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61. Invisible Library Authors D-H firbank, ronald, Caprice, unknown, Ozias Midwinter, a collection of poetry, Charles Hunt. firbank, ronald, Inclinations, Cray, Lady, Travels, Charles Hunt. http://www.invisiblelibrary.com/libauthor2.htm | |
62. LeLibraire : Les Excentricités Du Cardinal Pirelli - Ronald Firbank Translate this page Les Excentricités du cardinal Pirelli de ronald firbank (Rivages, 6.40 ). Envoyer une critique. Les Excentricités du cardinal http://www.lelibraire.com/din/tit.php?Id=8554 |
63. LeLibraire : Ronald Firbank Translate this page ronald firbank. Envoyer une critique. ronald firbank. Ses livres Les Excentricités du cardinal Pirelli La Fleur aux pieds. Ses éditeurs Rivages. http://www.lelibraire.com/din/aut.php?Id=3241 |
64. Get It Cheap: Books : Ronald Firbank - Books ronald firbank. Get it cheap Books ronald firbank. Find information an reviews on Books ronald firbank. Books ronald firbank. http://www.get-it-cheap.co.uk/shop-group-books_uk-st-AuthorSearch-is-Ronald Firb | |
65. Ronald Firbank, Free Books ronald firbank, Free Books. Free Books F ronald firbank. Dalkey Archive Press ronald firbank Books by ronald firbank available from Dalkey Archive Press. http://www.free-books-1.com/f/ronald_firbank/ | |
66. Moorcock S Weekly Miscellany ronald firbank (and welcome back from your travels, MM). Good moves on each occasion, I might add. So why do I have such a problem with ronald firbank? http://www.multiverse.org/phpnuke/postt744.html |
67. Moorcock S Weekly Miscellany Author, Message. Topic ronald firbank (and welcome back from your travels, MM). Topic ronald firbank (and welcome back from your travels, MM). http://www.multiverse.org/phpnuke/forumssearch-search_author-Jagged.html |
68. Calls For Papers: CFP: Ronald Firbank's Fiction (ASAP; Collecti CFP ronald firbank s Fiction (ASAP; collection). From David Malcolm (angmd@univ.gda.pl) Date Thu Nov 02 2000 035747 EST. ronald firbank S FICTION. http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/archive/2000-11/0012.html | |
69. AIM25: University College London: Firbank Letters Personal names firbank Arthur Annesley ronald 18861926 author and playwright x firbank ronald Richards Franklin Thomas Grant 1872-1948 publisher http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=4709&inst_id=13 |
70. Le Matricule Des Anges : Ronald Firbank http://www.lmda.net/din/aut_lmda.php?Id=3241 |
71. Allison & Busby - Small Publishers, Big Books Book details. (click to enlarge). ronald firbank A Life Jonathan Fryer. Format 256pp Hardback Available September 2004 Price 20 ISBN http://www.allisonandbusby.ltd.uk/books/bookDetails.asp?ISBN=0749083069 |
72. Maggs Rare Books: Browse Shop Window firbank (ronald). Letters to His Mother 19201924. Edited with an introduction by Anthony Hobson. Illustrated with colour plates http://www.maggs.com/recent_publications/maggs_recent.html | |
73. SHIMOIGUSA-SHOBO F ? 1969, 2,500. firbank,ronald. 16061, VALMOUTH. NYNew Directions. 1962, 3,500. 16071, BENKOVITZ,MJ A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ronald firbank. LondonRupert HartDavis. http://www.kosho-shimoigusa.jp/catalogue/f-Home.htm | |
74. Literature Classics Criticism Five more Written by Arthur Annesley ronald firbank , ronald firbank Published by New Directions Publishing (May 1981) ISBN 0811207994 Price $13.50. http://facultyofliterature.com/Literature_Classics_Criticism_Five.html | |
75. Firbank In Cumbria Shopping And Information firbank, Garsdale, Gawthrop, Howgill, Killington and Middleton http//www.whicker73.freeserve.co.uk/index.html 5. Dalkey Archive Press ronald firbank Books by http://www.wizzuk.co.uk/cumbria/Firbank | |
76. Biblio.com - A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RONALD FIRBANK By Benkovitz, Miriam J: Details Benkovitz, Miriam J A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ronald firbank. London Rupert HartDavis. very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover). 1963. HC. ISBN 103pp. http://illiad.biblio.com/books/2557314.html | |
77. Rainy Day Paperback Exchange: Inventory: Classics Figes, Eva, Light, 1.50, firbank, ronald, Concerning the Eccentricities of cardinal Pirelli, 0.75, t. firbank, ronald, Five Novels, 4.50, t. http://www.rainydaypaperback.com/files/inventory/inventoryclassics2.html | |
78. Alibris: Ronald Firbank Order anything online 102 books, music and others European Success Stories by ronald Huiskamp, Jan Bartelsman (Photographer) 72564 Five Novels by Arthur Annesley ronald firbank, ronald firbank 72565 Five by http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Firbank, Ronald | |
79. The Desmond And Mary MacCarthy Papers - Writings Drinkwater; Dryden, John. Box 8 (cont d). Eliot, TS; Emerson, Ralph Waldo; The English Character; firbank, ronald; Fleming, Marjory; Ford http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/guides/maccarthy/maccarthy3.html | |
80. Bienvenidos A Antartica.cl Translate this page En Torno A Las Excentricidades Del Cardenal Pirelli, En Torno A Las Excentricidades Del Cardenal Pirelli Autor firbank, ronald (Editorial Anagrama ) Nº de http://www.antartica.cl/antartica/servlet/LibroServlet?action=browseSubCategoria |
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