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81. English 806 Approaches To Individual Authors: T.S. Eliot And H.D.: Transatlantic TEXTS. doolittle, hilda (HD). Collected Poems19121944. doolittle, hilda (HD), Notes on Thought and Vision. doolittle, hilda (HD), The Gift. http://www.sfu.ca/english/Gillies/Engl806.html | |
82. S Daly, Claud D. R Freud, Anna D OJ S Daniels, George R Jones Translate this page 28 S doolittle, hilda R Freud, Sigmund D oD S doolittle, hilda R Freud, Sigmund D oD May 1 S doolittle, hilda R Freud, Sigmund D oD May 6 S doolittle http://www.freud.org.uk/sendd.txt |
83. S Dankowitz, Lewis D 1939 May 28 S David, Jakob Julyus D 1906 Translate this page 28 S doolittle, hilda D oD S doolittle, hilda D oD May 1 S doolittle, hilda D oD May 6 S doolittle, hilda D oD Dec. 1 S Doryon, Yisrael D 1938 Sept. http://www.freud.org.uk/frdrd.txt | |
84. L'astronomie Et La Poesie : Hilda Doolittle Translate this page Nox Oculis. hilda doolittle (1886-1961). Actrice, romancière and blast. hilda doolittle, Let Zeus Record (extraits). Références http://pages.infinit.net/noxoculi/doolittle.html | |
85. UBC English: Reading Room Catalogue Publications by doolittle, hilda. CATALOGUE NUMBER, TITLE. PS3507.O66.A17.1957, doolittle, hilda. Selected poems New York Grove Press, 1957. http://www2.english.ubc.ca/rdg_room/auth_rslt.cfm?authpubl=1371 |
86. Thomas A. Goldwasser Rare Books: Hedylus. By Doolittle, Hilda [H.D.]. Author doolittle, hilda HD. Title Hedylus. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 1928 Cloth backed boards, fine. First edition, one of 775 copies. http://www.goldwasserbooks.com/cgi-bin/gwb455.cgi/12973.html | |
87. ReadLiterature.Com - Hilda Doolittle Helen in Egypt. hilda doolittle (HD). Reviewed by annie america annieamerica@homestead.com. HD was a student of ancient cultures and myths. http://www.readliterature.com/R_helen.htm | |
88. Valencia West LRC - H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) HD (hilda doolittle 1886 1961). Pathfinder. November 1996. The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and http://valencia.cc.fl.us/lrcwest/Author_Pathfinders/hd.html | |
89. Hilda HD Doolittle Orchard DayPoems Feedback. DayPoems Front. Poetry Whirl Google hilda HD doolittle Latest Poetry News. Orchard. By hilda HD doolittle. 18861961 http://www.daypoems.net/poems/1406.html | |
90. Hilda HD Doolittle Heat DayPoems Feedback. DayPoems Front. Poetry Whirl Google hilda HD doolittle Latest Poetry News. Heat. By hilda HD doolittle. 18861961 http://www.daypoems.net/poems/1407.html | |
91. Hilda Doolittle Quote http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/2.2/coverweb/sandye/tunnel1.html |
92. Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) And Bisexuality. hilda doolittle (HD) and bisexuality. Author Richards, Arlene Kramer. Author Background New York Freudian Society, New York, NY, US. Date, Winter 2000. http://www.sfsu.edu/~multsowk/title/215.htm | |
93. H.D.'s Home Page - Poetry HD Home Page JLP Home Page. A Sample of HD s Works. Midday; Leda; Helen; Let Zeus Record; Sea Poppies; Sea Rose; Pear Tree; Sheltered Garden. http://www.cichone.com/jlc/hd/hdpoet.html | |
94. H. D. - Poems And Biography By AmericanPoems.com Poets Discussion Forum Poem of the Day Top 40 Poems Search Today is May 13th, 2004 the site contains 32 poets and 4488 poems. Biography of HD. http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/hd/ | |
95. FriendsAcquaintances RETURN TO Red Flame Main Page. http://www.redflame93.com/FriendsAcquaintances.html | |
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