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Faust Christa: more books (35) | |||||||||||||||
1. Christa Faust Control Freak Christa Faust Control Freak. Title Control Freak faust christa ChristaFaust Subject Fiction Category Horror General Format Paperback http://www.frantastictotton.co.uk/Christa-Faust-Control-Freak-206-128-946-6.html | |
2. Christa Faust - Bibliography Summary Christa Faust Bibliography Summary. Pub Biblio Summary AlphaChron Main Menu Search Faust, Christa (USA, 1969-). Short http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?Christa_Faust |
3. FAUST Christa : Une Page Non Officielle http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/f/faust_christa.htm | |
4. BRITE Poppy Z. : Une Page Non Officielle faust christa)in Self made man, Au Diable Vauvert n° 5, 2001; Sauvé (1994, Saved http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/b/brite_poppy_z.htm | |
5. Horizon Information Portal Publisher Weekly Review. More by this author. Brite, Poppy Z./ Faust, Christa. BrowseCatalog. by author Brite, Poppy Z./ Faust, Christa. by title Triads http://hip.nashua.lib.nh.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=npl&index=.AW&term=Brite Pop |
6. Christa Wolf Leibhaftig Referat Rferat Facharbeit Fachinformatik Laender Referat Translate this page basilien regenwald handelsgesetzbuch in oesterreich aufsatz die leiden des jungenwerthers zusammenfassung 1 buch heinrich heine faust christa wolf leibhaftig http://www.referate-basar.de/christa-wolf-leibhaftig-referat.htm | |
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10. Christa Faust @ Catharton Authors christa faust and resources concerning her works. Catharton Authors F faust, christa. christa faust. 1969 Try searching Google for christa faust List of Works http://www.catharton.com/authors/4532.htm | |
11. Babbage Press -- Control Freak By Christa Faust CONTROL FREAK. christa faust christa faust. A grisly murder in New York City's downtown meat packing district leads hardboiled crime writer have been written by outsiders, christa faust brings both a love of http://www.babbagepress.com/html/14-3.html | |
12. DarkEcho Review: CONTROL FREAK By Christa Faust DarkEcho Horror/Fantasy Book Reviews CONTROL FREAK by christa faust CONTROL FREAK. By christa faust. Babbage Press/ $18.95/ 288 pages Atypically for a debut novelist, faust rarely falters as http://www.darkecho.com/darkecho/reviews/control_freak.html | |
13. Babbage Press -- Books By Christa Hayes christa faust. http://www.babbagepress.com/html/faust.html | |
14. Christa Faust Books The christa faust bookstore offers a selection of books (descriptions, prices, etc.) from the horror writer. Select christa faust Books. Control Freak. faust's debut novel. Home Authors - Bookstore http://www.scarefair.com/bookstore/faust_bookstore.htm | |
15. ::::: CHRISTA FAUST ::::: WARNING! The page you about to enter contains smut, naked ladies andother naughty sinful material. If you are offended by and/or http://www.christafaust.com/ | |
16. Camelot Books Brite, Poppy Z. faust, christa Triads - Limited, $36.00USD. Brite,Poppy Z. faust, christa - Triads - Limited Click to enlarge. http://www.camelotbooks.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=&products_id=1256 |
17. Www.news2mail.com: Alt.Books.Christa-faust -- Discussion Of Writings By Christa Subscribe the Messages from the Usenetgroup Alt.Books.christafaust and get them in your local mailbox. Alt.Books.christa-faust. Home Alt Alt.Books. Discussion of writings by christa faust . http://www.news2mail.com/alt/books/christa-faust.html | |
18. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile Source Profile. Click to report error, add to MyQuotes or send EGreeting Card(pop-up) Change Font Size . faust, christa (1969 - ), Writer. http://www.crystalclouds.co.uk/search.php?option=ThisSource&searchbioid=1275 |
19. Christa Faust - Author Information, Books, And News christa faust. Author Information for christa faust. Homepage None currentlylisted for christa faust. Recent or Forthcoming books by christa faust. http://www.booksnbytes.com/authors/faust_christa.html | |
20. Brite, Poppy Z. Christa Faust Triads.(Brief Article)(Book HighBeam Research, Free Preview ' Brite, Poppy Z. christa faust Triads.(Brief Article)(Book Review)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
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