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81. Categorized Web Directory. International Internet Portal, Website Listings, List 2); Frain, James@ (4); fraire, isabel@ (2); Frakes, Jonathan@ (6);Fraley, Patrick@ (8); Frampton, Edward Reginald@ (2); Frances of Rome http://www.ad-free.net/dir/dirsearch6bda.html | |
82. Search: Arts>Literature>Authors>F 7) Forster, Margaret (4) Forsyth, Frederick (2) Forward, Robert L.@(1) Fowles, John (3) Foxx, Nina (2) fraire, isabel (1) Francis http://aoltvsearch.aol.com/cat.adp?id=41222 |
83. Deskmod.org Reference Biography F Fishel, Danielle, Fayre, Jillian, Fabi, Mark, Forsyth, Frederick, Fellini,Federico. Facinelli, Peter, fraire, isabel, Flynn, Errol, Faldo, Nick, Fields,WC. http://www.deskmod.org/Reference/Biography/F | |
84. Torreon Translate this page Norma Leticia fraire Ma. Guadalupe Martínez Pérez Juan Manuel Zamora MadrigalLourdes Argijo Ramírez Ma. Elena Gual Ramírez Claudia isabel Esparza Flores http://servidor.seplade-coahuila.gob.mx/ohs_images/seplade/ice3/educamb/torreon. | |
85. Enlaces isabel fraire; José Gorostiza; Efrain Huerta Poemínimos * Estrella en alto * La muchacha ebria ; Renato Leduc; Ramón http://www.poesia-inter.net/enlaces1.htm | |
86. Manuel Talens - El Sitio Web Del Escritor. Lecturas Ajenas. Translate this page En un estremecedor Poema de Navidad para Alaíde, dice isabel fraire que no se diocuenta de que era tan hermosa, que en las fotografías que repasa una y otra http://www.manueltalens.com/lecturas_ajenas/lecturas/alaide.htm | |
87. Borderland News Highlights Adrian Zepeda was 2for-4 with 3 RBIs for Clint, and Willie Canavawas 2-for-4 with 1 RBi; fraire was 3-for-3 with 1 RBI. WPIsabel Medina. http://www.elpasotimes.com/stories/sports/events/20040305-89420.shtml | |
88. WRITERS DICTIONARY Translate this page C. Cabrera, Luis. Castro, Dolores. Camino y Galicia, León Felipe. Celorio, Gonzalo.Campbell Federico. Cernida, Luis. Campobello, Nelli. Cervantes, Francisco. http://www.arts-history.mx/literat/licde2.html | |
89. Écrits Des Forges - Ailleurs Les Lunes - Bergeron, David http://www.ecritsdesforges.com/2003/seulementcettelumiere.shtml | |
90. Ricerche Translate this page http://www.readme.it/ricerca.asp | |
91. Cultura30 enero 13 2000, México, pp. 25-26. 148.- GUERRA C., José Antonio. http://www.sre.gob.mx/imred/biblioteca/Bol30/cultur.htm | |
92. 'Presencia De Luis Cernuda' Cernuda -Categoría. artículo (revista) -Publicación. Revista http://www.abdn.ac.uk/spanish/idealist/pages/page394.shtml | |
93. MySA.com: Arts | Entertainment Cardenal s past is common to all Latin Americans, notes critic IsabelFraire. His present is likewise common to all Latin Americans. . http://www.mysanantonio.com/entertainment/stories/MYSA22.01P.cardenal_0422.50579 | |
94. Arts, Literature, Poetry, In Translation: Latin American AnaMia Place Dedicated to Poetry and Mexico A place dedicated to Mexicanpoetry, netpoetry and young poets on the net. AnaMia s Place - . . . http://www.combose.com/Arts/Literature/Poetry/In_Translation/Latin_American/ | |
95. Regional, North America, Mexico, Arts And Entertainment: Literature Paz, Octavio@. http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/Mexico/Arts_and_Entertainment/Lite | |
96. F From Linkspider UK Arts Directory Match », All words -Any word -Exact text. Search », , http://linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Literature/Authors/F/ | |
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