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Everard Katherine: more detail | ||||
61. My Family Parents CHARLES EDMOND DUTTON and MARY katherine KAYE RICHMOND . DUTY was bornabout 1827 in BEDFORD, TN. Parents SHEPPARD DUVAL and ANNE everard BOLLING. http://www.surnames.com/haggard/web/d142.htm | |
62. 460-9 everard IV (RAOUL) de Mortaigne m 1 stly IDA dau of ENGELBERT II dENGHIEN katherine,m THOMAS de BEAUCHAMP, 3 rd Earl of Warwick (see under Beauchamp for http://www.pcug.org.au/~ronwells/460-9.htm | |
63. The Flaming Phantom Miss katherine everard, daughter of Curtis everard, a banker up in Boston,was the reply. It would.. Who is Miss katherine everard?. http://www.futrelle.com/stories/FlamingPhantom.html | |
64. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! KM ~ Evans, Karen ~ Evans, Karin ~ Evans, Kate ~ Evans, katherine ~ Evans, Katie E.~ Evenson, Teri Evento, Susan Everage, Edna, Dame everard, Barbara ~ everard http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0123.html | |
65. Index . Narrative George C. (18981970). . . Narrative George everard (1832-1904).. . . Narrative Kate ( - ). . Narrative katherine (1850-). . . http://pages.prodigy.net/dangar/genealogy/bierer/names.htm | |
66. I1626: Thomas PERKINS (1458 - 21 APR 1528) MARRIAGE ABT 1379, Of Exeton,Devonshire. katherine PEVERELL. PEYTON _Walter MILDMAY_ _Thomas MILDMAY _ _Mary everard _ _Joanna MILDMAY http://www.osmond.com/all-misc/genealogy/html/d0001/g0000120.htm | |
68. Human Family Project July 2001 USA everard Digby katherine Newkirk 60375. Husband everard Digby-151821Born at Christened at Died at Buried at Father http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/NorthernEurope/f276.htm | |
69. Scholarship And Prize Winners Harper Bridget Carnachan Lisa Heath katherine Sanders Isaac Hikaka. 2003 Award Winners.Stout Shield Rebecca Curnow, Jonathon Clark. Greg everard Memorial Moot http://www.law.auckland.ac.nz/handbook2004/scholarshipandpr.html | |
70. MAIN INDEX Papers WEBSTER, RICHARD everard (LORD ALVERSTONE) CARICATURE (1900) Sir Shane FamilyLetters WECHSLER, ELZIE - REFERENCE BY BIDDLE, katherine 1945 Biddle http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/mi/mi}2041.htm | |
71. My Genealogy Database - Person Index Arundel ( ) John Arundel Lord Mautravers (ABT 1365 - 1391 ) katherine Arundel Of AFT1544 ) Humphry Arundell Lord Of Selley ( - ) James everard Arundell (Hon http://www.uk-genealogy.org.uk/Database/IND0004.html | |
72. WebGED: MOYLE Family Data Page female father Ridgway, Graeme (private) mother Benson, katherine Wendy (private Roberts,Andrew (private) male father Roberts, everard William (1912 - 1986 http://www.alphalink.com.au/~tomluke/MOYLE.wbg/wga42.html | |
73. Ventura Pacific Used Books: 2001 Household Hints & Dollar Stretchers (Gore, Mich Narrow or broaden your search in one click with the links below. By Keyword.Self Help. By Name. Michael Gore. By Author. everard, katherine (pseud. http://www.venturapacific.net/cgi-bin/index/0225878.html | |
74. Genealogy Data Marriage 1916 Spouse England, Anna katherine Birth 14 Dec 1900 Lebannon LacledeCo. Wilcox, everard A. Dr. Birth 1888 Augusta Death 1961 Gender Male. http://www.familyworkings.com/gedcoms/denton/dat0.htm | |
75. Arts Literature Authors E Euripides @ (24); Evanovich, Janet @ (24); everard, katherine @ (9); Everett,Rupert @ (9); Eyvindson, Peter @ (3). Engling, Richard Author of http://freshlinks.net/odp.aspx/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/ | |
76. Rutland-James 13£ for 100 acres on NE side katherine Creek sold by Lewis Williams unto James and WitR. everard, C. Gale, E. Moseley, R. Sanderson, T. Pollock, T. Harvey, E http://www.sallysfamilyplace.com/MulberryGrove/rutland1.htm | |
77. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 1318 d. 18 Jan 1902 Emmeline Mary Arundell d. 1913 Raymond everard Arundell b He marriedKatherine Villiers, daughter of Sir Edward Villiers and Lady Frances Howard http://www.thepeerage.com/p1318.htm | |
78. File 28: Ancestors Of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE Daughter of James everard (1500) b. 1528 r. Fortesset, Glcstr, Eng. Children KatherineEVERINGHAM (-1426) m. John de BEAUMONT KG 4th Lord Beaumont (1361-1396 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/rfc/gw28.htm | |
79. I7604: (Mistress) ( - ) Ralph DAUBENEY. Father Elias DAUBENEY Mother Hawise Family 1 KatherineTHWENG +Elizabeth DAUBENEY. everard ROS. Family 1 +Alice ROS. http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/354/rmwwanc/g0000088.html | |
80. Denver, Colorado Obituary Index - 1993 "B" SURNAMES An index of obituaries from Denver newspapers in 1993. 5 Jun 1993 61A. CANTREL katherine (FN) 19 Mar 1993 92 Feb 1993 80. COOK katherine E. ( F-N) 24 Jan 1993 DE GROOT katherine Hynes (O-N) 2 Apr 1993 81A http://obit.obitlinkspage.com/co-denver1993-2.htm | |
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