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61. DURRELL, Lawrence., Livia: Or Buried Alive. Rees O Neill Rare Books. durrell, lawrence. Livia or buried alive. London Faber 1978. Inscribed by the author Sue s copy / lawrence durrell . http://www.polybiblio.com/reesoneill/201189.html | |
62. BBSmith.com BookSellers Books On Classics And Archaeology, Ancient History And L The Greek Islands durrell, lawrence Viking Penguin GREECE DESCRIPTION TRAVEL EUROPE. Classical Studies. Author Name durrell, lawrence Title The Greek Islands. http://www.bbsmith.com/si/10203.html | |
63. MSN Encarta - Durrell, Lawrence George Translate this page Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. durrell, lawrence George. Web Center. Trova altre informazioni su durrell, lawrence George, http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563113/Durrell_Lawrence_George.html | |
64. Icehousebooks (author: Durrell, Lawrence) Author durrell, lawrence Books (etc ). 1 durrell, lawrence Bitter Lemons, Faber and Faber/The Book Society, London, 1957. 008644. http://www.icehousebooks.co.uk/A_durrelllaw.htm | |
65. Durrell, Lawrence durrell, lawrence. Selected titles in durrell, lawrence. The Alexandria Quartet Justine/Balthazar/Mountolive/Clea/Boxed Set. Balthazar (durrell, lawrence. http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/70237 | |
66. Durrell, Lawrence durrell, lawrence. 1. Correspondence File 1 TL, 1942. To Henry Miller. Airgram, TLs, May 12, 1944. To Duddles and Boo . TLs, September 1944. To Mary Honor. http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/findaids/findaids/d/durrell.htm | |
67. Antrobus By Durrell, Lawrence ; 8483105098 Buy Antrobus by durrell, lawrence one of 320000 Spanish Language books available for worldwide delivery. http://www.opengroup.com/libros/0120/9788/9788483105092.shtml | |
68. Aguilas Blancas Sobre Servia By Durrell, Lawrence ; 8424504623 Buy Aguilas Blancas Sobre Servia by durrell, lawrence one of 320000 Spanish Language books available for worldwide delivery. http://www.opengroup.com/libros/0120/9788/9788424504625.shtml | |
70. International Lawrence Durrell Society: The Alexandria Quartet durrell, lawrence. Blue Thirst. durrell, lawrence. The Classical River of France The Rhone. Holiday 27.1 (1960) 6873, 115, 118-21. http://www.lawrencedurrell.org/bibliog/bibtravel-a.htm | |
71. Best Novels Of The 20th Century Alexandria Quartet, The Justine; Balthazar; Mountolive; Clea. durrell, lawrence. All Quiet on the Western Front, Remarque, Erich Maria. Balthazar, durrell, lawrence. http://library.sullivan.edu/booktitles.htm |
72. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Lawrence Durrell To Inspire And Motivate You lawrence durrell. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U. Great quotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your http://www.cyber-nation.com/victory/quotations/authors/quotes_durrell_lawrence.h | |
73. Lawrence Durrell Papers 1 durrell, lawrence. Pied Pipers of Lovers. London, Toronto, Melbourne, and Sydney Cassell and Company, Limited, 1935. 2 durrell, lawrence. The Black Book. http://www.lib.siu.edu/spcol/inventory/mss42.htm | |
74. THE LAWRENCE DURRELL PAPERS THE lawrence durrell PAPERS SECOND ACCESSION, 1990 Collection 163. Scope and Content Note. lawrence durrell died on November 9, 1990. http://www.lib.siu.edu/spcol/inventory/SC163.html | |
75. Lawrence Durrell Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote lawrence durrell Quotes, A lawrence durrell Everyone loathes his own country and countrymen if he is any sort of artist. lawrence http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/l/lawrence_durrell.html | |
76. ZePortaille - Littérature - Livres Et Biographies - Durrell Lawrence Translate this page durrell, lawrence. Citrons Marguerite. durrell, lawrence. Easterman, Daniel. Eco, Umberto. Egli, René. Ellis, Bret Easton. Ellroy, James. http://www.zeportaille.com/litterature_auteur_Durrell-Lawrence_9205.html | |
77. Lawrence Durrell (Rexroth) BUREA U O F PUBLI C SECRETS. lawrence durrell. I (1957). One of the best, and certainly one of the most civilized writers in English today is lawrence durrell. http://www.bopsecrets.org/rexroth/essays/durrell.htm | |
78. Lawrence Durrell Translate this page lawrence durrell. Citrons acides CITRONS ACIDES DE lawrence durrell. Le grec Commander les livres de lawrence durrell sur Amazon.fr. http://www.livres-online.com/auteur_Lawrence_Durrell--9205.html | |
79. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article durrell, lawrence (George) (19121990). The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts 01-01-1998 durrell, lawrence (George) (1912-1990) British novelist and poet. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1P1:28929083&num=1&ctrlInfo=Round |
80. Bienvenue Sur L'Express Livres Translate this page Depuis août 1935, date à laquelle le jeune lawrence durrell, âgé de 23 ans, adressa sa première missive enflammée à Henry Miller, 44 ans, pour lui http://livres.lexpress.fr/critique.asp/idC=8448/idR=12/idG=8 | |
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