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21. Random House, Inc. Celebrates William Faulkner's Centennial Vintage Books and The Modern Library celebrate william faulkner's 100th birthday eptember 25, 1997 marks william faulkner's 100th birthday. His novels and short stories continue to list of our editions of william faulkner's works along with a commemoration http://www.randomhouse.com/features/faulkner | |
22. Welcome To William Faulkner Foundation Created at the University of Rennes 2 (Rennes, France). Includes the william faulkner Manuscripts rare books collection, concordances, a database and CDROM information on contemporary Southern literature and civilization. http://www.uhb.fr/faulkner/ | |
23. The William Faulkner Collections Site has information about faulkner's time at the University of Virginia and about the University's collections of his work. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/colls/faulkner.html |
24. Carpe Librum -- Bücher - Schmöker - rezensionen Rezension von Herbert Huber. http://carpe.com/buch/t_faulkner_william_gambit.html | |
25. French Website Pr©sentation et activit©s. Chronologie, bibliographie et articles critiques sur l'auteur. http://www.uhb.fr/faulkner/WF/french_web.htm |
26. William Faulkner Winner Of The 1949 Nobel Prize In Literature william faulkner, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. william faulkner. 1949 Nobel Laureate in Literature Books by william faulkner. Books about william http://www.almaz.com/nobel/literature/1949a.html | |
27. William Faulkner - Biography william faulkner Biography. william faulkner (18971962), who came from an old southern family, grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1949/faulkner-bio.html | |
28. Literature 1949 william faulkner. USA. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1949 Presentation Speech william faulkner Biography Banquet Speech Swedish Nobel Stamps Other Resources. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1949/ | |
29. Mississippi Writers And Musicians, A Project Of Starkville High School This web site provides upto-date information about Mississippi writers. Authors include william faulkner, Willie Morris, Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, John Grisham, Thomas Harris, and many others. http://SHS.Starkville.K12.MS.US/mswm/MSWritersAndMusicians/ | |
30. Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury: A Hypertext Edition The definitive hypertext edition of william faulkner s The Sound and the Fury, complete with resources, visuals, and links to other sites. http://www.usask.ca/english/faulkner/ | |
31. The Trouble With Knowing For Sure Preview of a collection of short stories from the 1997 winner of the william faulkner Society gold medal for Best Short Story. http://www.xcpublishing.com/trouble1.html | |
32. William Faulkner Winner Of The 1949 Nobel Prize In Literature william faulkner, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. william faulkner. 1949 Nobel Laureate http://almaz.com/nobel/literature/1949a.html | |
33. BEVERLY CONFESSION REJECTED: COURT ISSUES ALARMING RULING AGAINST MUMIA Videotape and text of Arnold Beverly's confession that he killed Officer Daniel faulkner as part of a mob hit assisted by Philadelphia police. PDF text of Federal District Judge william Yohn's ruling that the confession was inadmissable due to the statute of limitations expiration. http://www.iacenter.org/maj_beverly.htm | |
34. MWP: William Faulkner (1897-1962) ~ Bibliography Information about writer william faulkner, including a biographical and critical article, a list of published works, and other information resources. Home Browse Listings Authors faulkner http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/english/ms-writers/dir/faulkner_william/bib.html | |
35. The William Faulkner Society The william faulkner Society. The william faulkner Society is dedicated to fostering the study of faulkner from all perspectives http://www.english.ufl.edu/faulkner/ | |
36. WFotW ~ Faulkner's Home: Rowan Oak Home of william faulkner, now owned by the University of Mississippi. Open for visitors. http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/~egjbp/faulkner/rowanoak.html | |
37. William Faulkner - William Faulkner's Depiction Of Southern Towns In His Short S william faulkner s Depiction of Southern Towns in his short stories, william faulkner. william faulkner s Depiction of Southern Towns in his short stories. http://killdevilhill.com/faulknerchat/read.php?f=92&i=540&t=540 |
38. William Faulkner Hatteras Campfire Forum and live chat devoted to the discussion of william faulkner's life and works. http://hatteraslight.com/navy/WilliamFaulknerhall/mobydick.html | |
39. Faulkner, William faulkner, william. faulkner, william, 18971962, American novelist, b. New Albany, Miss., one of the great American writers of the 20th cent. http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE018004.html | |
40. William Faulkner Forum Frigate Discussion forum and live chat devoted to the life and works of william faulkner. http://carolinanavy.com/fleet2/f2/zkilldevilhill/WilliamFaulknerhall/shakespeare | |
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