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61. Stephen Dunn Award Guidelines The stephen dunn Award in Poetry stephen dunn is the author of eleven collections of poetry, including Different Hours, winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize in http://www.wordsandimages.org/Submissions/Guidelines/dunnguidelines.htm | |
62. Stephen Dunn Bio stephen dunn, winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and numerous other awards, is the author of http://www.wordsandimages.org/StephenDunn.htm | |
63. Stephen Dunn's Reading Lecture stephen dunn s Reading and Lecture. Poet stephen dunn is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for his book, Different Hours. http://wiredforbooks.org/stephendunn/ | |
64. Review | Local Visitations By Stephen Dunn doesn t exist/wants to give us something to misinterpret/That s what Crane was thinking as he washed up on Longport Beach, dunn narrates in stephen Crane in http://www.januarymagazine.com/artcult/localvisitations.html | |
65. Powell's Books - Different Hours: Poems By Stephen Dunn Different Hours Poems by stephen dunn. Available at Find out how. ISBN 0393049868 Subtitle Poems Author dunn, stephen Publisher WW Norton Company, Inc. http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?show=Hardcover:New:0393049868:22.00 |
66. Powell's Books - Different Hours: Poems By Stephen Dunn Different Hours Poems by stephen dunn. Find out how. ISBN 0393049868 Subtitle Poems Author dunn, stephen Publisher WW Norton Company, Inc. http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?isbn=0393049868 |
67. Stephen Dunn, Dichter Op Rottend Staal Online; Gedichten stephen dunn. laatste update 29 augustus 2002 (click for English version). BIOGRAFIE stephen dunn werd in 1939 in New York City (USA) geboren. http://www.epibreren.com/rs/dunn.html | |
68. Www.booksense.com/search/search.jsp?searchauthor=Dunn%2C+Stephen stephen dunn at the Sussex Centre for Neuroscience, UKstephen dunn. 980K .avi film of me (980K .avi clip) Center For Computational Neuroscience and Robotics Sussex Innovation Centre http://www.booksense.com/search/search.jsp?searchauthor=Dunn, Stephen |
69. Nemours.org - Solid Organ Transplantation - Stephen Dunn, MD Biography. stephen dunn, MD Director, Division of Solid Organ Transplant Pediatric/Transplant Surgeon. Dr. stephen dunn became the http://www.nemours.org/no/aidhc/svcs/organ_transplant/dunn_stephen.html | |
70. Information On Different Hours: Poems -- Stephen Dunn Different Hours Poems. stephen dunn. A wise and graceful new collection by one of our major, indispensable poets (Sidney Lea). stephen dunn. Save Now! http://www.featuredbooks.com/different_hours.htm | |
71. JAMES JOHNSON STEPHEN PHILIPS - Lost At Dunn's Lake James Johnson stephen Philips Lost at dunn s Lake 61.48 $ 10.99. http://www.darkduck.net/dunn.htm | |
72. Reviews Of JAMES JOHNSON STEPHEN PHILIPS - Lost At Dunn's Lake JAMES JOHNSON / stephen PHILIPS Lost at dunn s Lake (2001 - Zero Music). 3/01 Review by Bill Binkelman (Wind Wire). When I http://www.darkduck.net/rev_dun.htm | |
73. Stephen Dunn's Life On Board Photos 1 stephen dunn s Life on board Thanks stephen. Click on the descriptions for bigger pictures. stephen provided the following as pdf http://www.ben-line.org.uk/Life on Board stephen Dunn.htm | |
74. [minstrels] Named -- Stephen Dunn 1063 Named. Title Named. Poet stephen dunn. Date 23 Jun 2002. Someone nearby, of course, certain to add fool. stephen dunn. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1063.html | |
75. University Of Oregon School Of Music: About Us: Stephen Dunn Email Questions to mushelp@oregon.uoregon.edu. Translate this page. (back to faculty list) stephen dunn (541) 3463783 sjdunn@oregon.uoregon.edu. http://music.uoregon.edu/About/bios/dunns.html | |
76. Stephen Dunn At PopularAuthorBooks.com stephen dunn Page dedicated to stephen dunn organized by sales rank for easy online purchase of stephen dunn books at great prices in association with Amazon http://www.bestsellerreviews.com/d/Stephen_Dunn/ | |
77. Stephen J. Dunn, Esquire - A Towson, Maryland (MD) Administrative Law Law Firm stephen J. dunn, Esquire. Address 7400 York Road Suite 305 Towson, MD 212047502. Attorneys dunn, stephen J., Sole Practitioner. West Practice Categories http://pview.findlaw.com/view/1478026_1 | |
78. Bucknell's Sojka Visiting Poet Series Presents Stephen Dunn Pulitzer Prizewinning poet stephen dunn will visit Bucknell University as featured writer in the ninth annual Sandra and Gary Sojka Visiting Poet Series. http://www.bucknell.edu/In_the_News/More_News/October_2003/Sojka_Series_Presents | |
79. Penn Special Collections-APR-Stephen Dunn Photographs from the American Poetry Review Records, 19711998 Ms. Coll. 349. stephen dunn. http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/photos/APR/dunn.html | |
80. Stephen Dunn, Local Visitations stephen dunn, Local Visitations (WW Norton Co., 2003). It opens with a playful and vivid poem, Bowl Of Fruit, that, as always http://www.rambles.net/dunn_local03.html | |
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