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         Ferlinghetti Lawrence:     more books (100)
  1. Ferlinghetti: The poet as painter : dipinti dal 1959 al 1996 : Roma, Palazzo delle esposizioni, 17 maggio-30 giugno 1996 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1996
  2. Ferlinghetti Who are We Now? (A New Directions book) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1976-02-01
  3. Over All the Obscene Boundaries : European Poems & Transitions by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1984-12-12
  4. How to Paint Sunlight: Lyric Poems & Others (1997-2000) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 2002-09
  5. Eyes to See Otherwise/Ojos De Otro Mira: Selected Poems by Homero Aridjis, Betty Ferber, et all 2002-04
  6. Garlands for Christmas: A Selection of Poetry by W. H. Auden, Daniel Berrigan, et all 1965
  7. Endless Life: The Selected Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1981-06
  8. Ends and Beginnings (City Lights Review No. 6) (No.6) by Andrei Codrescu, D.H. Lawrence, et all 1994-11
  9. La vida como sueno real / Life as a Real Dream (and Interview with the poet) by Lawrence; Trad. E. Suarez-Galban Guerra Ferlinghetti, 1992
  10. A World Awash with Fascism and Fear. Broadside. SIGNED. by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1971
  11. Mule Mountain Dreams (Festival series) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1980
  12. What is Poetry? (House of Anansi fiction, AF19) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 2011-04-01
  13. The populist manifestos: Plus an interview with Jean-Jacques Lebel by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1981
  14. Back Roads to Far Places by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 2003-01

41. Biografia De Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Translate this page ferlinghetti, lawrence. (Nueva York, 1919) Poeta estadounidense. Miembro destacado de la generación beat, estudió en la Universidad
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Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (Nueva York, 1919) Poeta estadounidense. Miembro destacado de la generación beat , estudió en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, participó en la II Guerra Mundial, se licenció en la Universidad de Columbia (1948) y se doctoró en la Sorbona de París (1951). En 1952 creó en San Francisco la librería y editorial City Lights, en la que publicó sus obras y las de los poetas beat . Entre sus poemarios, cabe citar Un Coney Island de la mente A partir de San Francisco ¿Tyrannus Nix? (1969) y Paisajes de la vida y la muerte (1979). Es también autor de la novela Ella (1960) y de obras teatrales, reunidas en Argumentos injustos con existencia (1963). En la década de los noventa publicó The Cool Eye (1993) y A Far Rockaway of the Heart (1997). En 1993 recibió el Poetry Prize City of Rome. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

42. Beat Generation
lawrence ferlinghetti. lawrence ferlinghetti se casto nesprávne zarazuje mezi beat generation. On se mezi nimi jenom pohyboval
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti se èasto nesprávnì zaøazuje mezi beat generation. On se mezi nimi jenom pohyboval, pomáhal jim a vydával knížky. Mìl mezi nimi mnoho pøátel, ale sám se mezi nì nikdy zezaøazoval.
Narodil se v New Yorku roku 1918, potom žil s rodièi 4 roky ve Francii. Zde získal doktorátský titul z poezie na Sorbonské univerzitì v Paríži. Pozdìji odešel z Paríže zpìt do Ameriky, kde studoval na Bronxville Public School a na univerzitì v jižní Karolínì, kde získal titul ze žurnalistiky. V roce 1951 se natrvalo usídlil v San Francisku, kde objevil beat generation. Ferlinghetti s pøítelem Petrom Martinom zaèali vydávat èasopis pojmenovaný po filmu Ch. Chaplina "City Lights" (druhé poschodí budovy na rohu Broadway a Columbus Street v North Beach). Rozhodli se otevøít knihkupectví o poschodí níž a odvážnì ho pojmenovali podle jimi vydávaného èasopisu. To ještì netušili, že City Lights se stane jedním z nejznámìjších knihkupectví na svìtì, které ještì dnes stojí na svém místì.
Ferlinghetti však nebyl jen obchodník, ale i básník, který zaèal pod znaèkou svého knihkupectví prodávat knihy nejen svoje, ale i ostatních autorù.

43. LookSmart - Directory - Lawrence Ferlinghetti
lawrence ferlinghetti Find poems by and biographies of this well-known poet and publisher. Directory Listings About. ferlinghetti
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Find poems by and biographies of this well-known poet and publisher.
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  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence -, The Beat Goes On
    Read and article on the Beat Generation writer and San Francisco's first poet laureate. Includes examples of his poetry.
    Find books by the celebrated San Francisco poet, including "The Secret Meaning of Things" and "A Coney Island of the Mind."
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Beat page

    Features a biography of the poet, plus the text of Ferlinghetti's poem "Constantly Risking Absurdity."
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Bird With Two Right Wings

    Electronic version of the poem "Bird With Two Right Wings" presented by Poets on the Line.
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Blue Neon Alley

    Find biographies, articles, and examples of this Beat Generation writer's work. Directory includes links to related sources. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Bohemian Ink
    A CONEY ISLAND OF THE MIND ferlinghetti, lawrence. Format CD Album Genre Spoken Word Released Sat 1 Mar 2003 AUD $25.52 incl GST

    45. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
    ferlinghetti, lawrence (lawrence ferlinghetti). A far rockaway of the heart lawrence ferlinghetti Publisher New York New Directions, c1997.
    Home Categories Authors Series Libraries Publishers Help Data My Account Login Logout ISBN: Title: Most Popular
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    (Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
    Books by this Author City Lights anthology [edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

    Publisher: San Francisco] City Lights Books
    ISBN: 0-87286-076-0
    City lights pocket poets anthology

    edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    Publisher: San Francisco : City Lights Books
    ISBN: 0-87286-311-5 Eyes to see otherwise Eyes to see otherwise = Ojos de otro mirar: selected poems Homero Aridjis ; edited by Betty Ferber and George McWhirter ; translated by Lawrence Ferlinghetti ... [et al.] Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81121-509-1 A far rockaway of the heart Lawrence Ferlinghetti Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81121-347-1 How to paint sunlight Lawrence Ferlinghetti Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81121-463-X Lawrence Ferlinghetti Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81120-741-2 Lawrence Ferlinghetti Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81120-742-0 Lawrence Ferlinghetti Publisher: New York : New Directions ISBN: 0-81120-743-9 Open eye, open heart

    46. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (Litteraturnettet)
    ENDRE INFORMASJONEN om ferlinghetti, lawrence? LEGG TIL FORFATTAR. ferlinghetti, lawrence. Lenker ferlinghetti, lawrence. SØK ETTER ferlinghetti, lawrence.

    47. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (Norwegian Writers' Web)
    CHANGE INFORMATION on ferlinghetti, lawrence? ADD AUTHOR. ferlinghetti, lawrence. Links ferlinghetti, lawrence.

    48. Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Posters, T-Shirts, Pictures, Concert Tickets, Memorabili
    lawrence ferlinghetti, Rock posters, vintage tshirts, concert tickets, and rock concert memorabilia from the Fillmore East and West. lawrence ferlinghetti.

    49. Valencia West LRC - Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
    ferlinghetti, lawrence (1919 ). Pathfinder. June 1996. The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (1919 - )
    June 1996
    The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. These sources should be used as a starting pointDO NOT base all of your research on material obtained from reference books. Use these sources to become better acquainted with your author; this will allow you to utilize more effectively the sources listed under COMPREHENSIVE LITERARY RESEARCH. These sources are located at the West Campus LRC; they may also be located at other local libraries.
    Consult the following reference sources to get an overview of your author's life.
    Contemporary Authors
    REF Z 1224 .C6
    The various versions of this classic biographical source are all accessed via the Contemporary Authors Cumulative Index (REF Z 1224 .C58)
    Dictionary of Literary Biography
    REF PS 221 .D5
    This multivolume biographical source is best accessed via the Contemporary Authors Cumulative Index (REF Z 1224 .C58)
    Consult the following reference sources to obtain critical analyses of your author and his/her work. The first sources listed will provide a more general critical analyses of your author, while the second set of sources will provide critical analyses of a more specific nature.

    50. Lawrence Ferlinghetti (b. 1919)
    lawrence ferlinghetti (b. 1919). Hopkins, Crale D. The Poetry of lawrence ferlinghetti A Reconsideration. Italian Americana 1, no. 1 (Autumn 1974) 5976.
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti (b. 1919)
    Contributing Editor: Helen Barolini
    Classroom Issues and Strategies
    Ferlinghetti's work is immediately accessible and appealing, and these qualities should be emphasized. He uses everyday language to articulate his themes. A problem could be his critique of social problems in America; conservative students may find him too sharply satiric about their image of this country. You might note that although Ferlinghetti articulates the "outsider" view of society, he also espouses hope for the future; for instance, poems like "Popular Manifest" (not in this anthology) give a sense of vision and expectation. Tape recordings of Ferlinghetti reading can be effective.
    Major Themes, Historical Perspectives, and Personal Issues
    Ferlinghetti is a political activist and his poetical career spans and reflects thirty years of U.S. political history. His personal voice brings poetry back to the people. He has done this not only as a poet, but as a publisher, editor, translator, and discoverer of new talent.
    Significant Form, Style, or Artistic Conventions

    51. Alibris: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    Used, new outof-print books by author lawrence ferlinghetti. more books like this by ferlinghetti, lawrence buy used from $2.95! 12. ferlinghetti
    You'll find it at Alibris: Over 40 million used, new and hard-to-find books! CART ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP ... SEARCH search in
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    Browse for author " lawrence ferlinghetti " matched 81 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 4 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Coney Island of the Mind more books like this by Ferlinghetti, Lawrence A new printing of Ferlinghetti's classic. The title of this vibrant collection of poems is taken from Henry Miller's Into the Night Life, and expresses the way Ferlinghetti felt about these poems when he wrote them during a short period in the 1950s as if they were, taken together, a kind of circus of the soul. buy used: from buy new: from Ferlinghetti: Portraits more books like this by Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, and Felver, Christopher (Photographer) Beat poet and author of Coney Island of the Mind, one of the best-selling poetry books of all time, Lawrence Ferlinghetti is the subject of this insightful and stunning collection of photographs taken by Chris Felver. Some of the best-loved poems, including a never-before-published poem, of Ferlinghetti are blended with this photographic portrait,...

    52. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
    Site Map. encyclopediaEncyclopedia ferlinghetti, lawrence, fûr lingget E Pronunciation Key. ferlinghetti, lawrence , 1919–, American


    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence E Pronunciation Key Ferlinghetti, Lawrence beat generation . He has written volumes of colloquial verse such as A Coney Island of the Mind Starting from San Francisco (1967), and Open Eye, Open Heart (1974), as well as essays, broadsides, and the surrealist novel Her (1960). He encouraged and published many Beat writers, notably Allen Ginsberg The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
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    53. OAC:
    Finding Aids Browse UC Berkeley Bancroft Library ferlinghetti (lawrence) Papers Photographs. ferlinghetti (lawrence) Papers - Photographs.
    Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers - Photographs Finding Aids Browse UC Berkeley Bancroft Library Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers - Photographs
    Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers - Photographs
    View options: Standard Entire finding aid (12K bytes) Contents: Descriptive Summary Administrative Information List of Items Additional Information
    Descriptive Summary
    Photographs from the Lawrence Ferlinghetti Papers [graphic], ca. 1935-ca. 1990 Collection number:
    BANC PIC 1990.095A Extent:
    2 boxes (ca. 345 photographic prints, negatives, and 1 pencil drawing)
    The Bancroft Library Berkeley, California 94720-6000

    Shelf location:
    For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
    Portraits and personal snapshots of Lawrence Ferlinghetti throughout his life; his family, friends, and associates; views of City Lights Books (and other North Beach locales); as well as photographs from trips to Europe and Nicaragua. Includes photographs of Allen Ginsberg and other poets, portraits of Pressley Bisland and family, and images used in Barry Silesky's biography: Ferlinghetti, the artist in his time.
    To access these materials, please contact the contributing institution: UC Berkeley

    54. OAC:
    ferlinghetti (lawrence) Papers. Title lawrence ferlinghetti Papers, 1919on-going. Collection number BANC MSS 90/30 c. Collector ferlinghetti, lawrence.
    Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers Finding Aids Browse UC Berkeley Bancroft Library Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers
    Ferlinghetti (Lawrence) Papers
    View options: Standard Entire finding aid (344K bytes) Contents: Descriptive Summary Administrative Information Biography Scope and Content Series Description ... Additional Information
    Descriptive Summary
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti Papers, 1919-[on-going] Collection number:
    BANC MSS 90/30 c Collector:
    Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Extent:
    Number of containers: 64 boxes, 6 oversize boxes, 26 oversize folders
    Linear feet: [ca. 28]
    The Bancroft Library. Berkeley, California 94720-6000

    Shelf location:
    For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
    Abstract: Literary manuscripts: Notes, poetry fragments, single poems, poetry collections, plays, and prose works of fiction and non-fiction, largely holograph mss. and typescripts with holograph revisions; travel journals dating from 1960-1986; notebooks; musical compositions by various composers based on poems of Ferlinghetti. Personal papers: Clippings of work by Ferlinghetti and clippings about Ferlinghetti; a small amount of correspondence; posters, fliers, programs and catalogs from events in which Ferlinghetti participated.

    55. Ferlinghetti :: Biographie Bibliographie Livres De Ou Sur Ferlinghetti
    Translate this page, Her ferlinghetti Lawre, Oeil ouvert, coeur ouvert lawrence Ferlinghe Notre prix EUR 7,24., 1991
    accueil login recherche librairie archives articles liens prix ... e f g h i j ... z ferlinghetti Commandez ! City lights journal number two
    Ferlinghetti Lawre... Pictures of the gone world
    Ferlinghetti Lawre... Amant des gares
    l. Ferlinghetti
    Notre prix : EUR 7,62 Temps modernes les , sartre
    Poèmes de Ginsberg... Ferlinghetti
    Smith 1991 n°748 749 août septembre
    Mensuelle, Paris, ... A propos de cet espace accueil login recherche ... plan du site vendredi 28 mai 2004

    56. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    BIRD WITH TWO RIGHT WINGS. By lawrence ferlinghetti. And now our government a bird with two right wings flies on from zone to zone
    BIRD WITH TWO RIGHT WINGS By Lawrence Ferlinghetti And now our government
    a bird with two right wings
    flies on from zone to zone
    at each election
    as if it really mattered who the pilot is
    of Air Force One
    (They're interchangeable, stupid!)
    While this bird with two right wings
    flies right on with its corporate flight crew
    And this year its the Great Movie Cowboy in the cockpit
    And next year its the great Bush pilot And now its the Chameleon Kid and he keeps changing the logo on his captains cap and now its a donkey and now an elephant and now some kind of donkephant And now we recognize two of the crew who took out a contract on America and one is a certain gringo wretch who's busy monkeywrenching crucial parts of the engine and its life-support systems and they got a big fat hose to siphon off the fuel to privatized tanks And all the while we just sit there in the passenger seats without parachutes listening to all the news that's fit to air over the one-way PA system about how the contract on America is really good for us etcetera As all the while the plane lumbers on into its postmodern manifest destiny Back to Contents

    57. Écrits Des Forges - Amant Des Gares (francais, Anglais) - Ferlinghetti, Lawrenc
    Translate this page Écrits des Forges - Amant des gares (francais, anglais) - ferlinghetti, lawrence. Amant des gares (francais, anglais). de lawrence ferlinghetti.


    Amant des gares (francais, anglais)
    de Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti A Coney Island of the mind, Mexican night, The secret meaning of things , puis Over all the obscene boundaries et The canticle of Jack Kerouac Amant des gares Lawrence Ferlinghetti Le baiser Freudien
    Bernard Pozier
    Now the breath
    of the eternal harlequin
    makes me look up
    as if a defrocked Someone were there
    who might make me into an angel
    100 pages 13,9 X 21,5 cm ISBN : Prix Euro : Prix canadien : © Écrits des Forges, 2003 Tous droits réservés

    58. FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence : Ñïðàâêà,ôîòî,MP3,Real Audio,ä
    The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

    Íîâûå CD

    ... Z Lawrence FERLINGHETTI

    pH, îñíîâàòåëü Çâóêîâ


    Sonya SOKOLOVA

    59. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Vita
    Translate this page lawrence ferlinghetti. *-, -. Stationen ua -. Arbeitsgebiete Lyrik, Erzählung, Roman. Auszeichnungen/Ehrungen/Preise (Auswahl) -.
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti Stationen u.a. Arbeitsgebiete: Lyrik, Erzählung, Roman Auszeichnungen/Ehrungen/Preise (Auswahl) Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl) Gedichte (1980, Hanser). Buchbestellung I home I e-mail 0602 © LYRIKwelt

    60. Lawrence Ferlinghetti Books For Sale At Empty Mirror Books ~ Beat Generation & M
    lawrence ferlinghetti. 000659 ferlinghetti, lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind. $5.00. 001931 ferlinghetti, lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind.
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    Beat books literary journals modern art ... see all categories... featured presses: Van Gogh's Ear Stadtlichter Presse Deep Forest Press Pathwise Press ... Keith Gery Productions publishing info advice on publishing poetry publishing opportunities at EMB links! link to Empty Mirror Books link to Beat Generation Books Book collecting resources beat generation ... translate
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    [000659] Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind. New York, NY: New Directions, 1958. 21st Printing. Wrappers. Very Good. Early work by this esteemed Beat poet and founder of City Lights Books. This copy is very good, with a bit of edgewear. $5.00 [001931] Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind. New York, NY: New Directions, 1958. 18th Printing. Wrappers. Good+. Early work by this esteemed Beat poet and founder of City Lights Bookstore. Cover's corners are bent, bumped corner, edgewear. $5.00 [000658] Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. A Coney Island of the Mind.

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