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Duane Diane: more books (101) | ||||||||||||
21. The Owl Springs Partnership Index page for the Owl Springs Partnership website of Peter Morwood and diane duane information about food, cooking, recipes, and Peter and diane s books http://www.owlsprings.com/ | |
22. Young Wizards.Net / YoungWizards.Com Discussion groups, book excerpts, and interviews for fans of diane duane's Young Wizards series http://www.youngwizards.net | |
23. The Bookman A source for general information on the novels and other writing of PeterMorwood and diane duane, members of The Owl Springs Partnership. http://www.owlsprings.com/bookman.html | |
24. Interview: With Diane Duane (and Peter Morwood) Interview with diane duane ( and Peter Morwood) by Jay Patton. CN Will you tell us what it's like to live in Ireland? DD It's very quiet. We're out in the country, in the Wicklow Mountains about an http://www.casfs.org/connote/features/interview/dianedpeterminterview.html | |
25. Www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFD/Duane,Diane.html Authors A D - duane, diane Authors A - D duane, diane. Buy great books at BOL Shop with BOL for greatsavings. Tips about duane, diane on the web. Tips about books on the web. http://www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFD/Duane,Diane.html |
26. SFBookcase.com - Author Diane Duane's Biography,Bibliography,Novels,Short Storie Hello Anonymous , 164 users currently online. diane duane. About Author A Campbell Award nominee, duane is the author of nineteen acclaimed novels of sciencefiction and fantasy http://www.sfbookcase.com/author.asp?authorid=33 |
27. Authors A - D - Duane, Diane Authors A D duane, diane. E-book? Search results 1 to 1 out of 1, Tipsabout duane, diane on the web. Tips about books on the web. E-book? http://www.ciao.co.uk/Duane_Diane_5220939_6 | |
28. Diane Duane Trivia Quizzes And Quiz Questions 1, So You Think You Know Ailurin? The following is a quiz on Ailurin (cat language),as it is found in The Book of Night With Moon , by diane duane. http://www.funtrivia.com/dir/11743.html | |
29. "Deep Wizardry" - Duane, Diane Literature Deep Wizardry Created by player Legolas6000. Test your knowledgeon Deep Wizardry , the second book in the wizardry series by diane duane. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=151146 |
30. WWW: Diane Duane All about diane duane www from BigTome.com Books - Compare Prices for diane duane - www.nextag.com duane, diane. Information about the author and her books. http://www.bigtome.com/big/page/Diane_Duane | |
31. Spock's World - Duane, Diane Spock's World duane, diane Pocket Books Author Name duane, diane. Title Spock's World lest the Federation itself be ripped asunder. diane duane, author of three previous bestselling STAR TREK novels and http://www.finaldraftbooks.com/pi/1772.html | |
32. Diane Duane, Science Fiction Writer diane duane. Novels. duane, diane, Star Trek Spock s World, Pocket Books,New York, 1988. Original Short Fiction. duane, diane, Outer Limits. http://www.hycyber.com/SF/duane_diane.html | |
34. Suomalainen.com - Kirjakauppasi Verkossa 1. duane, diane Wizard Alone, A Toimitusaika 2 viikkoa Lisää ostoskoriin. 2003.Muu. 2. duane, diane Wizard s Holiday Toimitusaika 2 viikkoa Lisää ostoskoriin. http://www.suomalainen.com/sk/servlets/ProductServlet?action=getAuthorProducts&a |
35. La Science-fiction - Duane, Diane, 1952- par Mireille Storm. Paris Fleuve noir, 1996. 218 p. ; 18 cm. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/adu/DUANEDIANE.html | |
36. Language Author Index Of Books-Media Dos Passos, John, Manhattan Transfer Dos Passos, John. duane, diane, Door IntoSunset, The - duane, diane My Enemy, My Ally (star Trek Series) - duane, diane. http://www.langmaker.com/db/bks_index_languageauthor.htm | |
37. Author/Editor/Director Index Of Books-Media Dos Passos, John, Manhattan Transfer. duane, diane, Door Into Sunset, The MyEnemy, My Ally (star Trek Series). Dunsany, Edward, Fourth Book Of Jorkens, The. http://www.langmaker.com/db/bks_index_authoreditordirector.htm | |
38. Duane, Diane ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. duane, diane (diane duane). Dark mirrordiane duane, read by John De Lancie Publisher New York Audioworks, c1993. http://isbndb.com/d/person/duane_diane.html | |
39. Series And Sequels Y Z. Your search criteria was author duane, diane (7 Titles). Author,Series Name, (Order) Book Titles. duane, diane, Young Wizards, http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/bpl-bin/series.pl?searchauthor=Duane, Diane |
40. Risingshadow.net :: Diane Duane Kirjailija duane, diane. Tiedot, Tietoa kirjailijasta. Nimi dianeduane. Arvosana (3.00, 2). Lisännyt Sini To 0801-2004 208pm. http://www.risingshadow.net/phpBB2/author.php?author_id=310 |
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