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         Gibson William:     more books (100)
  1. The Difference Engine (Spectra special editions) by William Gibson, 1992-01-01
  2. Darwin's Bastards: Astounding Tales from Tomorrow
  3. The Church of England 1688-1832: Unity and Accord by Dr William Gibson, William Gibson, 2000-11-02
  4. Johnny Mnemonic by William Gibson, 1995-06-01
  5. Camp Life In The Woods and the Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making by William Hamilton Gibson, 2008-04-11
  6. A Reenchanted World: The Quest for a New Kinship with Nature by James William Gibson, 2010-03-30
  7. SHAKESPEARE'S GAME. by William. Gibson, 1978
  8. by William Gibson Neuromancer
  9. Mona Lisa Overdrive 1ST Edition by William Gibson, 1988-01-01
  10. R. Atkinson Fox & William M. Thompson : Identification & Price Guide 2nd Edition by Patricia L. Gibson, R. Atkinson Fox, et all 2000-02-01
  11. Josh Gibson: A Life in the Negro Leagues by William Brashler, 2000-02-15
  12. Idoru by William Gibson, 1997
  13. Mass for the Dead by William Gibson, 1968-01-01
  14. The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, 1962-05

21. Study Guide For William Gibson: Neuromancer (1984)
Study Guide for william gibson Neuromancer ( 1984) Using this Guide. List of other study guides. Doing research on science fiction? Check out the Science Fiction Research Bibliography. When Neuromancer by william gibson was first published it created a sensation
Study Guide for William Gibson: Neuromancer
Using this Guide List of other study guides Doing research on science fiction? Check out the Science Fiction Research Bibliography. See also Literature, Cyberpunk Sci-Fi, Cyberspace, Critical Theory: An Overview Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 ... Coda Introduction When Neuromancer by William Gibson was first published it created a sensation. Or perhaps it would be more precise to say that it was used to create a sensation, for Bruce Sterling and other Gibson associates declared that a new kind of science fiction had appeared which rendered merely ordinary SF obsolete. Informed by the amoral urban rage of the punk subculture and depicting the developing human-machine interface created by the widespread use of computers and computer networks, set in the near future in decayed city landscapes like those portrayed in the film Blade Runner it claimed to be the voice of a new generation. (Interestingly, Gibson himself has said he had finished much of what was to be his body of early cyberpunk fiction before ever seeing Blade Runner.

22. William Gibson On The Web
Please change and update your links and bookmarks to this file. Martin Irvine. Director, Communication, Culture, and Technology Program. Georgetown University I have expanded and moved the gibson, Cyberpunk, and Blade Runner page
I have expanded and moved the Gibson, Cyberpunk, and Blade Runner page.
The new URL for the "Post-Modern SF" page is:
Please change and update your links and bookmarks to this file. Martin Irvine
Director, Communication, Culture, and Technology Program
Georgetown University

International forfatterbibliografi.
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William Ford Gibson født 17. marts 1948 i Conway, South Carolina, USA. "Neuromantiker : en spændingsroman" ("Neuromancer", 1984) (Cyperspace-trilogi, nr 1)
Vega : 1989, 1991(2)
* "Neuromantiker : roman"
Per Kofod, 2. udg. : 1993(1)
Per Kofod, 2. udg. : 1995(1)
Peter Asschenfeldts Nye Forlag : 1998
* "Neuromantiker : cyperpunk-roman"
Per Kofod Paperbacks : 1993(i.e.1994) "Count Zero : cyperpunk-roman" ("Count Zero", 1986) (Cyperspace-trilogi, nr 2)
Per Kofod (Kniven i bogen) : 1993
Per Kofod Paperback : 1993(i.e.1994)
Peter Asschenfeldts Nye Forlag : 1998 "Mona Lisa overdrive : cyperpunk-roman" ("Mona Lisa overdrive", 1988) (Cyperspace-trilogi, nr 3) Per Kofod (Kniven i bogen) : 1993 Per Kofod Paperbacks : 1993(i.e.1994) Peter Asschenfeldts Nye Forlag : 1998 "Virtual Light" ("Virtual Light") Per Kofod : 1994 Samlerens Bogklub : 1994 * "Virtual light : roman" Per Kofod Paperback, 2. udg. : 1996 Peter Asschenfeldts nye Forlag, bogklubudg. : 1998 "Johnny Mnemonic og andre historier" ("Burning Chrome") Per Kofod Film/Bog : 1995 Peter Asschenfeldt's nye Forlag, bogklubudg. : 1998

24. William Gibson
gibson.gif, william gibson (1948). william gibson Hinterlands william gibson is called the father of Cyberpunk by some, and is trashed as a poser by others.
William Gibson when hiro hit the switch, i was dreaming of paris, dreaming of wet, dark streets in winter. the pain came oscillating up from the floor of my skull, exploding behind my eyes in a wall of blue neon; - William Gibson Hinterlands
William Gibson is called "the father of Cyberpunk" by some, and is trashed as a poser by others. But one thing is clear. His book Neuromancer (1984), which won the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards that year, was the Christ-child of cyberpunk, whose road to superstardom was paved by the John the Baptist figures of Samuel Delaney, Roger Zelanzy, Philip K. Dick, and James Triptree, Jr. The books that followed in the "Sprawl" trilogy; Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive , created the seminal canon of cyberpunk that has inspired both a new generation of cyberpunk authors as well as cheap, stale cyberpunk knock-offs. So whether you are of the opinon that Gibson is a genius or a poser, there is no denying that he changed the direction of Science Fiction in the last decade. And not only is Gibson a trendsetter in fiction, he has also spoken out on many technological issues that face society today, including the use of the Internet for educational purposes. But on the flip side, he is adamant about abstaining from use of the Internet himself. He has said "I'm not a techie. I don't know how these things work. But I like what they do, and the new human processes that they generate." And in a sense, we are living Gibson's cyberpunk here and now, and it is not hard to imagine that is what our future will be like. He has denied that, however, saying, "People shouldn't look at science fiction like they look at "real" fiction. They shouldn't expect that this is what the future is going to look like. [Science fiction authors] are sort of charlatans; we come up with a few ideas and we make a living off of that."

25. Cyberphunk!
Ett kort utdrag av en intervju utf¶rd 1995.
Ett samtal med William Gibson.
English version here. I fjol (1995) hade jag turen att träffa William Gibson, nedstående är ett utdrag av de mest allmänt intressanta delarna av vårt samtal (vilket var betydligt längre än vad som kan återges här). På de bilder som man sett av William Gibsons har han haft ett närmast uggleliknande utseende som starkt kontrasterat i förhållande till de hårdföra personer som figurerar i hans berättelser. En flyktig likhet med Woody Allen hade undermedvetet fått mig att vänta en timid personlighet. Detta visade sig vara en grov missbedömning då det visade sig att karln var våldsamt lång och förde sig med en hel del pondus. Min första frågade gällde Gibsons bakgrund, inte för att jag väntade mig något våldsamt spektakulärt -men ändock något udda med tanke på vissa av de ideér som dykt upp i hans böcker. Gibson: Jag växte upp i delstaten Virginia -en ensligt belägen landsbygdsstad i en bergig del av USA. Bodde där till 15 års åldern då jag började på ett gymnasium i Arizona så jag fick bo på elevhem nära skolan. Där träffade jag en massa häftiga typer från Californien och andra delar av Staterna -många av dem hade en långt mer vidsynt inställning till omvärlden än de flesta från min hemstad. Vid 19 års ålder tog jag studenten och då inte hade några omedelbara planer på att läsa vidare fanns det en viss risk att jag skulle bli inkallad -det här var vid den tid då USA förde krig i Vietnam. Så för att undvika militärtjänsten for jag till Kanada, nu dök det aldrig upp någon inkallelseorder så jag är egentligen inte en av dem som fick rättsliga problem av mitt ställningstagande mot kriget. Men jag trivdes i Kanada så jag har bott kvar där, de senaste åren i staden Vancouver på Kanadas västkust.

26. Technolgy In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein And William Gibson's Neuromancer
Paper comparing technology in Frankenstein and in william gibson's Neuromancer.
Technology and its dangerous effects on nature and human life as perceived in Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein and William Gibson 's Neuromancer
by Orlin Damyanov (
(A research paper written for my English Literature and Criticism class EN-220 with Prof. Dr. Beardsworth at the American University of Paris, 1996)
    Science fiction is the search for a definition of man and his status in the universe which will stand on our advanced but confused state of knowledge (science)
    At first glance this topic could seem rather irrelevant having in mind that the two works are separated by more than a century. During this lapse of time, humanity has witnessed profound changes at a breath-taking speed. The partly Gothic and partly Romantic world of Mary Shelley is quite different from the reality Gibson predicts. We could not say, however, that there are no links between the two. Shelley's work could be viewed as the apprehension of the new-born fear in regard to technical invention and Gibson's work as the divination of the consequences of technological development and sophistication. In both cases the essence of human nature has barely changed. It is what lies behind the destructive human strife for more, more at any price that has led to the despondent conclusions of both works. In associating the two works it is useful to understand the historical context in which they were written. Frankenstein is distinctly related to the revolutionary period of 1780 to 1830 or the period of the first industrial revolution.

27. William Gibson Aleph - Essential Information Collection
News, book plot summaries, character guides, glossary, guide to current and upcoming adaptions, biography, and image gallery.
William Gibson aleph
*REQUEST: Please don't email me until after you have read the About... page and FAQ
For information on how to contact Mr Gibson, read the Contact page. Welcome to William Gibson aleph , the essential information collection about contemporary writer William Gibson. In Gibson's novel 'Mona Lisa Overdrive', an aleph is a big chip which can store a huge amount of information. The intention of William Gibson aleph is to collect all available information on William Gibson and his work. For comments, suggestions, and questions write to Manuel Derra
N E W S Recent news...
17.02.04 So the aleph's fourth anniversary has passed unnoticed, rightly so because there doesn't seem to be much to celebrate. The last year has seen very few changes at the site, except for an evergrowing number of images in the image gallery (which now contains more than 700 items - whew!). I don't get many mails any more, probably because it's much easier to ask over at the

28. William Gibson Bibliography / Mediagraphy
Complete william gibson bibliography; not just the books, but his articles, short stories, audio books, and related media william gibson Bibliography / Mediagraphy. Just the facts, but far more
William Gibson Bibliography / Mediagraphy
Just the facts, but far more complete than the other Johnny-come-lately "6 books and out" lists out there. All lists are in real-world chronological order. The chronology of the "Sprawl" series is Johnny Mnemonic short story - New Rose Hotel short story - Burning Chrome short story - Neuromancer - Count Zero - Mona Lisa Overdrive. Other stories in Burning Chrome fit more or less tightly into the imagined future of the series. By the time Gibson wrote the Skinner's Room short story - virtual light - Idoru - All Tomorrow's Parties sequence set closer in time, the near future had turned out different from the "Sprawl" future. There's a fascinating cyberpunk timeline at that dovetails Gibson's work with the cyber, punk, and sf goings-on at the same time.
  • Burning Chrome Neuromancer Count Zero Mona Lisa Overdrive The Difference Engine(with Bruce Sterling) Virtual Light Idoru All Tomorrow's Parties Pattern Recognition
Short stories and articles
  • the stories collected in Burning Chrome The Gernsback Continuum and Red Star, Winter Orbit

29. No Maps For These Territories - William Gibson
Documentry about william gibson. News, clips, and contact information.
::: :: No Maps will be screening in Houston on Thursday, November 13 ( see details

30. William Gibson Bibliography / Mediagraphy
Complete william gibson bibliography and related links. Describes his books, articles, short stories, audio books, and related media.

31. William Gibson
Friday, September 12, 2003. posted 606 AM. LAST POSTCARD FROM COSTA DEL BLOG. Time for me to get back to my day job, which means that its time for me to stop blogging.

32. William Gibson
Friday, September 12, 2003. posted 606 AM LAST POSTCARD FROM COSTA DEL BLOG Time for me to get back to my day job, which means that

blog archive
rss info Friday, September 12, 2003 posted 6:06 AM
Time for me to get back to my day job, which means that it’s time for me to stop blogging.
I’ve found blogging to be a low-impact activity, mildly narcotic and mostly quite convivial, but the thing I’ve most enjoyed about it is how it never fails to underline the fact that if I’m doing this I’m definitely not writing a novel – that is, if I’m still blogging, I’m definitely still on vacation. I’ve always known, somehow, that it would get in the way of writing fiction, and that I wouldn’t want to be trying to do both at once. The image that comes most readily to mind is that of a kettle failing to boil because the lid’s been left off.
The bits and pieces that Joseph Cornell assembled in his shadow-boxes wouldn’t have seemed nearly as interesting if he’d simply left them arrayed on the bench of some picnic-table –- and they certainly wouldn’t still be there.
I crave the sweet and crazy-making difficulties that can only be imposed by the box, the Cornellian stage, the frame, of a formal narrative.
So I’m out of here, as of this installment, and wish to thank everyone who in any way furthered my ‘tween-books holiday. It’s been ludic, as the anarchist says.

33. William Gibson Presented By Science Fiction And Fantasy World
. . . book reviews, biography, bibliography.
Support , buy your books through these links ( read more or
William Gibson Biography Books
Book Reviews Neuromancer
Virtual Light

Count Zero


William Gibson Biography - William Gibson William Gibson was born near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 1948. In 1972 he moved to Vancouver, Canada. He is married with two children. In the early 1980s he wrote Neuromancer, and with this novel he established a new kind of science fiction literature called cyberpunk. William Gibson defined the word cyberspace, and described virtual reality long before we saw the similarities with todays Internet. He has won the Hugo Award, Nebula Award and the Philipp K. Dick Award.
Bibliography - William Gibson
  • Burning Chrome Neuromancer (2 Reviews) Count Zero (1 Review) Mona Lisa Overdrive The Difference Engine (with Bruce Sterling) Virtual Light (1 Review) Idoru All Tomorrow's Parties
About / Staff Advertising Contact us Contribute / Submit ... Link to us

34. Paragon-Asia Dataflow
A site dedicated exclusively to william gibson with audio, video, information, links, and full texts of novels.

35. Delos 37: Conoscere William Gibson
Un articolo di Delos sul padre del cyberpunk la vita, le opere, le tematiche e alcuni link.
Emiliano Gokuraku Farinella

Conoscere William Gibson
introduzione William Gibson

i temi
La Matric
La rivoluzione digitale
L' ICE, il firewall attivo inventato da Gibson capace di rispondere attivamente ad intrusioni telematiche in sistemi coperti.
Il degrado urbano e sociale, e quindi lo sprawl : l'habitat di hacker e di tutti quella miriade di strani personaggi che finiscono per animare le storie gibsoniane.
Gli innesti cibernetici dei suoi personaggi, e l'uso intenso di droghe in un'economia dominata dalla Yakuza e dalle grandi corporazioni commerciali completano il quadro dell'ambiente in cui ci ritroviamo.
E infine il piccolo antieroe neuromantico , misero e sporco, che tanto contribuisce al fascino del cyberpunk di Gibson.

notizie biografiche
Infine il matrimonio, il successo che lo porta alla ribalta mondiale con Neuromante ed eccoci al Gibson che conosciamo tutti.

come iniziare
La notte che bruciammo Chrome Il Mercato d'Inverno Johnny Mnemonic
per approfondire
Leggere Neuromante tour de force sprawl e Monnalisa Cyberpunk , proseguono su questa strada.

36. Gibson
Pr©sentation et bibliographie.
William GIB SON (USA,1948-) Bibliographie BIBLIOGRAPHIE Neuromancien
  • Neuromancien Comte zero
  • (The difference engine, 1990), collection "ailleurs et demain" Idoru Tomorrow's parties
  • contenu Fragments de rose en hologrammes
  • Le continuum Gernsback Etoiles rouges, blanches orbites
Contenu de : r chrome
  • Johnny Mnemonic Fragments de rose en hologramme (Fragments of a hologram rose, 1977) Hinterlands (Hinterlands, 1981) Etoile rouge Hotel New rose (New rose hotel, 1981) (The winter market, 1986) (burning chrome, 1982)
Retour au sommet Retour aux auteurs

37. Patrick Ernzer's William Gibson Page
william gibson. Wiliam gibson this yet. Joe Foley s william gibson page. Back to my homepage layout ©1995 by Paranoid Concepts.
William Gibson
"Wiliam Gibson is the Hugo and Nebula award-winning author of the Cyberspace trilogy: Neuromancer Count Zero , and Mona Lisa Overdrive , and is the co-author (with Bruce Sterling) of The Difference Engine. Gibson's widely acclaimed short stories are collected in Burning Chrome . He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, with his family."
dixit About the Author in Virtual Light
The 1st of the Cyberspace trilogy. Case was burnt-out, useless, suicidal - his nervous system grievously maimed by a wartime Russian mycotoxin. The top Japanese experts in nerve-splicing and microbionics had taken his money and left him crippled. His days as a software cowboy seemed over.
Then Case met a man who could cure him. In return, Case had to do a job. Had to. Because bonded to his artery walls were tiny sacs of the mycotoxin. Tiny sacs, slowly melting...
dixit back-cover of the 1989 Grafton edition (ISBN 0-586-06645-4)
Count Zero
When the Angels pulled Count Zero out of the martix there wasn't much left of him. The centipede did a good job on his face though - and now Two-a-Day was going to let him in on the really big stuff...
Turner woke up in a new body with a beautiful woman beside him. They let him recuperate for a while in Mexico, then Hosaka reactivated his memory for the most dangerous mission of all: to make Mitchell defect Maas Biolabs...

38. - A Website Dedicated To Cyberspace
An in depth look at william gibson, Cyberpunk as a subculture, and Technology.
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William Gibson WebRing owned by
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39. William Gibson (1948-)
American Literature on the Web Resources in Japanese william gibson (1948). General Resources william gibson Page (Tama Leaver); william
William Gibson (1948-)

Bastian, Marc bietet Bibliographien zu dem Autor william gibson. epilog - Myra Çakan im Gespräch mit william gibson. Hinternet-Rezension william gibson - Idoru. NEUROMANCER - Eine william gibson Seite Bild von william gibson. william gibson. william gibson aleph - essential information collection. william gibson
  • Bastian, Marc - bietet Bibliographien zu dem Autor William Gibson.
  • epilog - Myra Çakan im Gespräch mit William Gibson
  • Hinternet-Rezension William Gibson - Idoru
  • NEUROMANCER - Eine William Gibson Seite
  • - Rezension: IDORU von William Gibson ...
  • William Gibson-Aleph - Johnny Mnemonic [] - ein Portrait des Sci-Fi- und Drehbuchautors; mit Ausschnitten des Hörspiels und der Kurzgeschichte.
  • William Gibson-Special
  • William Gibson: "Die Neuromancer-Trilogie"
  • William Gibson: All Tomorrow's Parties
  • William Gibsons Cybertopien ...
  • [ Continuity ] - William Gibson: Idoru GLEICHE KATEGORIE: INTERNATIONAL
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