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Echlin Kim: more books (16) | |||||||||||||||
61. 2000 Novels HC; Duncan, Dave, Silvercloak (New York, Avon, 2001)PB; echlin, kim,Dagmars Daughter (Toronto, Penguin Viking, 2001)HC; Erikson http://www.sunburstaward.org/2001Novels.html | |
62. CPL: Non-Fiction And Miscellaneous CNIB FIC ECC, Eccles, Marjorie. CPL057147. Elephant Winter. CNIB FIC ECH,echlin, kim. CPL057178. Domes of Fire. CNIB FIC EDD, Eddings, David. CPL057177. http://www.crestonlibrary.com/cgi-bin/newarrivals.cgi?section=other |
63. People S Co-op Bookstore EUROPE. 1565848713, Echenoz, Jean, 04/04, H, 28.50, FICTION GENERAL.0889614423, echlin, kim, 04/04, P, 29.95, WOMEN -STUDIES. 0156029065,Eco http://www.peoplescoopbookstore.com/browse.php?pgidx=author&page=70 |
64. Rapid Reviews 2000: A Summer's Reading List MM. FAMILY. echlin, kim Elephant Winter . Carroll Graf, 1999. 0786-70610-4,$22.00. Lyrical first novel sees Sophie Walker nurse http://www.brooks.lib.vt.us/rapidreviews2000.htm | |
65. MGPL Webrary® - Too Good To Put Down Mountain Time Doyle, Roddy A Star Called Henry Dreyer, Eileen Brain Dead Dufresne,John Louisiana Power Light echlin, kim Elephant Winter Erickson, Steve The http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/Toogood.html | |
66. MGPL Webrary® - Books About Motherhood Dodd, Susan Mamaw Dorf, Fran Saving Elijah Dorris, Michael Yellow Raft in Blue WaterDuncan, Pamela Moon Women echlin, kim Elephant Winter Esquivel, Laura Like http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/motherhood.html | |
67. What To Do To Arrive Where You Are ( To Arrive Where You Are Eds. kim echlin, Barbara Moon, Dan Oboe. BanffCentre Press, 2000. Reviewed by T/Ed Dyck 01/01/31. To Arrive http://www.wtc.ab.ca/tedyck/RN.2.R.arrive.td.htm | |
68. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z S. Dudek, Louis *Duell, Charles *Duell, C. Halliwell Dunbar, JB Duncan, DorothyDunning, Louise Dunton, AD Return to Index E echlin, kim Edmond, Dorothea http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/maclennan/name1.htm | |
69. A Celebration Of Women Writers: E Listings Ebokea, Marie Felicite (fl.1994); Ebury, Sue (fl.1994); Eccles, Charlotte O Connor(fl.1860); Eccles, Marjorie (fl.1988); echlin, kim (fl.2000); Eck, Diana L. (fl. http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-E.html | |
70. Book Discussion Titles Duras, Marguerite, The Lover, Fiction, 10. echlin, kim, Elephant Winter,Fiction Canadian, 17. Eco, Umberto, The name of the rose, Fiction - Mystery,10. http://www.hpl.ca/Guides/bookdiscuss.shtml | |
71. 1999 Talking Book Order From Suppliers Courage Under Fire, War. Dunnett, Dorothy, Scales Of Gold. echlin, kim A. ElephantWinter, Animal. Eddenden, AE. Murder at the Movies, Mystery. Edwards, Allen. http://www.hpl.ca/Guides/tborder.shtml | |
72. Search The Internet For Earle Stacey UK. Searchtheinternet.co.uk Anthony Ellison, Harlan Engels, Friedrich Elwes, Cary Earnhardt, Dale Emmett, RikEarle, Stacey Elsley, Arthur John Espriu, Salvador echlin, kim Engel, Lonneke http://www.searchtheinternet.co.uk/search-Earle_Stacey.html | |
73. Lukol Directory - Reference Biography E Eaton, John (2), Ebsen, Buddy (5), Eccleston, Christopher (18). Echegarayy Eizaguirre, José (2), echlin, kim (3), Eck, Johann (5). Eckert http://www.lukol.com/Top/Reference/Biography/E/ | |
74. Bbya2005 Dunkle, Clare B. The Hollow Kingdom 29 Teen Comments; echlin, kim.Inanna From the Myths of Ancient Sumer. 49; Ehrenhaft, Daniel. http://www.genrefluent.com/bbya2005.htm | |
75. IPac2.0 Summary. More by this author. echlin, kim. Subjects. Inanna (Sumerian deity) Poetry.Browse Catalog. by author echlin, kim. by title Inanna from the my http://ipac3.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=BIB&term=1025630 |
76. ECampus.com - Books And Stuff. Cheap! Author(s) Enheduanna; Wolfsgruber, Linda; echlin, kim / ISBN 0888994966/ Hardcover / 8/1/2003 New Copy In Stock Usually Ships in 2448 Hours, http://www.ecampus.com/category.asp?cat1=Children's&cat2=Legends, Myths, Fables& |
77. Browse Results - Northshire Bookstore - Manchester Center, Vermont New. $29.95. 5. Inanna From The Myths Of Ancient Sumer Enheduanna/ Wolfsgruber,Linda (ilt)/ echlin, kim ISBN 088899-496-6 More Information, Hardcover. New. http://www.northshire.com/siteinfo/category.asp?description=Literature - Mytholo |
78. We Suggest...books, Movies, Music, And More! Louisiana Power Light. echlin, kim. Elephant Winter A Novel Erickson, Steve. TheSea Came in at Midnight Evanovich, Janet. One for the Money. Fielding, Helen. http://www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/booklists/toogood.html | |
79. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg Marianne (Edt), Four Pictures by Emily Carr by Debon, Nicolas, Inanna From theMyths of Ancient Sumer by Enheduanna/ Wolfsgruber, Linda (Ilt)/ echlin, kim. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-903.html |
80. 000286 the Catwoman more; Dimmick, Barbara In the Presence of Horses more;echlin, kim Elephant Winter more; Evans, Nicholas The Horse http://www.readersadvice.com/readadv/000286.html | |
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