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1. Katalog : Deutsch : Kultur : Literatur : Autoren_und_Autorinnen : F : foix j v; Verzeichnis der Autoren; Literarische Links; http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Literatur/Autoren_und_Autorinne | |
2. Foix J V foix j v; Ich öffnete mit starrem http://ebbertz.dbmk.de/links/Literatur/Autoren_und_Autorinnen/F/Foix,_J._V./ | |
3. A Language Beyond Politics: The Poetry Of J.V.Foix Josep Vicenç foix, JV foix as he preferred to be known, was born at the end ofthe 19th century in a suburb of Barcelona, Sarrià, and as a youth witnessed http://www.uoc.edu/humfil/1939/boehne2.html | |
4. Ew FOIX 'Còpia D'una Lletra' Prosa - Eixample Web Eixample Web. J. V. foix 'Prosa'. Literatura segle XX. Textos literaris Eix@mple Web textos. foix. J. V. foix nasqué a Barcelona lany 1894 lorigen de la poesia de prosa de J. V. foix, sinó que àdhuc constitueix la justificació i http://www.geocities.com/perpinya/tx-foix.html | |
5. Prose Poems By J. V. Foix In English Translation The English translation is based on the bilingual CatalanGerman edition JV foix,KRTU und andere Prosadichtungen (edited, translated from Catalan, and with an http://www.jbeilharz.de/foix/prose_poems.html | |
6. A Language Beyond Politics: The Poetry Of J.V.Foix An essay on the Catalan poet by Patricia J. Boehne. http://www.uoc.es/humfil/1939/boehne2.html | |
7. Noms Propis : J.V. Foix Actualitat literaria sobre JV foix a LLETRA, l espai virtual de literatura catalanade la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. JV foix, JV foix Manuel Guerrero http://www.uoc.edu/lletra/noms/jvfoix/ | |
8. Comunitel Two works by the Catalan poet in English translation. http://www.intercom.es/folch/poesia/foix_.htm | |
9. LA Paret De J.V.Foix I El Blanc Del Poema/JOCS/UOC La Paret de J.V.foix i el blanc del poema seues proses més significatives, "Tocant a mà", escriu J. V. foix Tots sabíem on era la Paret, però ignoràvem http://www.uoc.edu/jocs/1/literatura/literatura.html | |
10. J.V. Foix @ Catharton Authors JV foix. 1894 1987. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Suggest or Requesta room. Can t find what you want here? Try searching Google for JV foix http://www.catharton.com/authors/907.htm | |
11. Josep Vicenç Foix - Catalan Writer La vida i l'obra de J. V. foix (18931987), poeta influ¯t pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, el c¨lebre autor de «Sol, i de dol». http://partal.com/aelc/autors/foixjv/index.html | |
12. Prose Poems By J. V. Foix In English Translation Prose poems by. J. V. foix. Translated from Catalan by Johannes Beilharz. From Diary 1918 (fragments) In memory of Joaquim Folguera. I wounded your lover in a duel. But you are laughing about it because you are wearing your scarlet dress. translation is based on the bilingual CatalanGerman edition J. V. foix, KRTU und andere Prosadichtungen http://www.alb-neckar-schwarzwald.de/foix/prose_poems.html | |
13. Catharton: Authors: F: Flora, Kate Floyd, E. Randall Flynn, Casey see Flint, Kenneth C. Flynn, ConnieFlynn, Joseph Flynn, Michael F. Fo, Dario Foden, Giles foix, JV Follain, Jean http://www.catharton.com/authors/f.htm | |
14. Gedichte Von J. V. Foix Gedichte von J. V. foix (18941987) auf Katalanisch und Deutsch. http://www.jbeilharz.de/katalan/foix-ged.htm | |
15. Arts And Entertainment Directory: Catalan Arts and Entertainment Directory Catalan, including foix, j. v., manent, marià, rodoreda, mercè, ferrater, gabriel, pla, josep, espriu, salvador, martorell, joanot Ferrater, Gabriel@ foix, J. V.@ Manent, Marià@ Martorell, Joanot http://artsandentertainment.us/directory/Top/Arts/Literature/World Literature/Ca | |
16. AM Standard Search Translate this page Resultats de la cerca AUTORS. Núm. Entrades, Encapçalament. 66, foix, JV. 1,foix, Marta. 1, foix, Pedro. 3, foix, Pere. 1, foix Rodríguez, Helenia. 3, foix,Rosa. http://www.gencat.es/cgi-bin/slp/vtls/vtls.web.gateway?searchtype=author&conf=08 |
17. URSSAF De L'Ariège Permanences, bureaux et informations pratiques de l'union de recouvrement d©partementale de la S©curit© sociale et des Allocations familiales. http://www.foix.cirso.fr/ | |
18. VTLS-Web Gateway: Authority Lookup 1. 100 pàgines triades per mi 1 .. foix, JV, La Campana, 1987,2. 97 notes sobre ficcions poncianes, foix, JV, La Magrana, 1978, 3. http://www.gencat.es/cgi-bin/slp/vtls/vtls.web.gateway?authority=0003-10880&conf |
19. Framee Club de basket n© r©cemment de la fusion des ©quipes de foix et de Serressur-Arget. http://asptt.foix.basket.free.fr/ | |
20. Josep Vicenç Foix - Catalan Writer J.V. foix (Barcelona, 18941987). Poeta influït pel Noucentisme i fascinat per les avantguardes, ell mateix es definia http://www.partal.com/aelc/autors/foixjv | |
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