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Dimercurio Michael: more books (28) | |||||
21. MICHAEL DIMERCURIO'S USSDEVILFISH.COM michael dimercurio s books TERMINAL RUN (coming late September 2002 as the Onyx lead title!), THREAT VECTOR, PIRANHA FIRING POINT, BARRACUDA FINAL BEARING http://www.ussdevilfish.com/ | |
22. Non-Fiction by dimercurio michael/ Benson Michael. $20.29. amazon.ca. Free Shipping on orders $39. More NonFiction. Featured Stores. amazon.ca. http://shopping.msn.ca/category.aspx?catId=204 |
23. Welcome To USSDevilfish.com, Cyberspace Home Of National Bestselling Submarine F THE COMPLETE IDIOTS GUIDE TO SUBMARINES. THE COMPLETE IDIOTS GUIDE TO SUBMARINES by michael dimercurio and michael Benson http://www.ussdevilfish.com/index01.htm | |
24. Michael DiMercurio Interview Threat Vector. Interview with author michael dimercurio. by Neal Stevens. SUBSIM Review Exclusive; June 4, 2000 For military adventure fans, one thing is apparent michael dimercurio has taken the reins from Clancy and picked up http://www.subsim.com/ssr/dimerc3.html | |
25. Michael DiMercurio - Bibliography A Mystical Unicorn michael dimercurio Bibliography. A Mystical. Unicorn Home. Online Used. Bookstore. Author. Bibliographies. Author. Pseudonyms. Author. Webpages. Company michael dimercurio . http://www.myunicorn.com/bibl12/bibl1213.html | |
26. Michael DiMercurio INTERVIEW WITH michael dimercurio. By Christy Tillery French. michael dimercurio is author of the michael Pacino series Voyage of the Devilfish, Attack of the Seawolf, Phoenix Sub Zero, Baracuda Final Bearing, Piranha Firing Point http://www.funeralassociates.com/michaeldimercurio.htm | |
27. [e-Library OPAC] IBistro At Urbandale / Johnston Public Library Search Results. author dimercurio,michael search found 9 titles. 1, 623.8257 DIM, 2003, The complete idiot s guide to submarines dimercurio, michael. http://www.urbandalelibrary.org/uhtbin/author-search/Dimercurio,Michael | |
28. Books By Michael DiMercurio At Walmart.com - Every Day Low Prices Find books written by michael dimercurio. Select from 1000's of books at Walmart.com, we have a great selection of highquality merchandise, friendly service and, of course, Every Day Low Prices. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
29. Michael Dimercurio Op De Boekenplank dimercurio, michael. Verenigde Staten, . Bibliografie Romans. DE MISSIE VAN DE DEVILFISH 2000, Uithoorn Karakter Uitgevers, 314pag http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/d/dimercurio_m/dimercurio_m.htm | |
30. Barracuda Final Bearing; Author: Dimercurio, Michael; Paperback (A Format) Barracuda Final Bearing. Author dimercurio, michael. Paperback (A Format); Map http://www.netstoreusa.com/fibooks/034/0340674687.shtml | |
31. Fnac.com - Livres - Michael Dimercurio michael dimercurio » sont La http://www.fnac.com/4495/rcwwwp/Dimercurio-Michael.html | |
32. AnyBook4Less.com - Author: Michael Benson Search results for Author michael Benson TitleBeyond Visions of the Interplanetary Probes. by michael Benson. ISBN 0810945312 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Submarines. by michael dimercurio, michael Benson. ISBN 0028644719 http://www.anybook4less.com/author/Michael Benson.html | |
33. Crimezone.nl | De Site Voor En Door Thrillerfans Auteur Nationaliteit Waardering Beste boek Website dimercurio, michael, USA, Torpedovuur, michael dimercurio. Binnenkort op Crimezone.nl. http://www.crimezone.nl/showauthor.php?authorID=122 |
34. SUBSIM Review - Behind The Mind Of Michael DiMercurio Piranha Firing Point. Interview with author michael dimercurio. by John Channing. SUBSIM Review Exclusive; April 1999. I don't know about you, dear reader, but sometimes I feel positively abandoned http://www.subsim.com/ssr/dimerc2.html | |
35. Attack Of The Sea Wolf; Author: Dimercurio, Michael; Mass Market Paperbound Attack Of The Sea Wolf. Author dimercurio, michael Mass Market Paperbound Published June 1994 Onyx Books ISBN 0451180518 dimercurio, a submarine expert and http://www.opengroup.com/fibooks/045/0451180518.shtml | |
36. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: D: DiMercurio, Michael USS Devilfish.Com Submarine techno-thrillers. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/DiMercurio__Michael/ | |
37. Wuup.de - /Arts/Literature/Authors/D/DiMercurio,_Michael dimercurio, michael. Siehe auch Top/Reference/Biography/D. Links. » michael dimercurio s USS Devilfish.Com - Submarine techno-thrillers. http://wuup.de/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/DiMercurio,_Michael |
38. SUBSIM Review - Behind The Mind Of Michael DiMercurio SUBSIM Review, Behind the mind of michael dimercurio by John Channing SUBSIM Review Exclusive; September 1998. For those of you who http://www.subsim.com/ssr/dimerc.html | |
39. DiMercurio, Michael - Meer Informatie Meer informatie over de auteur dimercurio, michael. Karakter Uitgevers Fictie/Nonfictie. Auteur dimercurio, michael michael dimercurio http://www.karakteruitgevers.nl/ficnonfic/show_auteur.php?id=2 |
40. Auteurs Van Karakter Uitgevers Fictie/Non-fictie dimercurio, michael michael dimercurio studeerde af aan de Naval Academy te Annapolis, was jarenlang paratrooper en marineofficier en deed dienst op vele http://www.karakteruitgevers.nl/ficnonfic/show_auteurs.php | |
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