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         Foix J V:     more books (59)
  1. Croniques de l'ultrason ;: L'estacio (Obra poetica / J.V. Foix) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1996
  2. Cronicas de ultrasueno (Narrativas hispanicas) (Spanish Edition) by J. V Foix, 1986
  3. Divuit sonets de "Sol, i de dol" (El Garbell) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1985
  4. When I Sleep Then I See Clearly by J. V. Foix, 1989-01
  5. Obres completes (Classics catalans) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 2000
  6. Tocant a ma-- (Textual) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1993
  7. Mots i maons o a cascu el seu (Assaig Minor) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1995
  8. Les irreals omegues by J. V. Foix,
  9. Las Irreales Omegas (El Naranjo) (Spanish Edition) by J. V. Foix, 2000-06
  10. Diari 1918 (Les Millors obres de la literatura catalana) (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1981
  11. Croniques de l'ultrason ; L'estacio (Catalan Edition) by J. V Foix, 1985
  12. J. V. Foix by Jaume Vallcorba, 2002-05-31
  13. La poesia de J. V. Foix (Llibres a l'abast, 115) (Catalan Edition) by Pere Gimferrer, 1974
  14. J.V. Foix (Twayne's World Authors Series) by Patricia J. Boehne, 1980-06

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2. Foix J V
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3. A Language Beyond Politics: The Poetry Of J.V.Foix
Josep Vicenç foix, JV foix as he preferred to be known, was born at the end ofthe 19th century in a suburb of Barcelona, Sarrià, and as a youth witnessed
A language beyond politics: The poetry of J.V.Foix In many ways, the title of this presentation may initially surprise and I should like to clarify the issue for some who may have misunderstood the statement that Foix was not political. The reference itself derives from an interview I had with him in 1974 when he said to me:"I am not political. Politics doesn't interest me. It never has." Surprising as it may seem, regardless of any data which have turned up subsequently, Foix, at age 81, did indeed make that statement. Hence the title of this paper: "A language BEYOND politics" as well as "A LANGUAGE beyond politics." I believe that Foix intended to go beyond politics in the interest of the Catalan language and its culture. His loyalty was centered on his culture and its language. from the age of 8. As a young man he wrote and participated in publishing numerous periodicals, newspapers and literary magazines. Indeed, his own poems began to appear in print from a very early age. During 1931-36 he was director, critic and principal writer for the literary and art pages of La Publicitat , a leading bi-weekly newspaper. This last period prior to the Civil War was a time of literary and journalistic freedom, enthusiastically embraced by Catalan writers and their readers.

4. Ew FOIX 'Còpia D'una Lletra' Prosa - Eixample Web
Eixample Web. J. V. foix 'Prosa'. Literatura segle XX. Textos literaris Eix@mple Web textos. foix. J. V. foix nasqué a Barcelona lany 1894 lorigen de la poesia de prosa de J. V. foix, sinó que àdhuc constitueix la justificació i
Eix@mple Web textos
Sol i de dol Les irreals Omegues On he deixat les claus... Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any (1960), i els assaigs i proses narratives (1934) i Catalans de 1918
que n’orna el cancell.
de vermell pungent, d’un escamot de negrors invertebrades que pugnen com una murena que rebla, per l’erm de les famoses Dames Crestalludes que, en estol desordenat, vaguen per la riba d’un estany del mesozoic, i de les anguiles primordials s’enroca es congria, en una contrada i mamelluda tant de ble enflascar, ensacar o encapsar m’embrolla i seuen i fumen; les dones, freturejants I seuen; i fumen. Els uns i els altres, coronats de galzeran, elaboren vocabularis isabelins i lleven ormeigs immaterials de mars anteriors.
a nit batent, i els qui s’hi engresquen se’n van a les eroles extremes a ensinistrar falcons i d’altres ocells de presa. Fanguen
No anirem, doncs, en mar; no cavalcarem, homeiers, pels plans de Colera; no hostejarem en camps hugonots ni deliberarem, insaciables, per les llotges dels llenys quan tornen en albes agusades

5. Prose Poems By J. V. Foix In English Translation
The English translation is based on the bilingual CatalanGerman edition JV foix,KRTU und andere Prosadichtungen (edited, translated from Catalan, and with an
Prose poems by J. V. Foix Translated from Catalan by Johannes Beilharz From: Diary 1918 (fragments) In memory of Joaquim Folguera I wounded your lover in a duel. But you are laughing about it because you are wearing your scarlet dress. And because, unfaithful as you are, you have replaced him with the scene shifter. You would have paid for your crime had the hairdresser not been your accomplice as the two of you so grotesquely disfigured my face. One beautiful morning, however, I shall take my revenge. The ceiling won't be as awfully low then as it is now, and there won't be as many dead birds painted on it. When, from far away, I noticed my rival who stood motionless, awaiting me on the beach, I began to doubt whether it was really him or perhaps my horse or Gertrudis. As I came closer, I noticed that it was a gigantic phallus of stone that had been erected there ages and ages ago. Its shadow covered half the sea, and there was an undecipherable inscription in its base. I bent down to copy the inscription, but only my umbrella was there, open in the burning sand before me. Without any trace of ship or cloud, a pair of gigantic gloves were floating in the sea. The gloves worn by the mysterious monster that pursues you at night under the plane trees along the beach.

6. A Language Beyond Politics: The Poetry Of J.V.Foix
An essay on the Catalan poet by Patricia J. Boehne.
A language beyond politics: The poetry of J.V.Foix In many ways, the title of this presentation may initially surprise and I should like to clarify the issue for some who may have misunderstood the statement that Foix was not political. The reference itself derives from an interview I had with him in 1974 when he said to me:"I am not political. Politics doesn't interest me. It never has." Surprising as it may seem, regardless of any data which have turned up subsequently, Foix, at age 81, did indeed make that statement. Hence the title of this paper: "A language BEYOND politics" as well as "A LANGUAGE beyond politics." I believe that Foix intended to go beyond politics in the interest of the Catalan language and its culture. His loyalty was centered on his culture and its language. from the age of 8. As a young man he wrote and participated in publishing numerous periodicals, newspapers and literary magazines. Indeed, his own poems began to appear in print from a very early age. During 1931-36 he was director, critic and principal writer for the literary and art pages of La Publicitat , a leading bi-weekly newspaper. This last period prior to the Civil War was a time of literary and journalistic freedom, enthusiastically embraced by Catalan writers and their readers.

7. Noms Propis : J.V. Foix
Actualitat literaria sobre JV foix a LLETRA, l espai virtual de literatura catalanade la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. JV foix, JV foix Manuel Guerrero
J.V. Foix
Noms propis



Membre de l'IEC

Biografia, informacions, publicacions. Foix a EPdLP
Breu fitxa sobre Foix a "El poder de la palabra". Amb un text.

Poemes i el poeta
"Sol, i de dol" Un parell de poemes i algun fragment. Interviews with Poets Gedichte von J. V. Foix COMENTARIS "La Paret de J.V.Foix i el blanc del poema" "A language beyond politics: The poetry of J.V. Foix" Article de Patricia J. Boehne (Eastern College) a la revista digital JOCS DIVERSOS Sobre Verdaguer La biblioteca personal J.V. Foix Manuel Guerrero Exiliat a la pairal contrada Les irreals omegues La Publicitat Poesia Ariel o Dau al Set Josep Palau i Fabre Joan Brossa o Joan Perucho L'investigador en poesia Gertrudis (1927) i KRTU Quaderns de poesia Sol, i de dol Sol, i de dol Carner Riba o Sagarra Llull Sol, i de dol Al llarg dels sonets de Sol, i de dol Sol, i de dol Les irreals omegues Les irreals omegues , un llibre totalment diferent al classicisme dominant a Sol, i de dol Les irreals omegues El mite del 1918 On he deixat les claus... Diari 1918 Diari de 1918 Diari de 1918 , veritable work in progress , reescriptura d'un diari personal, aplega fragments de Gertrudis (1927) i KRTU Diari 1918 L'estrella d'En Perris Darrer comunicat (1970) i (1972). El

8. Comunitel
Two works by the Catalan poet in English translation.

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9. LA Paret De J.V.Foix I El Blanc Del Poema/JOCS/UOC
La Paret de J.V.foix i el blanc del poema seues proses més significatives, "Tocant a mà", escriu J. V. foix Tots sabíem on era la Paret, però ignoràvem
Index / Índex Per una teoria del canvi morfosintàctic
Erem i serem?: varying perspectives in the defence of Catalan

El parany del ratolí: the translation of Shakespeare into Catalan
[Reviews / Ressenyes]
La Paret de J.V.Foix i el blanc del poema Jaume Pérez Montaner
Universitat de València En l'inici d'una de les seues proses més significatives, "Tocant a mà", escriu J. V. Foix: Amb tot i això, el somni de Freud assoleix un altre moment culminant, precisament amb la visió, "impresa en grossos caràcters", de "la fòrmula de la trimetilamina". Si en el primer moment es desvetlà, en presència de l'ego, la imatge angoixant i horrorosa de l'això ets, ara és la representació de la fòrmula escrita, comparada també a les paraules del somni bíblic, que Lacan identifica amb "la paraula, la remor universal". ( ) En la primera part Freud pot albirar que "la clau del somni ha de ser el mateix que la clau de la neurosi i la clau de la curació". En el somni complet, ens mostra aquesta revelació: "allò que està en joc en la funció del somni es troba més enllà de l'ego, allò que en el subjecte és del subjecte i no és del subjecte, és l'inconscient". ( Un altre escrit de Lacan, directament relacionat amb l'inconscient, és "L'equivocació del subjecte suposat al saber", conferència que pronuncià a l'Institut Francés de Nàpols el 14 de desembre de 1967. (

10. J.V. Foix @ Catharton Authors
JV foix. 1894 1987. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Suggest or Requesta room. Can t find what you want here? Try searching Google for JV foix
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all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors F : Foix, J.V. J.V. Foix Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: A language beyond politics: The poetry of J.V.Foix Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: Suggest or Request a list Chat Rooms: Suggest or Request a room Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for J.V. Foix List of Works:
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11. Josep Vicenç Foix - Catalan Writer
La vida i l'obra de J. V. foix (18931987), poeta influ¯t pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, el c¨lebre autor de «Sol, i de dol».
J.V. Foix (Barcelona, 1894-1987). Poeta influït pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, ell mateix es definia com "un investigador de la poesia". Va començar a publicar abans de la guerra civil espanyola, però el reconeixement com a poeta de gran qualitat no li arribaria fins ben entrada la dècada dels cinquanta. Va incorporar al seu bagatge cultural tant la poesia trobadoresca i medieval italiana, com el surrealisme i el futurisme. Va col.laborar a les principals revistes catalanes i va destacar com a difusor del nou art d'avantguarda, tant literari com plàstic. Va publicar també llibres de prosa poètica com Gertrudis (1927) i KRTU Sol, i de dol On he deixat les claus (1953) i Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix

12. Prose Poems By J. V. Foix In English Translation
Prose poems by. J. V. foix. Translated from Catalan by Johannes Beilharz. From Diary 1918 (fragments) In memory of Joaquim Folguera. I wounded your lover in a duel. But you are laughing about it because you are wearing your scarlet dress. translation is based on the bilingual CatalanGerman edition J. V. foix, KRTU und andere Prosadichtungen
Prose poems by J. V. Foix Translated from Catalan by Johannes Beilharz From: Diary 1918 (fragments) In memory of Joaquim Folguera I wounded your lover in a duel. But you are laughing about it because you are wearing your scarlet dress. And because, unfaithful as you are, you have replaced him with the scene shifter. You would have paid for your crime had the hairdresser not been your accomplice as the two of you so grotesquely disfigured my face. One beautiful morning, however, I shall take my revenge. The ceiling won't be as awfully low then as it is now, and there won't be as many dead birds painted on it. When, from far away, I noticed my rival who stood motionless, awaiting me on the beach, I began to doubt whether it was really him or perhaps my horse or Gertrudis. As I came closer, I noticed that it was a gigantic phallus of stone that had been erected there ages and ages ago. Its shadow covered half the sea, and there was an undecipherable inscription in its base. I bent down to copy the inscription, but only my umbrella was there, open in the burning sand before me. Without any trace of ship or cloud, a pair of gigantic gloves were floating in the sea. The gloves worn by the mysterious monster that pursues you at night under the plane trees along the beach.

13. Catharton: Authors: F:
Flora, Kate Floyd, E. Randall Flynn, Casey see Flint, Kenneth C. Flynn, ConnieFlynn, Joseph Flynn, Michael F. Fo, Dario Foden, Giles foix, JV Follain, Jean
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all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors : F: Faber , Michel
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Falcon , Debra - see Finch , Carol
, William ... , Erica
Farland , David - see Wolverton , David
, Nancy ... , Howard Faulcon , Robert - see Holdstock , Robert Faulkner , William ... , John Russell Feddersen , Connie - see Finch , Carol Federman , Raymond ... , Coerte V.W. Fenn , Lionel - see Grant , Charles Fennelly , Tony ... , Brad Ferguson , Helen - see Kavan , Anna Ferguson , Neil ... , Bruce Fergusson , Bruce Chandler - see Fergusson , Bruce Fergusson , Robert ... , Robert Ferring , David - see Garnett , David S. Ferris , Monica - see Pulver , Mary Monica Fetzer , Amy J. ... , Sarah Fields , Morgan - see Morgan , J.M. Finch , Carol ... , Ronald Firth , Violet M. - see Fortune , Dion Fisher , Anne Kinsman ... , E. Randall Flynn , Casey - see Flint , Kenneth C. Flynn , Connie ... , John (17th century playwright) Ford , John M. Forester , C.S. ... , James D. Forrest , Elizabeth - see Vilott , Rhondi Forrest , Felix C. - see

14. Gedichte Von J. V. Foix
Gedichte von J. V. foix (18941987) auf Katalanisch und Deutsch.
Gedichte von J. V. Foix
A quin mar fosc naufragà una goleta
Amb ocells delirants damunt les vergues
I veles defallents sota les molses A quina balma cega hi ha conquilles
On amaguem tresors d'arrels i aigua
Enyorosos del ball i armats amb canyes A quin pati ignorat d'una llar closa
Sentíem cants amb angoixa celeste
Els insectes alats als palmells càlids A quin fons de taverna enllà dels segles
Tastàvem mosts novells i ens embruixaven
Sons de marbres arcaics en orgues fòssils
A quin barranc antic, vitals, ballàvem Al plany nocturn de bressolants arbredes Eco lunar de veus i cants maresos A quin carrer sentíem fressa d'algues Quan ens dèiem adéu sense paraules A la claror d'espurnejants pronòstics A quin hangar d'una plana vetusta Vestits de nit i coronats de roses Amoixàvem ocells amb mà tremosa A quina font de l'obaga perduda Un estiu despullat en nit desclosa Ploraven les vestals als déus de pedra Damunt quin mur en una nit sense hores Inscrivíem uns noms que no enteníem I dibuixàvem, púdics, ratlles mortes

15. Arts And Entertainment Directory: Catalan
Arts and Entertainment Directory Catalan, including foix, j. v., manent, marià, rodoreda, mercè, ferrater, gabriel, pla, josep, espriu, salvador, martorell, joanot Ferrater, Gabriel@ foix, J. V.@ Manent, Marià@ Martorell, Joanot Literature/Ca

Arts and Entertainment Directory

Catalan Homes Top Arts Literature ... World Literature Catalan CATEGORIES Espriu, Salvador@
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Great Literature In 'Small' Languages In The Mediterranean Area. Catalan Translation
An essay by Joaquim Mallafr¨, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia. Science Fiction In The Catalan Literature Essays on science fiction in Catalan literature. Special issue of 'Literatures' magazine. Joan Ro­s De Corella Catalan poet of 15th century. Two Works On The Translation Of Ausi s March Poetry 'Some Reflections on the Translation of Ausi s March' by Dominic Keown and 'Ausi s March in English with a rhythmic version of poem XXVIII' by Curt Wittlin. Manuel De Pedrolo: Tocats Pel Foc

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Translate this page Resultats de la cerca AUTORS. Núm. Entrades, Encapçalament. 66, foix, JV. 1,foix, Marta. 1, foix, Pedro. 3, foix, Pere. 1, foix Rodríguez, Helenia. 3, foix,Rosa.

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1. 100 pàgines triades per mi 1 .. foix, JV, La Campana, 1987,2. 97 notes sobre ficcions poncianes, foix, JV, La Magrana, 1978, 3.

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20. Josep Vicenç Foix - Catalan Writer
J.V. foix (Barcelona, 18941987). Poeta influït pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, ell mateix es definia
J.V. Foix (Barcelona, 1894-1987). Poeta influït pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, ell mateix es definia com "un investigador de la poesia". Va començar a publicar abans de la guerra civil espanyola, però el reconeixement com a poeta de gran qualitat no li arribaria fins ben entrada la dècada dels cinquanta. Va incorporar al seu bagatge cultural tant la poesia trobadoresca i medieval italiana, com el surrealisme i el futurisme. Va col.laborar a les principals revistes catalanes i va destacar com a difusor del nou art d'avantguarda, tant literari com plàstic. Va publicar també llibres de prosa poètica com Gertrudis (1927) i KRTU Sol, i de dol On he deixat les claus (1953) i Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix

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