Count Zero by Gibson, William Released 04/1987 The Miracle Worker by Gibson, William Released 07/2002 Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson Released 02/1997 Lord of the Flies by Golding, William Released 10/2003 The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois Released 04/1996 Neuromancer (Ace Science Fiction) by Gibson, William Released 07/2000 All Tomorrow's Parties by Gibson, William Released 08/2000 Idoru by Gibson, William Released 09/1997 The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling Released 01/1992 Virtual Light by GIBSON, WILLIAM Released 07/1994 Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality, Expanded Edition by Packer, Randall Released 12/2002 Burning Chrome by Gibson, William Released 07/2003 Discussion: William Gibson Pages: Well, what shall I say. Neuromancer is one of my favorite books. I'm a cyberpunk since then. I did not read any of the other ones. Are they equally good ? Gibson is the H.G. Wells of our generation......

113. Gibson, William Hope Harnett - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry
gibson, william Hope Harnett Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian
Bright Sparcs
Biographical entry
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Gibson, William Hope Harnett (1892 - )
Online Sources Mechanical engineer Born: 29 July 1892 New South Wales, Australia If you have any information about this person and/or any archival and published resources then please contact us If you have any information about this person and/or any archival and published resources then please contact us In the meantime, try a Google search of the web below. Online Sources Structure based on ISAAR(CPF) - click here for an explanation of the fields Prepared by: McCarthy, G.J.
Created: 20 October 1993
Modified: 20 February 2004 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on ASAPWeb
Originally published 1994-1999 by Australian Science Archives Project
Submit any comments, questions, corrections and additions

114. - Bücherecke: Neuromancer, Gibson, William
Translate this page - Bücherecke Neuromancer, gibson, william - Deutschlands führendes Magazin für die Freunde von Metal, Rock und Gothic.

115. Salon: William Gibson, Webmaster
william gibson, Webmaster, by Scott Rosenberg.

116. Las Vegas Golf And Golf Ball Information
More search results. Las vegas golf. Click here to see more info about golf. lf at Limerick County. Four times a year, Disc Golf World
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