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Everard Katherine: more detail | ||||
41. KLITZ Pierce, Thorpe, Marriott) and his daughter Miss katherine Klitz. The eldestson, Mr. Percy Klitz, died a few years ago. Arthur everard. Home. Foreword. http://www.klitzandsons.co.uk/aeverard.htm | |
42. Comanducci Arte Italia - Catalogo Artitsti Nicole everard HADEN Ruth everard JJ everard John everard STEENKAMP Rosamund JohannesHendrik EVERSHED A. EVERSHED Arthur EVERSHED katherine Kitty EVERSHED http://www.comanducci.it/elenco/elencoE17.htm | |
43. Trampolining Competition Results - BUSA Southern Qualifier, 3rd February 2002 13, SOU/O, Abby Kane, 18.9, 28.4/5.8, 47.3. 14, OXF/O, katherine everard,21.0, 24.8/3.0, 45.8. Elaine Bettaney, 23.4, 27.7, katherine everard,21, 24.8, http://www.pcallender.co.uk/results20020203.html | |
44. Results - BUSA Southern Qualifiers, 4th Feb 2001 3, Lauren Marie Jones, UWE, 24.1, 26.2, 50.3. 4, Amy House, PTH, 24.4, 25.7,50.13. 5, katherine everard, OXF, 24.2, 25.5, 49.7. 6, Jenni Holliday, UWC,23.9, 25.7, 49.6. http://www.pcallender.co.uk/results20010204.html | |
45. Genealogy Data De Ros, everard Birth ABT. 1587 1588 Giggleswick, Yorkshire, , England Death SEP 1589 , Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England Preston, katherine Birth 13 APR http://www.freemarket-phone.com/dat51.html | |
46. De Ros Children of everard de Ros and Rohese Trussebut were Sir Robert de Ros b abt1170. He md katherine Latimer abt 1352, daughter of Sir Thomas Latimer. http://www.geneajourney.com/ros.html | |
47. Direct 4WD - Tours In The Australian Outback Day 4 Thursday 8 th everard Junction to Carnegie (235km). Day 5 Friday9 th . Gregory National Park to katherine Low Level National Park 282km. http://www.direct4wd.com.au/tours/bigtrip_itin.htm | |
48. WW1 Nautical Fiction ALEXANDER FULLERTON 9 everard The Gatecrashers c. WW2 FP 1984 everard hauls anX katherine ANNE PORTER Ship of Fools c. 1931 FP 1945 Chronicles the voyage of http://www.bazillionbooks.com/WW1nauticalfiction.html | |
49. Within The Church’s Sacred Fold If you know where to get a picture of katherine Cornish or everard Hulton,please click here. Note Substitute she/her for he/him if appropriate. http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/w/i/withfold.htm | |
50. AuthDir.com -- Author Birthday/Web Directory [October] 3, James Herriot. Gore Vidal = Edgar Box = katherine everard = CameronKay. 4, Earl Binder = ½Eando Binder. Jackie Collins. Christiane Heggan. http://www.authdir.com/dir-october.html | |
51. A R T T H R O B / C A P E _ L I S T I N G S at BellRoberts 15.10.02 Patricia Driscoll at the Photographers Gallery za 15.10.02Velaphi Mzimba at the everard Read 01.10 Fritha Langerman katherine Bull http://www.artthrob.co.za/02oct/listings_cape.html | |
52. Anthony R. Acampora & Katherine Edmunds Meade William everard Meade (1924 1994). Lucy Ann Burnley. m. Private Anthony R.Acampora 28, katherine Edmunds Meade 28. b. Private d. bur. occ. edu. rel. http://rbsms.pasco.k12.fl.us/jpricher/Genealogy/Mobjack_Cards/WC49_026.HTM | |
53. Anthony Everard Acampora Anthony R. Acampora, katherine Edmunds Meade, Anthony everard Acampora 28,b. Private d. bur. occ. edu. rel. Contents * Index * Surnames * Contact. http://rbsms.pasco.k12.fl.us/jpricher/Genealogy/Mobjack_Cards/WC49_146.HTM | |
54. Powhatan - Aqw13.htm They had the following children 87, F, i, katherine Edwards Burnley MEADE . katherinemarried Anthony ACAMPORA. 88, M, ii, William everard Burnley Jr MEADE . http://paniqui_embry.tripod.com/powhatan/aqwg13.htm | |
55. I702: Mary (ABT 1580 - 1616) everard DIGBY. ABT 1560 Unknown. BIRTH ABT 1560; DEATH Unknown. FatherSimon DIGBY Mother Anne GREY Family 1 katherine STOCKBRIDGE DE NEWKIRK http://www.gulbangi.com/d0002/g0000034.html | |
56. Ancestor Chronicles - Our Kin And Their Times katherine Hamby (16151651). Samuel Appleton (1586-1670) and Judith everard (1587-?).This is another married couple both of whom had royal ancestors. http://groups.msn.com/AncestorChroniclesOurKinAndTheirTimes/royalty.msnw?action= |
57. Anzac Individual Record: 2nd Lt. E Digges La Touche, AIF Father; everard Neal Digges La Touche, served as a major in the Bengal Infantry MarriedEva King, daughter of katherine and William Canon King, who had a http://www.anzacs.org/pages/AOdigges.html | |
58. »»Reviews For Computer Science«« everard states that developing countries may perceive themselves as being excluded AuthorN. katherine Hayles. Amazon base price $45.00 Used price $44.95 Buy http://www.booksunderreview.com/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Science/Technology/Co | |
59. Keyword Index (E) S00001207, FND - Filia Notha or Filia Regis? S-00001395, FND - katherine Roet sSwynfords. everard. S-00001718, TAN - Family History from Private Manuscripts. http://fmg.ac/MGR/Indices/Sources/Keywords/Links/E.htm | |
60. Ken & Mary's Genealogy Report This is a genealogy report of all individuals in our trees of Thomas everard, WilliamLearned, John Moore, Robert Rose, Thomas Pridgeon, John , katherine. http://www.w8ca.com/genereport.html | |
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