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Fraser Kathleen: more books (85) | |||||
61. BookCrossing Love's Redemption By Kathleen Fraser - Review - BookCrossing - FREE 1 journaler for this copy Journal entry 1 by Wings Member! Clickfor details yvi1 Wings Member! Click for details (913/732 http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/1645506/Love's Redemption by Kathleen Fraser | |
62. BookCrossing Love's Redemption By Kathleen Fraser - Review - BookCrossing - FREE 1 journaler for this copy Journal entry 1 by Wings Member! Clickfor details yvi1 Wings Member! Click for details (978/735 http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/1645506 | |
63. Portsmouth Herald Obituaries From May 25, 2002 84 Broad St. Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 4361702. kathleen V. fraser. fraser - kathleenV. fraser, 80, of Nottingham Square Road, Epping, died May 23, 2002. http://www.seacoastonline.com/2002news/5_25obit.htm | |
64. McCrae Yearbook Purchases 2004 Francis, Tariq, TARIQ FRANCIS, $35. fraser, Jordan, JORDAN fraser, $35.fraser, kathleen, kathleen fraser, $35. Fraumeni, Kristin, KRISTIN FRAUMENI,$35. http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca/JMCCweb/MCCRAE04/articles/Namestamps2004.HTM | |
65. AnyBook4Less.com - Author: Kathleen Fraser 2. Compare Prices, Cover Image, Title Il Cuore The Heart Selected Poems 19701995(Wesleyan Poetry) by kathleen fraser, Peter Quartermain ISBN 0819522457 http://www.anybook4less.com/author/Kathleen Fraser.html | |
66. Www.naia.org: 2002 NAIA Women's Swimming & Diving All-Americans 200meter individual medley - Lisa Huffman, Simon fraser (BC); JenniferKasuya, Simon fraser (BC); kathleen Stoody, Simon fraser (BC). http://www.naia.org/swimdiv/women's/honors/aa/01-02.html | |
67. The Well-nourished Moon: Kathleen Fraser @ Diesel Books, February 8 February 19, 2004. kathleen fraser @ Diesel Books, February 8. It wasan Apogee Press book release partyreading. Here s what I remember http://stephanieyoung.durationpress.com/archives/000547.html | |
69. The Tsialten, Rodriguez, Gonzales Family Genealogy A Tsialten, Gonzales, Rodriguez Genealogy. Husband Dale fraser Born at Marriedat Died at Father Mother Other Spouses Wife Avis Irene kathleen GUSS http://www.sandycline.com/rita/family/fam00398.html | |
70. Working Writers By Category Adria Clawson Kitty Foth Richard fraser Joel Habush Mark Kolter Randi Kreger JamesOrgill Sandy Siegrist Marcia Smith Jeffrey Watter kathleen Winkler Patricia http://www.workingwriters.org/category.htm | |
71. Learning-Org Jan 1996 LO In Rochester, NY LO4925 LO in Rochester, NY LO4925. kathleen fraser (KCFBBU@ritvax.isc.rit.edu)Tue, 16 Jan 1996 102533 0400 (EDT) http://world.std.com/~lo/96.01/0397.html |
72. South Fraser Burnaby. Janet Davidson 604540-9034. Mary fraser 604-520-0172 mhfmusic@shaw.ca.Delta. FRENCH HORN. kathleen Bowles 604-531-7675 kebowles@shaw.ca. HARP. http://www.bcrmta.bc.ca/south_fraser.htm | |
73. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. fraser, kathleen Sandra Birth living Rochester, NY GenderFemale Parents Father Padgett, Wallace Mother fraser, kathleen Sandra. http://www.thefrasers.com/jefraserjr/dat0.htm | |
74. News-Register.com kathleen fraser Community Tuesdays first year. Published May 15,2004. Western . All photos submitted by kathleen fraser. Guest http://www.newsregister.com/news/story.cfm?story_no=180189 |
75. Free Space Comix: The Blog: SEGUE READING: Phoebe Gloeckner And Kathleen Fraser November 11, 2002. SEGUE READING Phoebe Gloeckner and kathleen fraser. SEGUEREADING SERIES AT THE BOWERY POETRY CLUB. http//www.bowerypoetry.com/. http://www.arras.net/weblog/000029.html | |
76. Nancy LOUISE FRASER - Susanna GAMMIDGE Phillip fraser =Margaret Lorraine SLIDDERS 3 William Lindsay fraser 3 Nancy LOUISEfraser 3 Margaret Anne fraser 3 Suzanne fraser 2 Joanne kathleen fraser http://www.the-net.co.uk/frewin/archive/nancy_louise_fraser.htm | |
77. Open Books: A Poem Emporium - Calendar Archives Open Books Event Archive September 27, 2001 0730 PM. kathleen fraser Ms. fraserhas published fourteen books of poems, most recently _Il Cuore The Heart http://www.openpoetrybooks.com/calendar/archives/000034.html | |
78. The Coppin Family Reunion - 17 August 2003 - Prospect, Nova Scotia Nicola Smith; Marianne (Coolen) McPherson, Ann Slaunwhite and SusanSlaunwhite; Jim fraser, kathleen (Doherty) Coolen and Nat Smith. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~prospect/Coppin08.html | |
79. Brendan Fraser - Foto Brendan Fraser Translate this page Paolo Hope Olson Irene Grandi Jill Kelly Justine Greiner kathleen Turner Louann NiniNino Novi Angelo Pamela Stein Pennelope Jimenez Brendan fraser Ecco alcuni http://www.sfondi-pc.org/brendan_fraser.html | |
80. Burke, Kathleen M. kathleen M. Burke, Simon fraser University. Author, Session 237 GC9, Thursday,100PM to 230 PM, November 16, (Go to Program Resource Index). http://www.asc41.com/www/2000/z2542.htm | |
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