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61. Great American History Fact-Finder - -Franklin, Benjamin The Great American History FactFinder. franklin, benjamin. (1706-90), author, scientist, philosopher, and statesman. franklin published http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/gahff/html/ff_071000_franklinbenj.ht | |
62. About Daylight Saving Time - History, Rationale, Laws & Dates History from benjamin franklin to the present. U.S. law and practice. Worldwide time change dates. http://webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/ | |
63. FRANKLIN, Benjamin (1706-1790) Biographical Information franklin, benjamin, 17061790. Bibliography. Morgan, Edmund. benjamin franklin. New Haven Yale University Press, 2002; Wright, Esmond. franklin of Philadelphia. http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=F000342 |
64. Institut F. Klinische Pharmakologie Und Toxikologie - Campus Benjamin Franklin - Dies Institut des UKBF stellt Informationen zu Forschungsprojekten, Veranstaltungen und dem Lehrplan zur Verf¼gung. Mitarbeiterverzeichnis und Kontakt der Ethikkommission ebenfalls vorhanden. http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/copharma/ | |
65. MSN Encarta - Franklin, Benjamin Advertisement. franklin, benjamin. His father, Josiah franklin, a tallow chandler by trade, had 17 children; benjamin was the 15th child and the 10th son. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576775/Franklin_Benjamin.html | |
66. FRANKLIN, Benjamin (1706-1790) Bibliography franklin, benjamin, 17061790. Extended Bibliography. New York Doubleday, 2000. franklin, benjamin. Autobiography and Other Writings. 1961. http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/bibdisplay.pl?index=F000342 |
67. Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin CAMPUS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Englishlanguage information about the services and degree programs of the joint Medical School of the two major Berlin Universities. http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/cbf-welcome.html | |
68. Benjamin Franklin High School THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA benjamin franklin High School 550 N. BROAD GREEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19130 TELEPHONE http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/schools/benfranklin/ | |
69. The Friends Of Franklin Features biography and handwriting sample. http://www.benjamin-franklin.org/ | |
70. IMA Hero: Ben Franklin HH benjamin franklin was a hero read about his life, the times in which he lived, and http://www.imahero.com/herohistory/ben_herohistory.htm | |
71. The City Of Franklin, Indiana The official site for the town named after benjamin franklin. Census and history. Economic development, government, parks and recreation, public works, services, education, and churches. http://www.ci.franklin.in.us/ | |
72. Quotes - Benjamin Franklin , Benjamin Franklin Quotations, Benjamin Franklin Say benjamin franklin Quotes, benjamin franklin Quotations, benjamin franklin Sayings Famous Quotes About -benjamin franklin. http://home.att.net/~quotesabout/benjaminfranklin.html | |
73. Benjamin Franklin As A Scientist Focuses on franklin's contributions to the world of science. Includes related experiment. http://sln.fi.edu/franklin/scientst/scientst.html | |
74. Adventures In CyberSound 1706 1790. benjamin franklin was born on January 17, 1706. His family lived in Boston, Massachusetts. The Life and Times of benjamin franklin. http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/FRANKLIN.BIO.html | |
75. Logan's Place... Come On In! Pictures, links, biography, timeline and information on his inventions. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/4205/ | |
76. Untitled Document Dedicados a transmitir los conocimientos de la administraci³n en M©xico. http://www.benjaminfranklin.8k.com |
77. Books On Benjamin Franklin Autobiography and Other Writings benjamin franklin by benjamin franklin, Kenneth Silverman (Editor) Paperback 270 pages (August 1986) Penguin USA (Paper http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/benjamin_franklin.htm | |
78. ThinkQuest : Library : The Energy Planet Studentproduced site provides a summary of franklin's life, but focuses on his contributions to the field of electronics. http://library.thinkquest.org/C004471/tep/en/biographies/benjamin_franklin.html? |
79. Bedeutende Plasmaphysiker: Benjamin Franklin Translate this page benjamin franklin. 1706 - 1790, amerikanischer Politiker, Naturwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller. benjamin franklin wurde am 17. http://www.dpg-fachgremien.de/p/informationen-dateien/plasmaphysiker/franklin.ht | |
80. Benjamin Franklin A Man Of Many Talents HoughtonMifflin Social Studies mini-course. http://eduplace.com/ss/hmss/5/unit/act4.2.html | |
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