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Everard Katherine: more detail | ||
1. Catharton: Authors: E: Evans, Max. everard, katherine see Vidal, Gore. Evers, Crabbe http://www.catharton.com/authors/e.htm | |
2. Untitled130 Mathews, Episcopal minister. everard Hamilton was born 04 December JAMES everard BLACKSHEAR born 12 January 1847 at "Mariana " Laurens Co., GA; married katherine "Kate" McCALLUM http://www.camdencounty.org/ebooks/2_mary_hazzard_floyd.html | |
3. Katherine Everard Biography And Quotes Sites If these resources do not have katherine everard biography and quote informationthat you need, please contact one of the sites directly. katherine everard. http://www.matchc.com/e_authors/Katherine_Everard.html |
4. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 3814 and Mary katherine Talbot Mary Winifrede Teresa Radcliffe d. 14Dec 1944 Sir everard Joseph Radcliffe, 5th Bt.+ b. 27 Jan 1884. http://www.thepeerage.com/p3814.htm | |
5. IDFA Genealogy - Hunger2 Family of HUNGERFORD, Walter PEVERELL, katherine. Marriage. 1402. Penhale, Cornwall, England Father. 1160. DE HUNGERFORD, everard. Birth. 1186. Unknown http://farmweb.tripod.com/genealogy/_hunger2.htm | |
6. Genealogy Data Garrett, everard Birth 1 MAY 1804 North Carolina Death 31 MAY 1883 GenderMale. Children Father Davis, John Stedman Mother Keasler, katherine Ann. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~davidca/family/dat106.htm | |
7. I5097: Adela ( - ) 1998. Joan CORBET. Father Robert CORBET Mother katherine STRANGE Family1 Owen ap GRIFFITH +Hawise GADARN. 1998. everard II de MORTAIGNE. http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/354/rmwwanc/g0000020.html | |
8. O'Shea Ormonde Deed References of Richard Kanalyn O'Shethe and katherine, wife of said Nicholas, outlawed William, Nicholas, katherine, and a certain Anastasia, daughter of John everard, therefore the Earl http://www2.smumn.edu/uasal/sheaclan/ormonde.html | |
9. Untitled 6 McArthur, Savannah 6 JEA 29.12 7 everard, Blake 5 IOH 30.46 8 Budidharma, Jacqueline 85 5 Buckley, katherine 5 JEA 33.83 6 everard, Blake 5 IOH http://www.coastalswim.com/citymeet03/finalresultsgirls.htm |
10. Arundell2 above. ((a)), James everard Arundell, 10th Lord of Wardour (b 03.11.1785,dsp 21.06.1834). 1851). ((f)), katherine Arundell (d 12.12.1872). http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/aa/arundell2.htm |
11. Familie Greve, Ahnenforschung Und Familienforschung Translate this page m. Alice Walleys Sir Libbes Libaeus? Digby, m. NN Hunt Sir John Digby of EyeKettleby, m. katherine Griffin everard Digby of Kettleby, m. Jacqueta Ellis http://www.familie-greve.de/modules.php?op=modload&name=NewsPortal&file=article& |
12. Familie Greve, Ahnenforschung Und Familienforschung Kettleby, m. katherine Griffin everard Digby of Kettleby, m. Jacqueta Ellis http://www.familie-greve.de/modules.php?op=modload&name=NewsPortal&file=article& |
13. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: C Chandler, katherine. BirdWoman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, The. Chandler,Mary G. Cotes, everard, Mrs. Path Of A Star, The; Story Of Sonny Sahib, The. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/IA_C | |
14. Genealogy Data Hoo, Gaulther. Back to Main Page. Tylly, katherine Gender Female Parents FatherTylly, Reynold. Spouse Digby, everard Birth Tilton Gender Male Parents http://members.aol.com/tmccasl232/html/dat56.htm | |
15. Genealogy Data De Newkirk, katherine Vandersheff Gender Female Parents Father De Newkirk, StockbridgeVanderschaff Theuber. Family Spouse Digby, everard Gender Male http://members.aol.com/tmccasl232/html/dat50.htm | |
16. Authors: E - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, Edson, JT (1), Elytis, Odysseus (3), Ettinger, Nancy (1). Eichendorff, Josephvon (1), Emanuel, Lynn (1), everard, katherine (9). Extend Your Search, http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/E | |
17. Saints Of July 30 everard was educated at Cambridge for the Protestant ministry. Copyright© 1998 katherine I. Rabenstein Created August 1998. ? http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0730.htm |
18. Genealogy Data Family Spouse ELLERSHAW, katherine Parents Marriage living in England SpousePEPYS, MARK everard Birth 1903 England Death 1943 England. Children http://www.ourbounty.com/bounty/genealogy/dat15.html | |
19. Web Directory: Arts/Literature/Authors/E Salvador 1 Esquivel, Laura 2 Etherege, George@ 5 Ettinger, Nancy 0 Euclid@10 Euripides@ 24 Evanovich, Janet@ 24 everard, katherine@ 9 Everett http://web.politinfo.com/dir/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/ | |
20. :: Ez2Find :: E Salvador (1) Esquivel, Laura (2) Etherege, George (2) Ettinger, Nancy (0) Euclid(10) Euripides (24) Evanovich, Janet (25) everard, katherine (9) Everett http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/ | |
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