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61. Lawrence Ferlinghetti @ Catharton Authors lawrence ferlinghetti. 24th March 1919 . Bored? Websites Literary Kicks lawrence ferlinghetti. The Beat Page lawrence ferlinghetti. http://www.catharton.com/authors/2113.htm | |
62. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence F Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Authors's Literature & Fiction B ferlinghetti, lawrence F ferlinghetti, lawrence Authors s Literature Fiction Books Book Online Boo Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop5308/Books/Ferlinghetti_Lawrence/ | |
63. Art Song Catalog: Biographies: Page 7 Of 25 99. click for top of page. ferlinghetti, lawrence. American poet (see songs) 3/24/1919 , working primarily in English. This entry http://www8.addr.com/~pazzobas/cat/PnBi7.html | |
64. BeatBooks: Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Poet-At-Large. (FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence). SMITH Southern Illinois University Press, 1983.......Title lawrence ferlinghetti PoetAt-Large. Author (ferlinghetti, lawrence). SMITH, Larry. http://www.beatbooks.com/cgi-bin/beatbooks/04404.html | |
65. BeatBooks: The Canticle Of Jack Kerouac. FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence. Lowell, Mass. Spotlight Press, 1987. First edition.......Title The Canticle of Jack Kerouac. Author ferlinghetti, lawrence. http://www.beatbooks.com/cgi-bin/beatbooks/04826.html | |
66. PAL: Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919- ) An Ongoing Online Project © Paul P. Reuben. Chapter 10 Late Twentieth Century lawrence ferlinghetti (1919- ). Translated by lawrence ferlinghetti. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap10/ferlin.html | |
67. Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Bio And Links lawrence ferlinghetti. Born March 24, 1919 Birthplace Yonkers, New York. Texts from Levi Asher Literary Kicks Excerpted by permission of copyright holder. http://www.beatmuseum.org/ferlinghetti/lawrenceferlinghetti.html | |
68. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Coney Island Of The Mind Books At RealGroovy A Coney Island of the Mind. ferlinghetti, lawrence. NZ$17.95(currency converter). Sub title Poems. Author(s) ferlinghetti, lawrence (Author). ISBN 0811200418. http://www.realgroovy.co.nz/index.asp?s=books&c=bookdetail&id=25889 |
69. Vidz Of Oz - FERLINGHETTI, LAWRENCE / A CONEY ISLAND OF THE MIND Masks to A CONEY ISLAND OF THE MIND ferlinghetti, lawrence Music EASY LISTENING Spoken Word CD Album Released Sat 1 Mar 2003 http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=6450 |
70. Alexander Book Co. How to Paint Sunlight by ferlinghetti, lawrence Format Trade Paperback Price $13.95 Published New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2002 Inventory Status http://alexanderbook.booksense.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=localauthors&page=184 |
71. Booklist: Nonfiction--Poetry (v.93) Leaving Yuba City. ferlinghetti, lawrence. A Far Rockaway of the Heart. Giovanni, Nikki. ferlinghetti, lawrence. A Far Rockaway of the Heart. 1997. 134p. http://archive.ala.org/booklist/v93/25.html | |
72. Kassetter F byn (Lille Bror Söderlundh) (497) Ferlin, Nils På Arendorffs Tid (Engström) (955) ferlinghetti, lawrence A Nation Of Sheep (859) ferlinghetti, lawrence http://home.swipnet.se/sonoloco/Kassettregister/kassetterF.html | |
73. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, The Sea & Ourselves At Cape Ann Illustrations by Janet Morgan. Morgan / lawrence ferlinghetti, a comprehensive bibliography A48 ( noting the variants in paper stock). http://www.polybiblio.com/mathesonbk/70177.html | |
74. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, The Sea & Ourselves At Cape Ann One of 200 copies. Illustrations by Janet Morgan. Morgan / lawrence ferlinghetti, a comprehensive bibliography A48 (noting t he variants in paper stock). http://www.polybiblio.com/mathesonbk/70178.html | |
75. MSN Encarta - Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Translate this page ferlinghetti, lawrence. ferlinghetti, lawrence (1919- ), poète et éditeur américain de la beat generation, fondateur de la revue City Lights. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_741527825/Ferlinghetti_Lawrence.html | |
76. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 1919 ferlinghetti, lawrence 1919 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. ferlinghetti, lawrence (soubor výstriku), CONTEMPORARY, Contemporary dramatists, S 18097. http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/f/111823.htm | |
77. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Poet lawrence ferlinghetti. Poetry. ferlinghetti, lawrence, These Are My Rivers New Selected Poems 19551993, New Directions, New York, 1993. http://www.hycyber.com/CLASS/ferlinghetti_lawrence.html | |
78. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. Photographs By Chris FelverSeven Days In Nicaragua Libre ferlinghetti, lawrence. Photographs By Chris Felver Seven Days In Nicaragua Libre. 1984 San Francisco. City Lights. 1st Printing. Small Oblong Paper. http://www.popula.com/sh/no_558/2113589.htm | |
79. Julian's Books: Pictures Of The Gone World By Ferlinghetti, Lawrence San Francisco, CA City Lights Books, 1955....... 0910. Title Pictures of the gone world Author ferlinghetti, lawrence http://www.juliansbooks.com/cgi-bin/julian/27139.html | |
80. MSN Encarta - Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Translate this page ferlinghetti, lawrence. ferlinghetti, lawrence (Yonkers, New York 1919), editore e poeta statunitense, esponente del movimento letterario della Beat Generation. http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_981525034/Ferlinghetti_Lawrence.html | |
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