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41. E. R. Eddison - Print Bibliography ER eddison Print Bibliography. Novels The Worm Ouroboros (1922) The WormOuroboros (1922) , ER eddison , London J. Cape , hc , $PRICE , 446pp; http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/p1.cgi?E._R._Eddison |
42. E. R. Eddison, Free Books ER eddison, Free Books. Free Books E ER eddison. ER eddison Works.ER eddison Clyde Edgerton JT Edson Joseph von Eichendorff Janice http://www.free-books-1.com/e/e._r_eddison/ | |
43. Är Du På Jakt Efter En Bok? På De Här Sidorna Finns Flera sf. eddison, ER, Fish Dinner in Memison, A, Ballantine, mjuk, H, sf.eddison, ER, Mezentian Gate, The, Ballantine, mjuk, H, sf. eddison,ER, http://www.bahnhof.se/~anglemar/books/author/e.html | |
44. Är Du På Jakt Efter En Bok? På De Här Sidorna Finns Flera eddison, ER, Fish Dinner in Memison, A, Ballantine, mjuk. eddison, ER, MezentianGate, The, Ballantine, mjuk. eddison, ER, Mistress of Mistresses, Ballantine, 1968,mjuk. http://www.bahnhof.se/~anglemar/books/signum/h-sf.html | |
45. Browsing The Inventory Of Leonard Shoup By Author: E eddison, ER with cover art by Murray Tinkelman The Zimiamvian Series / Cycle TheWorm Ouroboros with Mistress of Mistresses with A Fish Dinner in Memison with http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/author/e/665.html | |
46. The Worm Ouroboros - Eddison, E R Author Name eddison, ER Title The Worm Ouroboros. Binding Paperback. BookCondition Very Good. Publisher London Pan Books 1972. Seller ID 4432. http://www.darkwoodonline.co.uk/si/4432.html | |
47. The Worm Ouroboros - Eddison, E R Classic Science Fiction and Fantasy. Author Name eddison, ER TitleThe Worm Ouroboros. Binding Paperback; Fourth Printing. Book http://www.darkwoodonline.co.uk/si/10211.html | |
48. LOONS When ER eddison wrote his epics The Worm Ouroboros and the Zimiamvia Trilogy, heconfidently assured us that his characters ostensibly the inhabitants of http://www.thuntek.net/hardmag/loons.htm | |
49. Author Information Comment! ER (Eric Rucker) eddison Rating 10.0 of 10 (1 votes) Comments 0 (showthem) Biography 1882 1945 Novels Worm Ouroboros, the (1926). http://www.iblist.com/author.php?id=5277 |
50. Twilight Books Taschenbuch/Hefte-Seiten Translate this page Preise sind Endpreise in Euro, zuzüglich Versandkosten) Typ Collection - Roman- Anthologie - Mehrfachband - Erzählung - Sachbuch eddison, ER Die Herrin http://www.twilightbooks.de/autoren/tb-e.htm | |
51. Archives Hub: Papers Of E.R. Eddison Papers of ER eddison. Reference GB 0161 MSS. Eng. misc. Details are givenin Who Was Who . Scope and Content. Papers of ER eddison, including http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/eddison.html | |
52. Classics Of Fantasy: The Worm Ouroboros By E. R. Eddison Classics of Fantasy The Worm Ouroboros by ER eddison. By John D. Rateliff. Thegrandest heroic fantasy or swordand-sorcery tale in the English language . http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/main/classicworm |
53. Interplanetaria - La Serpiente Uróboros E. R. Eddison Translate this page Interplanetaria - La serpiente Uróboros ER eddison - revista de literatura degeneros (terror, negra, ciencia ficcion, fantastica, historica) y anticipos http://www.interplanetaria.com/ficha.php?id=uroboros |
54. Der Wurm Ouroboros - E. R. Eddison Test, Preisvergleich, Shopping, Auktionen Translate this page Der Wurm Ouroboros - ER eddison Preisvergleich, Test, Auktionen und Testberichte. Testund Preisvergleich Der Wurm Ouroboros - ER eddison. http://www.yopi.de/Buecher-Autor-E_R_Eddison | |
55. SF-Bokhandeln: E R Eddison ER eddison. The Worm Ouroboros (1922, 521 sidor, Millennium, England,art.nr 10786) Pris 128 100 % ren High Fantasy av absolut http://www.sfbok.se/kat/bf/1370.htm | |
56. Romane Versand Pegasos Translate this page eddison, ER Der WURM OUROBOROS Verlag Heyne, Band 06/3833, Taschenbuch 1. Auflage1981 (Zustand 0-1 fast neuwertig erhalten) 21,00 EUR BESTELLEN http://www.pegasos.de/sffe.html | |
57. E.R. Eddison, SciFiArchive.Com, Sci-Fi Books-by-Author Database 1998 Lee Skidmor Click on any title for ordering information. ER eddison. ( ). Books ForSale If you don t find your title listed, be sure to send your Want List! http://scifiarchive.com/eddisoner.htm | |
58. Facsimile Dust Jackets: Worm Ouroboros, The By Eddison, E.R. Jonathan Cape (UK), 1922....... This site is powered by booksellersolutions.com. Title Worm Ouroboros,The Author eddison, ER http://www.facsimiledustjackets.com/cgi-bin/fdj455/865.html | |
59. Facsimile Dust Jackets: Styrbiorn The Strong By Eddison, E.R. Albert and Charles Boni, 1926....... This site is powered by booksellersolutions.com. Title Styrbiorn The StrongAuthor eddison, ER http://www.facsimiledustjackets.com/cgi-bin/fdj455/866.html | |
60. Eco, Umberto vote spread 1 -10. eddison, ER, N/A The Worm Ouroboros · AverageScore 8.2353, votes 17 vote spread 1- -10. http://www.eigenspace.net/reality/e.html | |
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