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70. Marguerite Duras Translate this page Das Unsagbare. Am 3. März 1996 starb in Paris die Schriftstellerin marguerite duras. Was für eine beeindruckende Frau, diese marguerite duras! http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/label_france/DEUTSCH/LETTRES/DURAS/duras.html | |
71. Marguerite Duras www.imdb.com/Name?duras,+marguerite More results from www.imdb.com duras, margueriteduras, marguerite (19141996). French novelist, representative memory. marguerite duras was born in Gia Dinh, Vietnam. She spent http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0243921/ | |
72. Marguerite Duras - Die Schamlosen - Perlentaucher.de Zum Autor duras, marguerite marguerite duras, geboren 1914 in Giadinh/Indochina, ging 1932 nach Paris. http://www.perlentaucher.de/buch/329.html | |
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74. Common Readers' Bookshop (Books Of Marguerite Duras) Books of marguerite duras. Destroy, She Said/Destruction and Language An Interview With marguerite duras; marguerite duras, Barbara Bray; Paperback; $7.15. http://orlando.jp.org/CRB/duras.html | |
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76. French Books Literature 20 MC: D-E-F Hiroshima mon amour $9.95 Author duras, marguerite Published by Folio ISBN 2070360091 Section Literature 20 Century MC. Les petits chevaux Tarquinia $9.95 http://www.europeanbook.com/liter202C.html | |
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