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         Domokos Alex:     more detail
  1. The Price Of Freedom: Library Edition by Alex Domokos, Rita Y. Toews, 2004-11
  2. Body Traffic by Alex Domokos, Rita Y. Toews, 2005-09-20
  3. The Price Of Freedom: Library Edition by Alex Domokos, Rita Y. Toews, 2004-11
  4. Prometheus by Alex Domokos, Rita Y. Toews, 2002-12-01
  5. Ten Chocolates From the Box by Rita Toews, Alex Domokos, 2010-07-30
  6. The Centurion by Alex Domokos, 2006-09-26
  7. Synthesis of Exterior and Interior Reality by Alex Domokos, 2003-01-01
  8. The Exchange of Ideas by Alex Domokos, 1980

1. Alex Domokos
Alex Domokos. Email Home Page http// Dramatic Narrative on BookWave Beauty. Midnight Story. The Prorab. The Political Refugee More free poetry and prose from Alex Domokos available athttp// Alex Domokos e-novels for
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Alex Domokos
E-mail: Home Page: Dramatic Narrative on BookWave: More free poetry and prose from Alex Domokos available at: Alex Domokos e-novels for sale on Where do you live?
I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada What jobs have you held other than writing?
I've held many jobs in the past. In the prison camps I was a woodworker and I worked with plaster. During my deportation I worked on state farms. I later became a bricklayer, worked for a church supply company making plaster molds and I did some sculpting. I ended my working career as a photographer in the School of Dentistry at the University of Winnipeg. When did you decide that you wanted to be a writer?
That was not a decision that I consciously made. There came a time when I needed to escape the deprivation of my circumstances so I would escape into a world of my own making. Later I wrote to stimulate provocative thoughts in others. I believe the greatest gift a writer can give to their reader is to make them think and question, to challenge them to use their intuitiveness, rather than staying on the trivial surface of life. What was your best (or worst) experience as a writer?

2. Alex Domokos Alex Domokos Message Board
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3. Author: Alex Domokos
Alex Domokos. Alexander (Sandor) Domokos was born in Szabadaka, Yugoslaviain 1921. Notify me when new books by Alex Domokos are released.
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Alex Domokos Alexander (Sandor) Domokos was born in Szabadaka, Yugoslavia in 1921. The family fled to Hungary as refugees that same year. The only child of an upper-middle class family, as a young man he attended military college then transferred to the Gendarmery after being commissioned. After the onset of World War Two he was called to front line duty. During the siege of Buda in February, 1945, Mr. Domokos was captured and held as a prisoner of war in Russia for six years, then endured a further four years under deportation and police surveillance in Hungary. He fled Hungary in 1956 and, with the assistance of the United Nations, settled in Winnipeg. Mr. Domokos is a versatile author of short stories, plays, novels, essays and poems, as well as an accomplished sculptor. He currently has five books in publication in his native Hungary and two electronically published novels. Three novels are in translation with the German publishing house Kripgansbooks, a division of Buchhandlung Baurngdartner, and his autobiography The Price of Freedom has won a Clara Award. His works have been part of several Anthologies of Canadian/Hungarian authors and have been published in the Purdue University Calumet fine arts annual

4. Alex Domokos (author) On AuthorsDen
Discover and contact Alex Domokos on AuthorsDen. Get the latest information onAlex Domokos, bio, books, news, events, short stories, etc. Alex Domokos.
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When The Mirror Lies
by Jay Chattin There are thousands of diets in the world to choose from. You have to pick the diet that works for you and your life style if you hope to stand a chance of succeeding. I .. Share with a friend Add To My Library Alex Domokos " Tell me, God! How many more horrors do we have to experience?" But God does not respond to my impertinent challenge." Click here! to sponsor Alex Domokos on AuthorsDen! Background Information I was born in Szabadka, Yugoslavia in 1921 but while still an infant I was smuggled over the border to Hungary, where our family settled.

5. Ebooks, Poems, Short Stories And Novels Of Alex Domokos And Rita Y. Toews
Ebook and Novel excerpts, poems, short stories of alex domokos andRita Y. Toews. Includes sample chapters of novels and free books.
Ebooks, Novel Excerpts, Poems, and Short Stories of
Alex Domokos and Rita Y. Toews
Enjoy some of the best e-books, free poems, short stories
and novel excerpts on the web
You have reached the website of the award winning author of e-books, novels and short stories Alex Domokos and his writing partner Rita Toews

Within these pages you will find free short stories and poems , photos of sculpting and sample chapters of two award winning books from Hungarian author, Alex Domokos - the award winning autobiography, The Price of Freedom and Prometheus
If you're an aspiring writer, download the free ebook "How to Get Published". It's loaded with excellent writing tips for getting your poems or novels published. We also offer a free anthology of short stories from Canadian e-authors.
Come on in! Sit down and enjoy your visit. If you want to enter Rita's writing site, click here.
Our novel "MASQUERADE" now available in E-Book format!
ISBN 1-59201-027-X
COMING in 2005!

6. Fictionwise EBooks: Alex Domokos
Alex Domokos, ADD TO CART. 2, Prometheus MultiFormat by Alex Domokos Rita Toews, Prometheus, you are glad that you have outwitted me and stolen fire
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7. Poems By Author, Alex Domokos
Poems, short stories, plays, novel excerpts from the library of alex domokos. Poemsfrom the library of author alex domokos to my poems page.
Poems from the library of author
Alex Domokos
to my poems page
I hope you enjoy the poems on these pages. Please recommend them to your friends. This web site includes other writing by myself and my writing partner. You will find pages of not only poetry, but also short stories and even novel excerpts of my electronically published work. My award winning autobiography, The Price of Freedom is featured on the site, however there are several other novels, as well as some free e-books for you to download.
If you are not familiar with e-books, follow the link to find out about e-books and e-book readers.
REFUGEE'S MESSAGE I lost my language, I lost my soul. Now I'm like a stammering fool Who tries to express what he feels, His sorrow, his inner fears. But my accent is heavy, strange, And my verbal range is so limited That although I try to be your friend I fail. My expressions are so weak, so pale. Now your look is patronizing! And I agonize as I try to express. But the bridge between us is missing, With understanding non-existing. Yes, we can talk, but without depth. Yes, I try to reach your intellect, But my feelings are locked inside. Nervous knots bind my tongue, They hold me fast Hurting me. My heart's expression remains unsaid. I stammer, like a fool. I lost my language, I lost my soul. Alex Domokos

8. Writer's Exchange Publishing Authors - Rita Toews And Alex Domokos
Writers Exchange EPublishing - Publishers of high quality electronic books She has assisted alex domokos with the writing of three novels, "The Price of Freedom", "Shades of set in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with Hungarian author, alex domokos
To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. Writers Exchange E-Publishing International
All prices in US Currency. Home Site Map Authors Excerpts ... Print
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Children's Picture Books
Historical Humour Mystery Parenting Romance Science Fiction Western Writing Advice Rita Toews and Alex Domokos Authors of Ten Chocolates From The Box Rita Toews Rita Y. Toews is a Canadian writer who took up the challenge to write seriously at the age of 50. She has assisted Alex Domokos with the writing of three novels, "The Price of Freedom", "Shades of Gray" and "Prometheus". All three novels are being translated into German for release in 2002. Several of her children's stories will also be available electronically in 2002. Rita has been published in "Western People", "Mysterical-E", the Knights of Columbus magazine "Columbia" and "Coming Home". She is currently working on a mystery novel set in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with Hungarian author, Alex Domokos. Details of books written by Rita on her own are on her author page Alex Domokos Alexander (Sandor) Domokos was born in Szabadaka, Yugoslavia in 1921. The family fled to Hungary as refugees that same year.

9. Interview With Alex Domokos
An interview with author alex domokos., the creative person's guide to sources of information and inspiration. alex domokos " Prometheus" is a speculative fiction novel, or as one reviewer termed it a "future fiction I interviewed alex domokos, the author of "Prometheus", at his home in
Interview Get your free email address: UK time:
An interview with A l e x
D o m o k o s
Author of Prometheus , a future fiction novel
Read a review of Prometheus

Alex Domokos "Prometheus" is a speculative fiction novel, or as one reviewer termed it a "future fiction" novel that stands out from other novels of that genre. A well-plotted, complex story with a block-buster ending, it soon becomes obvious to the reader that this is a story with a message. I interviewed Alex Domokos, the author of "Prometheus", at his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Dowse: Your life has been anything but "conventional". Can you tell us a little bit about your background? Alex: Dowse: Would you say your life experiences have influenced your writing? Alex: I would say that my experiences launched my writing career. During our captivity we suffered under the extra burden of never knowing when we would be released. When a prisoner knows the length of his sentence he has something to look forward to. For us there was no such hope. When you have no hope you lose the will to live. To entertain my fellow inmates and boost their moral, I began writing stories on empty cement bags, then, on certain evenings I would hold what began to be called the "Domokos Evening Show" and I would have a reading of the latest chapter of whatever I was writing. My first "novel" was called "The Invention of Writing in Egypt". I'm sure it wasn't very well written however it was very well received by the men.

10. Writers Exchange Publishing Authors - Rita Toews And Alex Domokos
Writers Exchange EPublishing - Publishers of high quality electronic books She has assisted alex domokos with the writing of three novels, "The Price of Freedom", "Shades of set in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with Hungarian author, alex domokos
To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. Writers Exchange E-Publishing Australia
All prices in Australian Currency.
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Books Sorted
by Genre
Children's Picture
Fantasy Historical Humour Mystery Parenting Romance Science Fiction Self-help/ How-To Western Writing Advice Print Rita Toews and Alex Domokos Rita Y. Toews is a Canadian writer who took up the challenge to write seriously at the age of 50. She has assisted Alex Domokos with the writing of three novels, "The Price of Freedom", "Shades of Gray" and "Prometheus". All three novels are being translated into German for release in 2002. Several of her children's stories will also be available electronically in 2002. Rita has been published in "Western People", "Mysterical-E", the Knights of Columbus magazine "Columbia" and "Coming Home". She is currently working on a mystery novel set in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with Hungarian author, Alex Domokos. Details of books written by Rita on her own are on her author page Alex Domokos Alexander (Sandor) Domokos was born in Szabadaka, Yugoslavia in 1921. The family fled to Hungary as refugees that same year.

11. Domokos, Alex
Short stories, poetry, plays, and novels from the memoirs of alex domokos. Includes stories of his captivity during World War II.
Short stories from the library of author
Alex Domokos
I certainly hope you enjoy the short stories on these pages. Please take time to follow the links to my poems, and excerpts from my action/adventure novel, Prometheus, as well as my autobiography, The Price of Freedom. These books are currently available as e-books. If you don't understand what e-books are, then visit the last link which explains electronic books and e-book readers.
On my novels page, you will also find several free e-books, including the great guide - How to Get Published.
Short Stories from the Memoirs of
Alex Domokos
As a spoonful of sea-water contains all the elements of the ocean, similarly all the elements of the human society are present in a P.O.W. camp. In the various prisoner-of-war camps of the Soviet Union where I was held from time to time, I found people with leadership quality and those who had to be lead; the exploiter next to the exploited; the unselfish altruist next to the ruthless rogue, who was ready to kill for his survival. All elements of human society were mixed together in our P.O. W. camps. But, to my astonishment, I found inside of me all those characteristics too.
Day by day, as circumstances demanded, I found the thief and the law-abiding citizen, the altruist and the egotist, the beast and the saint alternating inside me. Being twenty-four at the time, I found this psychiatric laboratory quite fascinating. Soon I became arrogantly confident that I could evaluate the psychic make-up of anybody. I firmly believed that human behavior hid no secrets if we knew the composing motivations. Than came a lesson which shattered all my premature self-confidence.

12. Domokos, Alex
More search options. Shopping Publications Books Specific Authors D domokos,alex, domokos, alex. URL http// Site added Sat Sep 06 2003.
Home of the autobiography, 'The Price of Freedom'. Site also includes poems, short stories and novel excerpts of his work.
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Domokos, Alex
URL: Site added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Category: Home Shopping Publications Books ... D : Domokos, Alex Visit this link
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alex domokos. Enter your email alex domokos AllScifi Scholar Profiles TOP SCHOLARRita Toews SCHOLARS Want your alex domokos thoughts to appear here?
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14. Prometheus By Alex Domokos Detailed Book Review
Book review site filled with extremely detailed description of plots, settings, characters, and themes. Prometheus alex domokos Book Review Other books by alex domokos (click here) Prometheus Message Board
Prometheus - Alex Domokos Book Review
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Alex Domokos Resident Scholar Profiles
Rita Toews

SCHOLARS: Click here to submit a review, become a scholar, and make 50 cents per review!
Prometheus Review Summary After a cataclysm of global magnitude, only some isolated parts of the world remain intact. The survivors have the task of reconstructing a new world order, but which culture will rule supreme? Join Ludec Jarmac and his companions as they race to ensure a future for earth in this thought provoking novel of the very near future.
Rita Toews, Resident Alex Domokos Scholar
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Detailed literay breakdown of Prometheus Our search engine breaks books them down into many different literary elements, all of which are searchable (click here) so you can find books similar to Prometheus Ratings are on a 1-10 scale (Low to High)
FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION? - science fiction story Explore/1st contact/ enviro story Yes Plotlets: - surviving a post environmental/nuclear disaster - fighting a disease/illness affecting everyone Political power play Yes Political plotlets - preventing/managing clash/war between govts/kingdoms Adult or Kid's Book?

15. Allscifi Information Page
Science fiction site filled with tons of information about books, TV shows, and movies. Prometheus alex domokos Book Review Other books by. author alex domokos " Prometheus" Message Board .
Prometheus - Alex Domokos Book Review
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Alex Domokos Resident Scholar Profiles
Rita Toews
Would you like to be a scholar and make 50 cents per review? Click here to submit a review! Review Summaries of Prometheus After a cataclysm of global magnitude, only some isolated parts of the world remain intact. The survivors have the task of reconstructing a new world order, but which culture will rule supreme? Join Ludec Jarmac and his companions as they race to ensure a future for earth in this thought provoking novel of the very near future.
Rita Toews, Resident Alex Domokos Scholar

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Our unique search engine breaks down books and movies into dozens of literary elements, all of which are searchable. New movie search (click here) New book search (click here) Ratings are on a 1-10 scale (Low to High) Plot FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION?

16. Prometheus By Alex Domokos - Reviewed
Prometheus by alex domokos Reviewed. Book Reviews at Copyright ©2001 all rights reserved. *. P ROMETHEUS alex domokos.
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Alex Domokos Publisher:
Publishing Date: January 2001 Genre: Future Fiction Reviewed By: Judy Gill Brock Lowden, an athletic ex-marine, a linguist and specialist in non-verbal communication, Ludec Jarmec, well-known Czech anthropologist, Betty Holden, American journalist, Andrew McFairlain, Scottish mountaineer, and Rudolph Weiner, a German archeologist are teamed up by the Royal Geographic Society to travel to Nepal in search of the Yeti. Their mission is to prove or disprove the existence of the mythical beast. While all agree it will be almost impossible to disprove something as elusive as the Snowman, they would like very much to find incontrovertible proof that it does exist. Being the first people from the Western world to actually see and document the creature would provide a huge step up in each of their careers. Unknown to the expedition members, however, border wars in several nations have been constantly escalating. When one Asian nation sets off a nuclear device, a horrific war ensues, which wipes out virtually all life on the planet. High in the mountains, and therefore above the worst of the radiation cloud that quickly covers the earth, the expedition listens in shock and fear as one by one, their electronic contacts report the devastation then blink off the air.

17. Alex Domokos Poems
Get your free email address Back to. Poetry. Contents. alex domokos is a versatile author of poems, short stories, plays, essays and novels as well as an accomplished sculptor, photographer and cinematographer.
Poetry Get your free email address: Back to

Alex Domokos is a versatile author of poems, short stories, plays, essays and novels as well as an accomplished sculptor, photographer and cinematographer. He currently has five books in publication in his native Hungary and his works have been included in several Anthologies of Canadian-Hungarian authors. He has been published in the Purdue University Calumet arts annual "Skylark", the Douglas College Review, Lethbridge Magazine, and Canadian Fiction Magazine. For more information, visit his website at Poems by Alex Domokos
A sparrow lost in winter's night
Is tempted by our window's light.
She flutters at the windowpane
Her struggles futile, so in vain.
I open now the window wide
Inviting her to come inside. Her instinct fears captivity And she declines security. Next morning 'neath the window frame She lies there frozen, free from pain. She never knew a compromise

18. Alex Domokos - Writer Profile From The WritersNet Published Writers And Authors
alex domokos. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada alex domokos. Interests Writing (ofcourse), sculpting, photography, sociology, exploring the human mind. Writers - Published Writers - Unpublished Literary Agents Editors Publishers Resources Log in Join WritersNet
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Alex Domokos
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Email: Home page: News! News! News!
I have recently been offered a publishing contract for my latest novel - Masquerade. Look for this mystery novel in fall of 2004 or spring of 2005.
Please read my Bio, below.
Warmest Greetings:
I was born in Szabadka, Yugoslav in 1921 but while still an infant I was smuggled over the border to Hungary, where our family settled.
My father was an educated man and instilled a love of literature in me at a very early age. At the age of seventeen I was President of our school's literary club and that same
year won my first writing contest for a story on the history of the school, which had been established in the 13th century.
As members of the upper-middle class, it was customary to send sons to military college for a higher education. Upon graduation I planned to follow in my father's footsteps and join the police force however World War Two intervened and I was called
to front line duty in the Gendarmery. Two short months after I married, I was captured by the Russians during the siege of Budapest and so began six long years as a prisoner of war in Russia.

19. The Price Of Freedom - Book Profile From The WritersNet Books And Publications D
Published Book or Work by alex domokos. The Price of Freedom. 1 comment, You mustbe logged in to add a comment. From alex domokos (, 200204-02. Writers - Published Writers - Unpublished Literary Agents Editors Publishers Resources Log in Join WritersNet
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Published Book or Work by:
Alex Domokos
The Price of Freedom
Published by Hard Shell Word Factory March, 2002 ISBN: 0-7599-0559-2 "Join me in my journey to freedom. I will take you to the slave labor camps of post World War II Russia; you will travel with me to my place of deportation after my release as a POW; and journey with me in a harrowing escape from Hungary and the clutches of the feared AVO."
Captured by the Russians at the end of World War II, Alex Domokos spent six years as a slave laborer in the Soviet Union rebuilding the ravages of war. Upon his release, distrusted by the puppet communist regime in Budapest, he was condemned to internal exile within his native Hungary. The revolution of 1956 at last provided a window of opportunity to flee to freedom but he and his wife had to leave their three-year-old daughter behind. It would be another 6 years before the family was reunited in Canada. Autobiography , Biography , Government/Politics , History , Military/War

20. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: D: Domokos, Alex
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