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Elmslie Kenward: more books (100) | |||||
1. Jacket 7 - Alice Notley Reviews Kenward Elmslie S Routine ELMSLIE S ROUTINE DISRUPTIONS Alice Notley reviews Kenward elmslie kenward ElmslieRoutine Disruptions Selected Poems Lyrics 19601998 Coffee House Press http://jacketmagazine.com/07/notleyreview.html | |
2. Small Press Traffic > Kenward Elmslie Kenward Elmslie From the high art hijinks of Pavilion (1961) through the melancholy,AIDS-tinged Postcards on Parade a Musical Play (1993), Kenward Elmslie http://www.sptraffic.org/html/authors/elmslie.html | |
3. WAC | Calendar | April 1999 | POET KENWARD ELMSLIE Kenward Elmslie photo Star Black, Education WRITERS READ POET KENWARD ELMSLIESUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1999, 3 PM $6 ($3 WALKER MEMBERS AND STUDENTS) AUDITORIUM http://www.walkerart.org/archive/8/AD7371744435FF0C6165.htm | |
4. Kenward Elmslie Books American WebShoppe, Authors Singers. Books. Arts Photography AudioCDs Audiocassettes Bargain Biographies Business Childrens Computers http://www.american-webshop.com/Kenward-Elmslie | |
5. WELCOME TO KENWARD ELMSLIE If you are having difficulties viewing KenwardElmslie.complease return to this page and click here. http://www.kenwardelmslie.com/ | |
6. Review Of Kenward Elmslie's Routine Disruptions By Alice Notley. From Jacket 7. http://www.jacketmagazine.com/07/notleyreview.html | |
7. WELCOME TO KENWARD ELMSLIE http://www.kenwardelmslie.com/interactive/index02.html | |
8. OAC: elmslie (kenward) Papers. Collection number MSS 0521. Creator elmslie, kenward.Extent 39.85 linear feet(90 archives boxes, 1 card file, 27 oversize folders). http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1010kz | |
9. OAC: Finding Aids Starting With E Elmer (Minnie) Collection. elmslie (kenward) Papers. Elsen (Albert E.) Papers.Elster (Ernestine S.) Files of the Calif. State Resources Commission. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/titles/E/ | |
10. Kenward Elmslie @ Catharton Authors kenward elmslie. ? Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites kenward elmsliemit.edu. Jacket 7 review of Routine Disruptions. Message Boards http://www.catharton.com/authors/4674.htm | |
11. Catharton: Authors: E: Carol Ellis, Jack see George, Stephen R. Ellis, Normandi Ellis, Peter BerresfordEllison, Harlan Ellison, Ralph Ellroy, James elmslie, kenward Elrod, PN Elson http://www.catharton.com/authors/e.htm | |
12. Black Sparrow Press Archive - University Of Alberta The Champ, by elmslie, kenward. BSP 31 01 elmslie, kenward. The Champ DOCUMENT TYPE Manuscript. BSP 31 02 elmslie, kenward. http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/bsp/nav01.cfm?nav01=12281&pt=title_details&ID=BSP |
13. Black Sparrow Press Archive - University Of Alberta The Champ, by elmslie, kenward. BSP 31 13 elmslie, kenward. Sound Recording.The Champ. Performer elmslie, kenward and Joe Brainard; role poets. http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/bsp/nav01.cfm?nav01=12281&pt=item_details&title=3 |
14. TomFolio.com: 26 Bars. By Elmslie, Kenward. 26 Bars. Author elmslie, kenward.. Published by Z Press. Calais, Vermont..First Edition, 1987. Decorated wraps, as issued. 1/3000 copies. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookdetailsmem.asp?book=2487JJ00AC&mem=602 |
15. TomFolio.com: Used Book List For Compass Rose Books Mac Low, Jackson. 22 Light Poems.. Book number 4697XX00XX. US$65.00. 22. elmslie,kenward. 26 Bars.. Book number 2487JJ00AC. US$75.00. 23. Williams, Tennessee. http://www.tomfolio.com/shop/booklist.asp?mem=602 |
16. Wuup.de - /Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elmslie,_Kenward elmslie, kenward. Siehe auch Links. » Review of kenwardelmslie s Routine Disruptions - By Alice Notley. From Jacket 7. http://wuup.de/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elmslie,_Kenward |
17. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: E: Elmslie, Kenward Routine Disruptions By Alice Notley. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elmslie__Kenward/ | |
18. Jacket 16 - Angel Hair Feature - Kenward Elmslie: Feathered Dancers Angel Hair feature. kenward elmslie Feathered Dancers. kenward elmslie, AnneWaldman and Lewis Warsh, Westhampton, NY, 1968. Photo by Joe Brainard. http://jacketmagazine.com/16/ah-elms.html | |
19. Kenward Elmslie Biography And Quotes Sites If these resources do not have kenward elmslie biography and quote informationthat you need, please contact one of the sites directly. kenward elmslie. http://www.matchc.com/e_authors/Kenward_Elmslie.html | |
20. Arthouse Inc. - Kenward Elmslie: Interview & Reading kenward elmslie Interview Reading. kenward elmslie, as both poet andperformer, has carved out an avantgarde niche in the poetry world. http://www.arthouseinc.com/product.asp?id=96 |
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