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41. Gale Book Recommendations Your search for books by doyle, debra and MacDonald, James D. returned the following results doyle, debra and MacDonald, James D. The Price of the Stars http://tlau.org/bookrec/index2.php?author=Doyle, Debra and MacDonald, James D. |
42. James D. Macdonald - Bibliography Summary Biographic Data Married to debra doyle. Mountain of Stolen Dreams (1988) as Robyn Tallis with debra doyle and James D. Macdonald; http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?James_D._Macdonald |
43. Raven's Reviews: Debra Doyle And James D. Macdonald Reviews of the books of debra doyle and James D. Macdonald, with a general introduction to their work. http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/leguin/405/ae/debrad.html | |
44. By Honor Betray'd - Doyle, Debra Macdonald, James D. ISBN, 0812517067, Title, By Honor Betray d. Author, doyle, debra Macdonald, James D. RRP ($NZ), 12.95*. Stock, No Stock *. Published 1997. Type Hardback. http://macmillan.co.nz/books/getbook/0812517067/showbook | |
45. Debra Lochner Doyle - Institute For Public Health Genetics debra Lochner doyle, MS, CGC. Ms. doyle is the State Coordinator for Genetic Services and the manager of the Genetic Services Section http://depts.washington.edu/phgen/Faculty/debra_doyle.htm | |
46. Debra L. Doyle - Department Faculty debra L. doyle, MS. Affiliate Instructor, Epidemiology. Contact Information Washington State Department of Health Genetic Services http://depts.washington.edu/epidem/fac/facBio.shtml?Doyle_Debra |
47. SciFan: Writer: Debra Doyle (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. home about links email. Writers debra doyle (1952 - , United States), Bibliography, http://www.scifan.com/writers/dd/DoyleDebra.asp | |
48. Author Information Author Information. Comment! debra doyle Rating 7.4 of 10 (13 votes) Comments 0 (show them) Biography debra doyle James D. McDonald are a team. http://www.iblist.com/author.php?id=2254 |
49. Alibris: Debra Doyle doyle, debra and MacDonald, James D. D Authors Science Fiction Translate this page rl. doyle, debra and MacDonald, James D. accueil D. doyle, debra and Macdonald, James D. Madhouse Manor - Author-maintained website. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Doyle, Debra | |
50. Doyle, Debra D Doyle, Debra Authors's Horror Books Shopping Online Shopping Mall doyle, debra D doyle, debra Authors s Horror Books Shopping Online Shopping Mall One Stop shopping site where you can easily shop for everything you need. http://www.easyshopping123.com/shop/dept28183/Online/Doyle_Debra/ | |
51. Interview: Author: Dr. Debra Doyle Dr. debra doyle writes science fiction and fantasy. Along with her husband, James D. MacDonald, she has coauthored several series http://www.teenink.com/Past/2002/March/Interviews/DrDebraDoyle.html | |
52. - AdLibris Bokhandel. Tornets hemlighet, Tornets hemlighet av doyle, debra, Pris 53, Lägg i kundvagn. Striden i palatset, Striden i palatset av doyle, debra, Pris 55-, Lägg i kundvagn. http://www.adlibris.se/shop/product.asp?isbn=9132142986 |
53. Editorial Presença Translate this page Autor debra doyle Nacionalidade Estados Unidos da América Curriculum debra doyle é co-autora de mais de 40 livros de ficção científica e de fantasia http://www.editpresenca.pt/autores_resultado_detalhe.asp?letra=D&autor=1889 |
54. Editorial Presença Translate this page Gillo Dorian , M. Dostoiévski , Fiódor Doubrère , JC Doueil , Teresa Douglas , Ray Doyen , B. doyle , Sir Arthur Conan doyle , debra Drucker , Peter F http://www.editpresenca.pt/autores_resultado_detalhe.asp?letra=D&autor=607 |
55. Review Of A WORKING OF STARS By Debra Doyle And James D. MacDonald Review of A WORKING OF STARS by debra doyle and James D. MacDonald. MAGEWORLDS SERIES. TOR, April 2002. The susPeledaen space-merchant http://www.booksforabuck.com/sfpages/working_stars.html | |
56. SF Reviews By Author STARMAN TOR, 1996 (US May 2002) ** Reviewed 6/15/02. doyle, debra A WORKING OF STARS (with James D. MacDonald) TOR, April 2002 ** Reviewed 7/21/02. http://www.booksforabuck.com/sfpages/sf_rev_auta-d.html | |
57. Steampunk: Authors : D : Debra Doyle Authors D debra doyle. Contents. Official Sites Novel Excerpts. Search. Categories. Authors Awards Bibliographies Movies Organizations http://www.steampunk.com/newsfch/Authors/D/Debra_Doyle/ | |
58. The SF Site Featured Review: The Stars Asunder debra doyle and James D. Macdonald. debra doyle and James D. Macdonald have been publishing their Mageworlds series of unabashed Space Opera since 1992. http://www.sfsite.com/06b/star59.htm | |
59. The SF Site: Science Fiction And Fantasy Author Links debra doyle One half of the team behind the five Mageworlds books (with husband and coauthor James D. Macdonald). Photo ©1995 by Somtow Sucharitkul. http://www.sfsite.com/scribe/scribe04.htm | |
60. Discount Comparison Shopping Online... At Its Finest! - Bargainshopping101.com S doyle, Arthur Conan Bargains Free Shipping May Be Available For doyle, Arthur Conan! doyle, debra Bargains - Free Shipping May Be Available For doyle, debra! http://www.bargainshopping101.com/site_map/sitemapd6.html | |
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