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61. J. Richard Duke , J.D., LL.M. J. richard duke, J. D., LLM, Contact Via, Address/Phone/Fax. email, richard@assetlaw.com.Phone, (205) 8233900. Fax, (205) 823-2630. US Mail - Company, duke Law Firm PC. http://www.rpifs.com/duke.htm | |
62. J. Richard Duke , J.D., LL.M. J. richard duke, JD, LLM. Contact Via, Address/Phone/Fax. email, richard@assetlaw.com.Phone, (205) 8233900. Fax, (205) 823-2630. US Mail - Company, duke Law Firm PC. http://www.rpifs.com/rpifs/rpduke.htm | |
63. Richard, Duke Of York (Prince In The Tower) richard, duke of York (Prince in the Tower). This article is about richard, dukeof York, son of King Edward IV who was imprisoned in the Tower of London. http://www.fact-index.com/r/ri/richard__duke_of_york__prince_in_the_tower_.html | |
64. Prince Richard, Duke Of Gloucester Prince richard, duke of Gloucester. Prince On 10 June 1974, the dukeof Gloucester died and Prince richard succeeded to the title. The http://www.fact-index.com/p/pr/prince_richard__duke_of_gloucester.html | |
65. Store Product Details AVS Twentyfourth Annual Symposium, 1977, Charles...... Item ID Kay Eric C1. Title Eric Kay, Charles B. duke, richard W. Hoffman. http://store.aip.org/OA_HTML/ecl.jsp?mode=detail&item=85270 |
66. St. Mary's City Men's Career Files St. Mary s City Men s Career Files MSA SC 5094. duke, richard ( 1618 ? ). ViewCareer File cards for this individual. © Copyright Maryland State Archives. | |
67. St. Mary's City Men's Career Files St. Mary s City Men s Career Files MSA SC 5094. duke, richard ( 1633 ? ). Wifename unknown. Children two, names unknown. View | |
68. RoyaList Online - Royal Genealogy - Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke Of York Royal genealogy biographical details for richard Plantagenet, 3rdduke of York. richard Plantagenet, 3rd duke of York. Family Name http://www.royalist.info/execute/biog?person=72 |
69. RoyaList Online - Royal Genealogy - Richard II, Duke Of Normandy (The Good) Royal genealogy biographical details for richard II, duke of Normandy (The Good). richardII, duke of Normandy (The Good). Family Name Given Names richard. http://www.royalist.info/execute/biog?person=1554 |
70. Richard Duke ver. 12/9/00. * The copy text for this edition is duke, richard. To citethis page, be sure to substitute today s date duke, richard. http://www.hn.psu.edu/Faculty/KKemmerer/poets/duke/anne.htm |
71. Richard Duke Samuel Johnson s Life of richard duke in its entirety is presented by The Penn StateArchive for Samuel Johnson s Lives of the English Poets a resource for http://www.hn.psu.edu/Faculty/KKemmerer/poets/duke/default.html |
72. Richard, Duke Of Gloucester (1944- ) Copyright Notice. Page created 1 March 2001. Corrected and updated 03.07.2003.Disclaimers. HRH richard duke of Gloucester. 1944. Royal Colonels. http://www.regiments.org/milhist/biography/royals/1944ricG.htm | |
73. BBC - History - Henry VI And Richard, Duke Of York 1453 - 61 richard, duke of York was the largest landowner in England after Henry VI. TheLate Middle Ages. Henry VI and richard, duke of York 1453 61. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/timelines/england/lmid_henry_vi_richard_york.shtml | |
74. Shakespeare And The Globe: Then And Now York, richard Plantagenet, duke of,. son of richard, earl of Cambridge,and relentless leader of the Yorkist cause in Shakespeare s http://search.eb.com/shakespeare/micro/730/70.html | |
75. Richard, Duke Of York (Prince In The Tower) - Encyclopedia Article About Richard encyclopedia article about richard, duke of York (Prince in the Tower). richard, dukeof York (Prince in the Tower). Word Word. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Richard, Duke of York (Prince in the T | |
76. Richard Plantagenet, Duke Of York - Encyclopedia Article About Richard Plantagen encyclopedia article about richard Plantagenet, duke of York. richard Plantagenet,duke of York in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York | |
77. Richard Duke Of Yorke: The Queen's Monologue Click Here. richard duke OF YORKE. A monologue from the play by Christopher Marlowe.NOTE This monologue is reprinted from The Works. Christopher Marlowe. http://www.monologuearchive.com/m/marlowe_014.html | |
78. Richard , Duke Of York richard, duke of York. Category English Noble. Born 1411. Died 1460.Overview Years ruled (as Protector) 1454 1455 1455 - 1456 http://www.ehistory.com/middleages/PeopleView.cfm?PID=174 |
79. TimeRef - History Timelines - Medieval People Starting With R richard (duke of York). Born Died 1460, richard was the father of EdwardIV and richard III. richard (duke of York, Prince in the Tower). http://www.btinternet.com/~timeref/hprr.htm | |
80. Wars Of The Roses: Summary For Richard Plantagenet, Duke Of York The father of two kings (Edward IV and richard III), richard, duke of York, spentthe later part of his life attempting to acquire the throne for his family. http://www.warsoftheroses.com/WRPeopleShell.cfm?pid=9 |
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