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         Gibson William:     more books (100)
  1. Zero History by William Gibson, 2011-08-02
  2. Spook Country by William Gibson, 2007-08-07
  3. Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, 2005-02-01
  4. Count Zero by William Gibson, 2006-03-07
  5. Neuromancer by William Gibson, 2004-11-02
  6. All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson, 2003-02-04
  7. Virtual Light by William Gibson, 1994-07-01
  8. Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson, 1989-12-01
  9. Idoru by William Gibson, 1997-09-01
  10. A mass for the dead by William Gibson, 1996
  11. Burning Chrome by William Gibson, 2003-07-01
  12. Miracle Worker, The (Acting Edition) by William Gibson, 2010-03-26
  13. The Miracle Worker: A Play by William Gibson, 2008-06-17
  14. The Ware Tetralogy by Rudy Rucker, 2010-06-01

1. William Gibson's Czech Page
Cyberpunk, život a d­lo. Knihy přeložen© do čeÅ¡tiny, přebaly a fotografie.
N arozen v Conway nedaleko Myrte Beach v Jižní Karolínì v USA, 17. bøezna 1948. J eho otec pracoval jako dodavatel pro laboratoø nukleárního výzkumu v Oak Ridge, kde byla vyrobena první atomová bomba. J eho matka se jmenovala Otey Williams Gibson. Gibson vyrùstal s matkou na jihozápadì Virdžínie, pozdìji zaèal navštìvovat internátní školu v Arizonì. Po té co se v roce 1968 vyhnul odvedení do armády, se pøestìhoval do Toronta v Kanadì, kde také krátký èas žil. Nakonec se usadil ve Vancouveru v Britské Kolumbii taktéž v Kanadì. K rátké pøíbìhy zaèal Gibson psát již bìhem obhajoby svého bakaláøského titulu z angliètiny na Univerzitì Britské Kolumbie. První sbírkou povídek se stala kniha Vypálit Chrom , kde lze najít 10 povídek, z nichž 7 napsal Gibson sám, jednu spoleènì s další legendou cyberpunku Brucem Sterlingem, po jedné též s Michaelem Swanwickem a Johnem Shirleyem.
Prvním románem se stal v roce 1984 Neuromancer Odkazy Knihy Neuromancer ... Mašina zázrakù
Vypálit chrom
  • S oubor krátkých povídek. Mezi ty nejvýraznìjší patøí Johnny Mnemonic (podle této povídky byl natoèen také stejnojmenný film) , Úlomky hologramové rùže, Rudá hvìzda, zimní orbit, Vypálit Chrom ad.Gibson prochází nìkolika prostøedími a zpùsoby života, a snad všechny pøedstavují urèitou èást výsledku katastrofálnì pojatého vývoje lidstva. Vše kontrastuje ve svìtle nadnárodních spoleèností a oblastí, kterým se vede jak po ekonomické tak po technologické stránce, a zdevastovaných oblastí, jež žijí ze zbytkù a odpadu "civilizovaného" svìta. Èlovìk se stává jedincem, který se støídavì pohybuje v obou sférách a snaží se "nìjak" pøežít. Bohužel kvalita knihy èásteènì utrpìla pøekladem Šárky Bartesové (stejnì jako další knihy viz.
  • 2. SALON: William Gibson
    William Gibson, Webmaster. By SCOTT ROSENBERG.
    William Gibson, Webmaster By SCOTT ROSENBERG Gibson on the Web Gibson on "Idoru" William Gibson's Book Bag reality has been catching up with William Gibson's science fiction for a long time now as "cyberspace," the term he invented in his 1982 novel "Neuromancer," entered everyday parlance, and cyberpunk passed with alarming speed from literary movement to buzzword to fleeting Hollywood fashion. Now, Gibson who has long professed his technological illiteracy and Net virginity is catching up with reality, too. He has a Web connection in his home and has launched a Web site of his own. And his latest novel, "Idoru," features his most detailed picture yet of what people might be and do in an online world of the near future. "Idoru" imagines a romance between an Irish-Cantonese rock star, Rez, and a Japanese "idoru" or "idol singer" who is actually a software construct. The action takes place in a Tokyo that has suffered a devastating earthquake and rebuilt itself almost instantly with nanotechnology. The book is a tightly plotted, eccentrically entertaining mystery, one whose resolution only leads to a deeper enigma. Meditating on the nature of celebrity in a technological age, "Idoru" suggests that stars exist so much more in the space of media than in the world of flesh that a jaded celeb might well feel more kinship with a computer-generated media being than with a real woman.

    3. William Gibson
    Count Zero, the second of William Gibson's canonical trilogy, follows the fragmentation of Apr 1997. Simnet. William Gibson Didn't Invent Cyberspace, Air Force Captain Jack
    Wired News Animations Wired Magazine HotBot (the Web)
    - Jun 1995
    Remembering Johnny

    William Gibson on the making of Johnny Mnemonic.
    Search for books on
    Web Sites Michael Goldberg interviews W illiam Gibson, the father of cyberpunk, for Addicted to Noise.
    Click here to find a mediagraphy and bibliography of Gibson's works.
    - Apr 1993
    Disneyland with the Death Penalty
    We sent William Gibson to Singapore to see whether that clean dystopia represents our techno future. - Oct 1996 4.10: Street Cred Idoruby William Gibson: US$24.95. - Apr 1993 1.04: Street Cred - Richard Kadrey Virtual Light, by William Gibson, US$21.95. - Jan 1995 3.01: Street Cred Neuromancer, by William Gibson, cassette tape: US$23. - Jul 1995 Technopagans May the astral plane be reborn in cyberspace Count Zero, the second of William Gibson's canonical trilogy, follows the fragmentation of Neuromancer's sentient artificial intelligence into the polytheistic pantheon of the Afro-Haitian loa - gods that Gibson said entered his own text with a certain serendipitous panache. Other Stories - Jun 1998 6.06: Street Cred

    4. Alpha Ralpha Boulevard: William Gibson
    William Gibson. (b.1948) Other Gibson links ChibaA William Gibson Site Cognitive Dissidents Proposed Alien3 Script William Gibson aleph William Gibson,William.php3
    William Gibson
    Other Gibson links:
    Chiba-A William Gibson Site
    Cognitive Dissidents

    Proposed Alien3 Script

    William Gibson aleph
    William Gibson
    "Cyberpunk" writer. Born in South Carolina. Resident of Vancouver, Canada. Awards: Hugo, Nebula, Phillip K. Dick (1985, Neuromancer)
    All Tomorrow's Parties
    October 1999, Puntam Pub. Group Hardcover ISBN:0-399-14579-6
    August 200, Ace Books Trade Paperback ISBN:0-441-00755-4
    February 2003, Berkley Publishing Group Mass Market Paperback ISBN:0-425-19044-7
    Burning Chrome
    Short story collection
    Info and cover art
    September 1994, Ace Books Mass Market paperback Revised Edition ISBN:0-441-08934-8
    Count Zero
    April 1987, Ace Books Mass Market paperback Reissue Edition ISBN:0-441-11773-2
    The Difference Engine
    With B. Sterling
    September 1997, Berkley Pub Group Mass Market Paperback Reprint Edition ISBN:04-25-15864-0
    Excerpt and cover art
    Jhonny Mnemonic
    screenplay 1995 w. Cinevisions Inc, Ace. ISBN:0-441-00234-X

    5. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Gibson, William
    WILLIAM GIBSON (1948). 1 May 2003, Talk time William gibson william Gibson s new book Pattern Recognition is out now from Penguin.,5917,96528,00.html
    @import url(,,,00.css);
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    "I really don't see myself as a futurist. I think the world we live in is so hopelessly weird and complex that in order to come to terms with it, you need the tools that science fiction develops." Birthplace

    South Carolina, US
    University of British Columbia (English literature)
    Did you know?

    6. - Author Profile: William Gibson Books by William Gibson PATTERN RECOGNITION. William Gibson. BIO. 6 Nov 2002. © Copyright 2003, William Gibson. All rights reserved.
    Books by
    William Gibson


    William Gibson
    BIO "Since 1948"

    Gene Wolfe once said that being an only child whose parents are dead is like being the sole survivor of drowned Atlantis. There was a whole civilization there, an entire continent, but it's gone. And you alone remember. That's my story too, my father having died when I was six, my mother when I was eighteen. Brian Aldiss believes that if you look at the life of any novelist, you'll find an early traumatic break, and mine seems no exception.
    I was born on the coast of South Carolina, where my parents liked to vacation when there was almost nothing there at all. My father was in some sort of middle management position in a large and growing construction company. They'd built some of the Oak Ridge atomic facilities, and paranoiac legends of "security" at Oak Ridge were part of our family culture. There was a cigar-box full of strange-looking ID badges he'd worn there. But he'd done well at Oak Ridge, evidently, and so had the company he worked for, and in the postwar South they were busy building entire red brick Levittown-style suburbs. We moved a lot, following these projects, and he was frequently away, scouting for new ones.
    It was a world of early television, a new Oldsmobile with crazy rocket-ship styling, toys with science fiction themes. Then my father went off on one more business trip. He never came back. He choked on something in a restaurant, the Heimlich maneuver hadn't been discovered yet, and everything changed.

    7. Livres De Gibson William Proposés Par
    Translate this page Livres de gibson william proposés proposé par Pour trouver tous les livres même les introuvables. gibson william gibson william.

    Gibson William
    Tous les livres de Gibson William proposés par Vous pouvez acheter ou offrir un livre de Gibson William en livre neuf ou d'occasion (si disponible)
    Comte Zero
    Grave Sur Chrome

    La Toile De L Araignee

    Lumiere Virtuelle
    Paris During The Commune With A Character Sk vous propose des livres neufs ou anciens. Il vous est donc possible de chercher parmi tous les livres écrits par Gibson William y compris dans une édition ancienne ou épuisée. Liste alphabétique des auteurs [G] Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion

    8. Lumiere Virtuelle De Gibson William Proposé Par
    Translate this page Lumiere Virtuelle Lumiere Virtuelle Auteur gibson william. Vous pouvez est POCHES. Ouvrages de gibson william autres que Lumiere Virtuelle.

    Lumiere Virtuelle Auteur: Gibson William
    Vous pouvez acheter ou offrir Lumiere Virtuelle en livre neuf ou d'occasion (si disponible) Détail du livre: Lumiere Virtuelle:
    in-8 (20x13 env.), broché, , Très bon état,,
    Editions disponibles: J AI LU SCIENCE FICTION. Date d'édition: Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion Le thème principal associé à "Lumiere Virtuelle" est: POCHES Ouvrages de Gibson William autres que Lumiere Virtuelle

    9. Unilibro Italia | Autore William Gibson
    Translate this page gibson william ,Pattern Recognition William Gibson ,Neuromante William Gibson ,American Acropolis William Gibson ,Parco giochi con pena di morte William Gibson William&id

    10. An Interview With William Gibson (by Dan Josefsson)
    William Gibson on nonfunctioning American democracy, the importance of giving computers to the poor, and the elitist appeal of the Internet. Audio clips as well.
    HOME William Gibson interview page #1/4 Next page
    Author William Gibson on non-functioning American democracy, the importance of giving computers to the poor, and the elitist appeal of the Internet
    On November 23, 1994 William Gibson came to Stockholm, Sweden, to promote his new book "Virtual Light". I interviewed him for "Rapport", Sweden's largest TV-news program. We talked for about half an hour, but only a small percent of the interview made it to the TV audience. William Gibson deserves better than that, so I hereby realese a transcript of the entire interview on the Web. Enjoy!
    By Dan Josefsson
    Listen to William Gibson's definition of "Cyberspace". Reasonable sound quality (361 k) Lousy quality, but quick (272 k) ... Next page Feedback is welcome! Mail me at
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    11. William Gibson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    William Gibson. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. William Ford Gibson (born March 17, 1948) is a Canadian author, mostly of science fiction novels.
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    William Gibson
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. William Ford Gibson (born March 17 ) is a Canadian author , mostly of science fiction novels. He is one of the leading members of the cyberpunk movement. Gibson was born in Conway, South Carolina USA . In , he moved to Vancouver B.C. Canada where he began to write science fiction, and has spent his adult life. His early works are generally futuristic stories about the influences of cybernetic and cyberspace (computer simulated reality) technology on the human race living in the imminent future. His first novel Neuromancer , won three major science-fiction awards ( Nebula Hugo , and Philip K. Dick Memorial Award More recently, Gibson has begun to move away from the fictional dystopias that made him famous, toward a more realist style of writing eschewing his trademark jump-cuts in favour of continuity and narrative flow. The novel Pattern Recognition even saw him enter the mainstream bestseller lists for the first time. There is, however, still the focus on technological change, and in particular on its darker, less predictable social consequences.

    gibson william (NOVELIST). Brand,S. The Media Lab. 1987 (245); Goodell,J. The Cyberthief and the Samurai. 1996 (3940); Kaplan,D. The Silicon Boys.
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    13. General Search Results For Gibson William
    Search Results For Gibson, William, Found 13 results in the Australia database. Pattern Recognition Type Paperback, By gibson william, $22.95, Buy Now.

    14. Gibson William
    gibson william Book Review and Price Comparison. Pages 1. Top Selling Books for gibson william. Neuromancer AUTHOR William Gibson
    Book Reviews and Compare Prices for Gibson William
    Home Browse Books Bookstore List Top Selling Books ... Rate Book Stores Search: Title/Author/Keywords/ISBN
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    Gibson William Book Review and Price Comparison
    Pages: Top Selling Books for Gibson William Neuromancer
    AUTHOR: William Gibson
    ISBN: 0441569595
    Publish Date: March 1984
    Format: Paperback
    Compare prices for this book
    Pattern Recognition
    AUTHOR: William Gibson
    ISBN: 0399149864
    Publish Date: February 2003 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Romeo and Juliet AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William ISBN: 0521634970 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book The Miracle Worker AUTHOR: William Gibson ISBN: 0743457587 Publish Date: June 2002 Format: Mass Market Paperback Compare prices for this book Macbeth AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William ISBN: 0521426219 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book All Tomorrow's Parties AUTHOR: William Gibson ISBN: 0425190447 Publish Date: January 2003 Format: Mass Market Paperback Compare prices for this book Teaching Shakespeare : A Handbook for Teachers AUTHOR: Rex Gibson (Author) ISBN: 0521577888 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Neuromancer AUTHOR: William Gibson ISBN: 0441007465 Publish Date: July 2000 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book All Tomorrow's Parties AUTHOR: Gibson, William

    15. William Gibson :: Biographie Bibliographie Livres De Ou Sur William Gibson
    gibson william., Fragments de rose en hologramme et a William Gibson Notre prix EUR 1,90.
    william gibson
    accueil login recherche librairie archives articles liens prix ... f g h i j k ... z william gibson accueil login recherche librairie ... plan du site vendredi 28 mai 2004

    16. BRLOH - Knihy, PC A Video Hry, èasopisy, Spoloèenské Hry, Komiks
    gibson william. Zobrazujem ponuky 1 10 z celkového poctu 12. The Difference Engine gibson william (Gollancz) žáner V anglictine cena 334,- Sk zlacnené

    17. GPL SEARCH [Author Gibson William]
    Web Catalog SEARCH Gpl Catalog Author gibson william. 27 records matched your query. Record 1 Gibson, William,., 1948. Pattern recognition / William Gibson..

    18. Neuromancer's Matrix Has Moved...
    welcome to virtualmatrix! " Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts Like city
    Neuromancer's Matrix has moved...
    If you are not automatically re-directed in a few seconds click on the link above. Please change your favorites or bookmarks accordingly.
    Thanks! last updated Saturday, 08-Mar-2003 14:33:04 EST

    19. William Gibson - Official Website
    Pattern Recognition A New York Time Book Review Notable Book for 2003 ; A Washington Post Choice Cuts of 2003 pick; A Los Angeles
    Pattern Recognition
  • A New York Time Book Review "Notable Book for 2003"
  • A Washington Post "Choice Cuts of 2003" pick
  • A Los Angeles Times "Best of the Best Book for 2003" selection
    Pattern Recognition is now available in paperback from Berkley.
  • 20. Postmodern Science Fiction And Cyberpunk
    PoMo SF william gibson s Neuromancer and Post-Modern Science Fiction. General SF and Cyberpunk Info. Alt.cyberpunk FAQ. william gibson. Cyberspace.
    Po-Mo SF:
    W illiam Gi bson's N euromancer
    and P ost- M odern S cience F iction
    General SF and Cyberpunk Info
    William Gibson
    "Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts...A graphical representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the non-space of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding..." William Gibson, Neuromancer
    B lade R unner
    the Ridley Scott film that gave cyberpunk SF its visual representation
    "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." (Roy Batty

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