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21. MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, And Homework Encyclopedia article provides a brief introduction to the scholar and his writings. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761573724 |
22. Euclid Systems Corp. Home Page Specializing in instruments of corneal topography. http://www.euclidsys.com/ | |
23. City Of South Euclid, Ohio Official site providing an overview of the community, government, school, and recreation information. http://www.cityofsoutheuclid.com | |
24. Cleveland Neighborhood Tour Presents neighborhood history, tour, map, census details, and community resources. http://www.nhlink.net/neighborhoodtour/euclid-green |
25. Euclid Community Television Program Lineup euclid Community Television Program Lineup. ECTV City of euclid 585 East 222nd Streeteuclid, Ohio 44123 216.289.8373 ectv@ci.euclid.oh.us www.ci.euclid.oh.us. http://www.ci.euclid.oh.us/Administration/ECTVProgramLineup.htm | |
26. History Of Mathematics Home Page Includes classic texts by Hilbert and euclid (a Java enhanced version of the Elements) a chronology, and links. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/ | |
27. Euclid UK Welcome to euclid International. Supporting cultural development acrossthe world through cultural information services, seminars http://www.euclid.info/ | |
28. EUCLID International o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. LATEST UPDATE Bookings are now open for the MAYFAIR that euclid is organising in Manchester on 19 May 2004 to celebrate EU enlargement. http://www.euclid.info/uk/seminars/ | |
29. Euclid (ca. 325-ca. 270 BC) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograp euclid (ca. 325ca. 270 BC), euclid also proved what is generally knownas euclid s second theorem the number of primes is infinite. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Euclid.html | |
30. Untitled Document Home of Nevil Burlington's URINE, a collection of modern life misfits. Features include a randam mix and match of panels. http://www.euclid-windsor.com/home.html | |
31. EUCLID Risk Management Addressing the safeguarding of IT assets and resources. euclid sApproach , COBIT, , euclid opens product center in Hyderabad », http://www.euclid.com/ | |
32. EUCLID | European Cooperation For Lightning Detection euclid.org provides lightning and thunderstorm detection services across the greaterEuropean continent Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway, Austria http://www.euclid.org/ | |
33. Sample Friend Site Postcards An Organization Dedicated to Preserving the Memories of the old euclidBeach Amusement Park. euclid Beach souvenir item! SEE HERE! http://www.euclidbeach.com/ | |
34. EUCLID On The Web City of South euclid, Ohio About South euclid Agendas Minutes Architectural Review Board Bicycles Boardof Ethics Boyle, James At-Large Block Watch Program Building Code Building http://www.library.emory.edu/ | |
35. The Euclid Heat Treating Company Providing metal treating services for a diverse range of industries. http://www.euclidheattreating.com/ |
36. EuclidSR - Home Successful venture investing combines two essential components finding opportunitieswith significant growth potential and helping to deliver on that potential http://www.euclidsr.com/ | |
37. Euclid Limited - Plastic Card Solutions Providing the solution to any plastic card and ticket requirement with a range of standard product and bespoke development to requirement. http://www.euclid.ltd.uk/ | |
38. Euclid-Hitachi www.euclidhitachi.com has been moved to a new site. You will be redirectedto www.hcmac.com shortly. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you! http://www.euclid-hitachi.com/ | |
39. Byrne's Edition Of Euclid Oliver Byrne s edition of euclid. It covers the first 6 books of euclid, which rangethrough most of elementary plane geometry and the theory of proportions. http://www.sunsite.ubc.ca/DigitalMathArchive/Euclid/byrne.html | |
40. EUCLID - European Association For Library And Information Education And Research euclid European Association for Library and Information Education and Research. euclidwebsite has moved. The new URL is http//www.jbi.hio.no/bibin/euclid/. http://www.euclid.elt.sk/ | |
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