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81. Reference - Biography - F Directory - Search Engine Directory 2); Ferneyhough, Brian@ (3); Ferraro, Peter@ (4); ferrater, gabriel@(2); Ferre, Michelle@ (1); Ferrell, Will@ (2); Ferrer, Miguel@ (1 http://www.sedirectory.net/Reference/Biography/F/ | |
82. El Club De Los Pájaros Mojados Translate this page que el tiempo me alcance. Daniel Melero -.gabriel ferrater - La ciutat. y de fondo Se me olvidó que te http://xdreus.blogalia.com/historias/9500 | |
83. WebGuest Directory - Biography : F Fernandez, Pops; Fernando, Infante of Portugal, 14021443; Ferneyhough,Brian; Ferraro, Peter; ferrater, gabriel; Ferre, Michelle; Ferrell http://directory.webguest.com/Reference/Biography/F | |
84. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken Translate this page ferrater Mora, Jose, phid29100. ferrater Mora, Jose (Fachbibliothek), phig30100.ferrater, gabriel, romo47000. Ferre, Encarnacion, romm55400. Ferre, Leo, musk923. http://sun.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/allhtml/system/pf.htm | |
85. Anthro.Net Directory Eroticism in the Poetry of gabriel ferrater An essay by MontserratRoser i Puig, University of Kent at Canterbury. Poems by gabriel http://www.anthro.net/cgi-anthro/xdirectory.cgi?dir=/Arts/Literature/Authors/F/F |
86. Lukol Directory - Reference Biography F Fernandez, Pops (5), Fernando, Infante of Portugal, 14021443 (2), Ferneyhough,Brian (3). Ferraro, Peter (4), ferrater, gabriel (2), Ferre, Michelle (1). http://www.lukol.com/Top/Reference/Biography/F/ | |
87. NEW DIRECTIONS ANNUALS/ANTHOLOGIES, 1936-1991 - F 3 Jan. 1980. 701. ferrater, gabriel. Rosenthal, David. Trans. Four Modern CatalanPoets ( The Furtive Life, Uterus, Leisure ). ND 31. 1975. 7273. 702. http://www.willhallbooks.com/anthologies36to91f.html | |
88. Untitled Document I estudiaven tots carrera. Tots ells diner desinvertit,. Desamortitzat i evadit.(1) El pare del poeta i lingüista reusenc, gabriel ferrater, en Ricard, soci http://www.institutagricola.org/Gabriel Ferrater.htm | |
89. Kultur Literatur Autoren_und_Autorinnen F Ferrater,_Gabriel - Web-Verzeichnis Translate this page Sites in dieser Kategorie Gedicht Cançó del gosar poder von gabriel ferrater- Katalanisch und Deutsch, mit Link zu einer Kurzbiographie. http://kultur.codpex.de/Literatur/Autoren_und_Autorinnen/F/Ferrater,_Gabriel/ | |
90. AAC Database - Full View Of Document Author, ferrater, gabriel. Title, Sobre literatura assaigs, articles i altrestextos 19511971 / gabriel ferrater ; a cura de Joan Ferrate. Location, http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/0414450 | |
91. Poesía Translate this page ESCOLANO, MERCEDES ESTELAS. ESPINOLA Y TORRES, JUAN TRANSFORMACIONES Y ROBOSDE JÚPITER. ferrater, gabriel POEMA INACABADO. FOIX, JV LAS IRREALES OMEGAS. http://www.circulo-machado.lu/actividades/biblioteca/poesia.htm | |
92. Reference/Biography/F Ferlinghetti, Lawrence@ 7 Fernandez 0 Fernando, Infante of Portugal, 14021443@2 Ferneyhough, Brian@ 3 Ferraro, Peter@ 4 ferrater, gabriel@ 2 Ferre http://www.ebroadcast-info.com/information/Reference/Biography/F/resources.html | |
93. :: Ez2Find :: F Fernandez, Mary Joe (1) Fernandez, Pops (5) Fernando, Infante of Portugal, 14021443(2) Ferneyhough, Brian (3) Ferraro, Peter (4) ferrater, gabriel (2) Ferre http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Biography/F/ | |
94. WWW: Gabriel All about gabriel www from BigTome.com http://www.bigtome.com/big/page/Gabriel | |
95. Alianza - Libreros Reunidos, S.L. Booksellers Libreros Reunidos, S.L. Spanish books. At the right price at the right time. Libros en español. Enviamos normalmente en 48 horas cualquier libro español disponible. Los precios de los http://www.barataria.com/alianza.html | |
96. Boletín De Nuevas Adquisiciones (FILO) http://wzar.unizar.es/doc/buz/novedades/w120.html | |
97. Andreu Sotorra - Vinyeta Literària - Biblioteca - Library http://www.andreusotorra.com/vinyetaliteraria/directoris.html | |
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