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Dimercurio Michael: more books (28) | ||||||||||||||||
81. FICTION Coonts.. dimercurio, michael. Barracuda Final Bearing. Onyx/Penguin 1997 orig. 1966.. dimercurio, michael. Piranha Firing Point. Onyx http://members.aol.com/Historiker/fiction.html | |
82. Submarine Books From The Submarine Store - Submarine Books, Navy Books, Military The Compete Idiot s Guide to Submarines by michael dimercurio, michael Benson Paperback 358 pages (February 4, 2003) Each copy includes bookplate signed by http://www.submarinestore.com/books.htm | |
83. If You Like.... Dreamland; DeMille, Nelson Cathedral , Lion s Game , Charm School; dimercurio, michael Attack of the Seawolf , Phoenix Sub Zero; Flynn http://www.smithlib.org/page_if_you_like.html | |
84. Bibmaker Coonts, Stephen Author Coonts, Stephen. Coyle, Harold Author Coyle, Harold. dimercurio, michael Author dimercurio, michael. Harlow, Bill Author Harlow, Bill. http://library.ppld.org/WebPicks/admin/WebLinksCounterPlusLoginCall.asp?number=1 |
85. Arts Literature Authors D DiMercurio, Michael Geschenkidee,Hochzeit,Geburtstag,H USS Devilfish.Com - Submarine techno-thrillers. Suchergebnisse http://www.wie-gemalt.de/suche/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/DiMercurio,_M | |
86. ReadThisNow - Cleveland Public Library 2003. Terminal Run Author dimercurio, michael New American Library, 2002. 2003. Threat Vector Author dimercurio, michael Onyx, 2000. http://www.readthisnow.net/Resources.aspx?id=85&mode=books |
87. Books / Mystery & Thrillers / Technothrillers Paperback / Published 1994 36. Barracuda Final Bearing michael dimercurio, michael Dimercurjo / Mass Market Paperback / Published 1997 37. http://www.bookmag.com/books/mystery---thrillers/15.html | |
88. PriceMinister - Achat Et Vente De Livres, BD D'occasion dimercurio, michael Menace En Haute Mer (Livre) Archipel - 03/05 http://www.priceminister.com/boutique/annettedf/type/10 |
89. 000030 more; DeFelice, Jim Coyote Bird more; Deutermann, PT Scorpion in the Sea more; dimercurio, michael Patch Pacino series Voyage http://www.readersadvice.com/readadv/000030.html |
90. }CPEfB}[L
I(Michael DiMercurio) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage1.nifty.com/ta/sfd/dimerc.htm | |
91. Noord Nederlandsche Boekhandel, Friese En Nederlandse Boekhandel, Meer Dan 13800 michael dimercurio, Doelwit Piranhamichael dimercurio, Doelwit Piranha Vertaler J. Smit, 17.99, Ingenaaid, 387 pagina s Verschenen november 2002 Gewicht http://www.nnbh.com/ltsearch.php/nur/332/125 | |
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